What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews. Niggers are just too stupid to tell the difference between jews and whites.
I haven't really paid attention to the whole BLM thing.
What exactly are their demands?
She wants to throw a party for white people?
White genocide in America.
That Sup Forums virgins are so beta they make fake twitter accounts to make the opposition look bad
so, they basically want things to remain unchanged?
i know it's a bait, but still ... how is she/he/it (hard to tell) is not in jail yet?
*monkey sounds*
Is your english weak, fellow white pajeet?
she is saying that all white people should be killed.
>Kenqueca Natwaniah
How do you even pronounce "Kenqueca"?
That she'd like to meet some of her local police force for a few quick questions?
I'm wondering if it's similar to Canseco, like the baseball guy.
>Kenqueca Natwaniah
That has to be a Sup Forums troll account.
You'd think that...wouldn't you.
Too bad for your narrative that making them look bad is wholly unecessary, Abdul Ibn Germanii
Just reported her
t. tanned German
she wants some BWC
Nice tabs poo
>all those fake opened tabs
>baiting this hard for (you)'s on Sup Forums
Calls for violence aren't themselves illegal in the US.
Not having a shitting streets tab open.
Legalize the crimes that blacks commit, from "broken window" stuff like spitting and public intoxication to trespassing.
They should have restricted their scope to drug legalization or something similarly palatable by a significant-enough portion of Americans that they could make real progress and then move on to the other stuff.
I seriously don't know what they were thinking.
Basically the end of the socialist state.
>"broken window" stuff like spitting
I learned all I needed to know about blacks from watching the Rwanda genocide in the nineties. Animals.
You have to remember that all prior black movements such as the civil rights movement were led by secular leftist kikes
#blm has zero kikes and therefore is composed of ~85 IQ people.
Seriously, what the fuck do you think it means?
>This is actually what the whole movement is about
Kill yourself if you're a liberal supporting this nonsense, damn cuck.
They want more black slaves to pimp out, obviously
It basically means small, shitty crimes such as breaking windows and drinking booze in public
Pretty straight forward.
>reporting Sup Forumsacks
>We are not able to act like humans, it's racist to force us to live by your standards since we can't reach them!
BLM is the most racist group out there.
Clearly missing the fucking sarcasm
The idea is that a house with broken windows is not cared by by the owner, so it's easier to break into, vandalize more, etc. It's also a psychologycal thing, people care less about preserving something in a bad state.
Applied to broader security, it's a policy about punishing small infractions, to instill a sense of order and dissuade more serious crimes. So before the dindu is allowed to move on to muggings and break-ins, he's arrested for drug possession or shoplifting.
Can you legally say that in the US? Doesn't that fall into hate speech?
Cops are killing black people very petty crimes, just get body cams so niggers can't claim they dindu nuffin and the ones that are actually innocent get justice
blacks can't commit hate speech, only whites
Oh they'll be getting one hell of a social change if all white people die, alright.
Either way, they're paid George Soros shills, and a few of them even stated that they are paid to protest, and go into detail on how they protest.
However, working blacks can't stand BLM, and openly denounce any chance they can.
BLM does not represent blacks, it represents black slavery to a sicko Jew.
Lurk moar
Blacks are actually known for doing this, whites don't have time too.
Just look up fake hate crimes.
second day in sweden, first day on /pol
Hard to tell these days desu senpai
Why would Jews want to incite racial hatred? I thought they wanted us all to race mix?
We don't have hate speech in America you sissy faggot.
We have freedom of speech and I will fight to the death to preserve this nigger's right to say whatever the fuck she wants, including what she just posted about killing white people.
As long as she's not committing assault, I couldn't care less what this nigger bitch says on Twitter.
>Zimbabwe is a black dream come true
Let them starve. Fuck those niggers in Zimbabwe.
Bolshevists want to incite global chaos so they can force governments to take control
Zionists want people to lick their feet and leave them alone at the same time.