Any really bad secrets? (Pic unrelated)
Any really bad secrets? (Pic unrelated)
i like little girls
i want to die
forever alone
>Be me
>Fresh out of high school and 18
>Need cash and cannot find a single job in my shit town
>Go on craigslist to sell some old shit
>Personals section.png
>Look around and post in labor section
> "Will do anything for cash"
>Older rich guy messages me about 2 weeks later
>"Hey, are you willing to provide some more personal services?"
>Sorry dude I am looking for pay
>I can pay very well
>I am suddenly feeling more bi than usual all of a sudden
>Give him my number and he tells me to shave
>Nervous as all fuck
>Tell my parents I am going to a friends
>Get fucked for cash
>tfw I just got fucked in the ass by an old dude
>Tfw I liked it
>Tfw I am still doing it
This thread is for secrets man, just keep it legal.
did i do something illegal
did i direct some illegal thoughts in the wrong direction
what did i do wrong
Not really a secret. But noone who knows me now is aware of this.
Couple years ago was driving down a busy inner city street having an argument with my sister about fuck knows what.
I saw a homeless guy on the sidewalk up ahead. Noticed him but didn't pay much attention. He was obviously drunk or fucked up because was stumbling around.
He tripped and kind of ran trying to steady himself. Went straight onto the road and into the path of my vehicle. He couldn't have timed it better.
My sister screamed, I put on the brakes and swerved but couldn't avoid him. He hit the grill, flew over us and in the rear view I saw him on land on the road. The way he hit the ground I knew he was dead straight away. His head was at an angle and his body weight fell in a different direction. It looked instant. Difficult to explain but it resulted in broken neck.
Cops were awesome. I had to do all the shit you would expect but they were real good and supportive. Really helped my sister too because she was a mess.
I was just annoyed my car was fucked up.
Lol I was just reminding you to keep it legal, you didn't do anything wrong my dude.
I sneak into my aunt and cousin's rooms to sniff and cum on their dirty panties
what crime am i committing user i do not understand your meaning
you requested participation in your secrets thread and so i participated in it
do you require more secrets?