German here. AMA

German here. AMA


Jewish here.

Why did you kill my ancestors you nazi scum?

Cuz they were greedy, took all the monee and let all the people rather hunger than helping

Jeder 5. auf dieser Seite ist deutscher.

ok dann bin ich jetzt deutscher hartzer ama

jeder auf dieser Seite ist hartzer

>Cuz they were greedy took all the monee and let all the people rather hunger than helping
Lies and defamation. My great grandfather donated a lot of money during his time.

Why did you snow niggers let Hitler fuck shit up, literally killed one hundred million Europeans, mostly young men and now cucks are complaining about white genocide. Not only that but with a lets do it again face attached onto their phrase.

To Israel maybe.

What are you five favorite films?
What are your five favorite bands/artists?

After WW1 germany had a crisis. Economy was very shit and that for a industrial country. Hitler basicly did a lot of propaganda luring people on his side, promising to make germany great again (huehue). People did not know however, that he would do such cruel things, once he gets power. And well... he became leader of a nation and started to do these cruel things.





Funny story actually, in a morbid kind of way.

My great grandfather never cared for Israel. He was an Atheist, he was a socialist. He didnt care for nationality, for the Jewish state. He wanted a world united in peace for the betterment of mankind. He was kinda a hippie.

His son however became a huge Pro-Israel nationalist after Nazi Germany killed off his entire family, He donated to Israel. In a way, you created your own nightmare

Star Wars, ... (thats basicly it I dont watch a lot of movies however about music I could talk for hours)

Music: Heaven Shall Burn, HeбoScrub, Rammstein, AC/DC, Carpenter Brut.






Israel did not exist at this point in time you retard.

Maybe his father shouldn't have been a socialist trade unionist who undoubtably participated in labor strikes during the Great War that crippled the German war machine.



How big is your furnace?
List in terms of the size of an average Israeli man, thank you.


America is going to have to fix the problems Germans have created yet again.


Uh you mean furnace for cooking or as a fireplace for burning wood?

Sad situation, I feel for your people user. Usually tragedies like WW2 are always remembered faintly, but because of all these pro-white people and trolls the stain continues to haunt Germany.



Ah is not that bad actually even we germans make jokes about that however a lot of people still dont like it. Its allways important to know this was before my time and its not my fault

Was there even a Doctor trade union? I dont even think Doctors can go on strike kinda goes against the whole idea of helping people.

True, I bet Germans laugh at Americans larping as Nazis lol



Well sad enough even we germans have skinheads so to say they're called Neo-Nazis here



Können wir ficken? Brauche ich gute genetik. Kein homo

Nee steh nich auf sex oder kinderplagen

Hitler did nothing wrong

Yeah but I see Americans as stealing that away from Germans if that makes any sense lol Because I'm Spanish and English and most Americans are mixed European like myself so I figure it just funny that their walking around with Nazi flags when even actual Germans don't accept Nazi ideology

Ihr seid so gefickt

but he killed hitler tho..


Well just like skinnys the neos think that only the old german was right

Das fälschung ist

كنت حتى مارس الجنس

Ich kann kein Neudeutsch lesen... tut Mir leid

True, well I'm going back to /sci/ funny talking to you


yeah, be very ashamed of yourself

ok hf

Haste recht freundchen ich geh mal kacken

Well I think its good germans share a little o' their land, bier und genetik with an inferior race. Makes the world a fairer place right?



Faggot! this is no propaganda, this is from an Artist, purly fictional/wishfull thinking of the comedian j. Böhmermann. geh sterben, MADE

Wo gibts die schönsten Chicks im D-Land?

We need another Norimberga


what's with all the poop sex?

Nicht die käuflichen. Ich dachte eher mal nen Citytrip zu machen und ein paar gute Bars abzuklappern und ne Ische aufzureissen. Bin offen für Vorschläge

I dunno
Ah da kann i dir etzala ned weiterhelfne

Keine Angst mein Nigga. Ich bin kein Mulat aus Türkenhausen. Die deutschen Gene würden sich mit schweizerischen vermischen

wie gsacht da hab i kein plan vong

OB hier etzala wird abandoniert

Here is the the US we erect statues of confederate generals and other who waged war against the United States to defend slavery.

Does Germany put statues of Hitler, Göring, Goebbels, and Himmler in public squares?

How it feel knowing you almost ruled the world

no, america does that as well.

OP abandoned

the fuck you talking bout

It is true that german people secretly love HItler?

So when are you going to finish of the Muslims and the Jews?

Will people be racist with me if i move there? Im spanish from spain, also in what job can i work there? I dont have any experience or studies


slow clapping , bravo Germany

Don't fucking forget Köln too.

could your modern american history be any more simplistic

Was für eine scheiss rechte Propaganda hier. Sowas erbärmliches! Ihr seid von Angst und Unwissen erfüllt. Vergesst euer AFD Kreuz nächsten Sonntag nicht!! *kotz*