ITT: Motivate me to kill myself

ITT: Motivate me to kill myself

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Why not.


I love you op don't do it

Not my comment but here's a thought...

Death is 1 of two things: Peace or some new perceptions on reality, an alternate world.

Sounds pretty great right? Life sucks, I want one of those two things.

But what about the rest of your would-be life? Why expedite your death when the remainder of your life could be fucking dope? You'd miss out on that... I mean you're going to reach death one day, why not try to make the ride enjoyable. Live selfishly to begin with, success is so much sweeter when you had to struggle to get there.

If anyone loved me, someone would reach out to me every once in a while. Nobody actually gives a fuck.

Nigger shut the fuck up, just because this is anonymous community and we don't checkup on you doesn't mean we love you. Fuck those people in your family and social group, who cares dude? You need to do some traveling and find some people like you.

Lol oops, I meant to say "It doesn't mean we don't love you"

Well hi again. This is like the third time I've seen you on a suicidal thread. You're still here though, and I remember you.. so I guess those are both good things?

post a new pic of yourself already son,
this ones been up for a bit.

You're a qt3.14

What's your kik op

Death is simply the end. That's not a bad thing in my case.
Nobody cares, nobody would notice if I was gone.
Depends I guess, if it's a good thing. I wish I wasn't alive though.

Let's see ur dick op

We wouldn't notice this thread anymore and be sad op



Are you basement-user? What happenned to that wagecuck job?

I deleted kik.

Lol no.

Still have it. What do you mean "basement-user"

I don't think that's me.

You know those impulses and thoughts about not wanting to exist anymore every time you're reminded of how fucked you are?

It will never go away, unless you do.

here's something that'll help me kill myself.

Dude you'll be fine. If you're clinically depressed, go to a doctor. If you have a shit social life, find things to go do. Go find something on or whatever. You can do it.

I dare you to find a better cure for depression than death.

Pro tip: It's not possible.

should be easy

death doesn't cure anything it just ends it, its not like suicide makes you a better person in anyone's eyes

>it just ends it
And depending on the specifics of the problem, that's what a cure is.

Also who cares about looking good in other people's eyes? Where would that ever be relevant?

Fact is death is the solution to all human suffering. We're born to walk the balance between misery and survival instincts, neither of which are intellectually defendable.



at the gate

Jumping from there will most likely just put you in a wheelchair and strip you of your ability to try again.