Chomsky: Today's GOP is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History

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>old cranky jew gets annoyed by lack of communism

Can these fucking jews just shut the fuck up already? Nobody cares about their view on things.

>first post defeats the need for this thread

I guess chumsky was born yesterday


not fear mongering at all


Threads over boys.

>Can these fucking jews just shut the fuck up already? Nobody cares about their view on things.

And why should we care about your views on things?

This guy is like the queen of Britain, he just keeps going and won't die.

Love me some Chomsky. He is anti globalist as they come, just on the other side of the political spectrum.



>he just keeps going and won't die.

>120 year Chomsky talking about the US imperial empire after it's formal take over and occupation of Iran and the middle east.

Hello, Schlomo.

All of the US Supreme Court nominees Drumpf picked was far right wing Heritage Foundation picked candidates. Social conservative right wing, anti-abortion, anti-gay, pro-mandatory minimums, etc.

It's over.

Can we just gas these motherfucking kikes already?


>this old fuck is so universally despised that he has to bring armed guards to the lectures he teaches to protect him from random encounters with people who wish to harm him

Maybe he's a great neuro-linguist or whatever but I tried to read one of his books on politics and it was like it was written by a schizophrenic with Down's syndrome

Sounds great.



Chess is picked up by people that pick up patterns quickly and produces some of the best thinkers., i.e. those with high IQs. It's not a stretch that Fischer picked up a pattern related to Jewish desires and goals.

Cognitive dissonance is a program of psychological warfare perfected by Jews to prevent those they have indoctrinated, from being able to consider an alternate view when it is presented to them. The Jews basic tool is deception and they perfected this mind game tactic to inculcate an inability to reason in those who are compelled by their indoctrination to believe the omni-present Jewish view of things.

To forward their trickery and deceit, Jews have invented psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and all those pseudo-intellectual sciences, mostly to aid them in their agenda to rule over us, and the ability to produce cognitive dissonance because of their relentless indoctrination by media, education, and other forms of information, is just another part of that mind-game genre Jews are so proud of. Jews have researched it, then implemented it because they knew what the outcome would be. It protects them from discovery. It hides them in plain sight.

The Jews just happen to control the money (printing it at will and enslaving the rest of us with their "debt" and taxes), they just happen to have a monopoly over the media, they just happen to control the government , they just happen to control our food supply (lacing the NON "Kosher" food with toxins... those ARE "Kosher" symbols, and they were never to blame for a single expulsion. Jews have been thrown out of more than 100 nations during the past 1,000 years alone. Simple question for you: Why have Jews been expelled 109 TIMES?

Because my view on things are not based on hypocrisy.

More like cucksky, amrite fellas?

>Noam Chomsky
Come on.

I don't agree with Chomsky's politics, but I still appreciate his work in linguistics.

Idiots you know people outside of Sup Forums aren't anti-abortion, anti-gay, etc. People aren't going to vote for Drumpf because he's now a bible thumper.


The Left has their own globalist agenda. It's called Internationalism. They literally sing about it.

I thought he was a turncoat for the nutjob left. Make up your mind, please.


how to out yourself in one word

You only serve to make yourself look petty by calling him Drumpf. No one cares. It just makes you retards easier to spot.

Lol I just realized I will get to watch all the libshits going crazy when Chomsky dies soon.

Only trolls would say Drumpf on Sup Forums.

>thread completed in 49 seconds

>he dies the day Trump becomes president and lena dunham gets deported to mexico

I can guarantee right now that you have cuck face. There is no way you don't.

>tfw old cranky Jew just won't fucking die,

>teenagers on Sup Forums talk shit about Chomsky


how many of his books have you read

>Sup Forums used to admire this faggot


They thought leftists couldn't be globalists.


is this the radiation talking? shut up, nip.

I think it's specifically meant in relation to global warming, and how they deny it.

He's just a class warfare fag, nothing special.

I like Chomsky's writings on war and propaganda so this is a little disappointing.

Did he buy into the media's fearmongering? Trump is a bit of a foreign policy gamble, but nothing drastically worse than Bush/Obama.

I agree Chomsky is retarded on this GOP thing, but he at least wrote this....

"The Fate of an Honest Intellectual"

"Well, he got back one answer, from me. I told him, yeah, I think it’s an interesting topic, but I warned him, if you follow this, you’re going to get in trouble—because you’re going to expose the American intellectual community as a gang of frauds, and they are not going to like it, and they’re going to destroy you."

The right is a bit backwards on CC but the far-left is already using CC for anti-capitalist and internationalist propaganda.

I cant understand why supporters of Trump cannot handle the slightest criticism of his credentials. Something is wrong here. It reminds me of the blind support loyalists give to 'dear leader' etc.

The proper way Western way is to accept that both politicians are shit, and one is marginally less shit so you go for the lesser of evils. I do not trust anyone who is this excited and loyal to a politician.

yeah, that's what I thought


Those who think globalist whore Hilary Clinton is a viable option need their head examined.

>democracy now
>Trump's victory is a result of democracy
>those faggots will call it fascism

>Noam "Khmer Rouge dindu nuffin" Chomsky
>Noam "What Cambodian Genocide???" Chomsky
>Noam "At least Pol Pot wasn't an imperialist american white pig" Chomsky

the original gatekeeper

Yet Chomsky never does shit or truly exposes anyone, just an old decrepit worthless piece of shit.

Noam "Soviet Union dindu nuffin" Chomsky.

holy fuck podracer

"Democracy only works when my side wins"


With his 2 inches of pink steel

this is hot, more

Post your dick.

Can't sorry about to walk into work.

Wanna fuck a cute leftist mouth?

Lovely. I really miss rule of law.

I don't get it. these people think it's "okay" to post shit like this? Holy fuck, how do these people find work? What about their family? what about their future children?I know it's a meme, but "degenerate" fits so well.

Mr. Big Brain Jew is afraid of Trump -- that's great news.

Oh look, it's a fucking linguist.

geriatric fucker should stick to linguistics

There is no way that he actually believes this

>if you kill your enemies, they win

when will this meme end?

Yes. Holy shit, all 3 of these things have had terrible consequences


Maybe America needs a dangerous president to get shit done.

How come every GOP is the worst GOP in history?

First post best post

>$5.00 has been deposited into your bank account from the #imwithher foundation. Thank you for contributing

>ben quadrinaros

fucking pleb

>anti abortion
Well, hopefully they won't do much because I really do not feel like living in the 80s with niggers breeding like rabbits.

Why do these retards insist on saying that the impeachment was a coup???

The president committed a fucking fiscal crime you turds!

why do Sam-drones and alt-rightists dismiss everything this guy says, especially about Islam when he right at the 2 minute mark talks in depth about how ISIS has popular support among muslims?

It's ogre

Yeah because the GOP is worse than..
and that's without thinking too hard about it.

Left wing fags are always saying ridiculous shit.

Fear mongering is okay when liberals do it. :^)

"Who cares if 9/11 could be a conspiracy" - Chomsky

>don't get it. these people think it's "okay" to post shit like this

Thats just it Leaf. They dont think at all. Theyre fueled by impulse, pleasure, and vanity.

He's just pumping out massive vague and comically wrong information people want to hear, it's the US fault for everything and anything in South America or the Middle East, either directly pointing it out with vague bullshit or some super paranoid deep clandestine operations. Basically, he's just talking massive shit.

He proposes diplomacy in Syria, ceasefires, including the foreign fighters there to stop the fighting, like they would honor anything. He does point out ISIS is getting support from Turkey surprisingly, but the idiot blows his load all over his face and says the CIA is arming Al-Nursa through Qatar and Saudi Arabia and its some deep clandestine super secret arrangement.

Then he loses credibility with bullshit about South America and how the US wrecked the region, but mentions nothing about Argentina and Venezuela. He avoids those two countries and focuses on Brazil, which of course blames Lula for corruption, but mentions nothing about Rousseff. Meanwhile, he vaguely claims it's all the US to blame for all of South Americas problems.

>GOP is worse than nazis

What are you even doing here, shlomo. Of course they are inferior to the national socialist movement.

>jew propaganda about chomsky makes people think he's always right.
>use him as a weapon against trump

fucking this.

What's worse is when I talk to people about my views on abortion I have to pretend like I give a shit about a woman's "right to choose." When really I just want as few nigs and degenerates running around as possible.

Go tell that to Chompsky, he thinks the US somehow caused all the problems in South America and uses soft coups and this type of coup, take a pick of any type of coup and make it fit to blame the US for it all. He avoids when those in power wreck countries in South America and just tries to somehow connect everything to the fault of US, and if it doesn't connect he avoids talking about it. The US has nothing to do with Maduro and Roussef, nothing, so he makes no mention of current events, and goes back to Lula and Chavez era Venezuela.
It perks up peoples ears all around the world, he even went into deep conspiracy territory and mentions clandestine operations, pretty desperate on Chompsky's part if you ask me.

>Sup Forums tries to be on the same level as one of humanities greatest intellectuals
no no no, please keep going. Wear your ignorance on the outside for all to see

this thread (like most) is filled with shitposts and imbeciles. I *really* need that gif of michael jackson eating popcorn

Yea, we'll keep quiet and keep listening to a linguist go on and on, we wont form an opinion and point out his flaws and vague statements, while he works the crowds paranoia. You'd like that right? No criticism of your dear Chompsky.


> Chomsky
> "Intellectual"

Let me know when he gets a degree in STEM, then we'll talk intellect

>greatest intellectual
not even when I was a marxist was I as deluded as you, seek help.

Chomsky's function is to overstate the power of government and obfuscate the actions of oligarch jews. Don't be fooled by this old fool.

>Trump is worse than Stalin and Hitler
>a free-market economy will be more destructive than fascism and communism

Well, it sounds like Chomsky will die without ever cracking open a history book without the express intention of quote-mining it.


>And why should we care about your views on things?
