Say something mind blowing

Say something mind blowing.



If the universe is infinite, how can it be constantly growing?

Trips ;)

It isn't growing you stupid faggit

everything is getting more distant from everything else

General Sam


I've seen a Nigger do some work.

>If the universe is infinite
Who made this claim?

white supremacy carpool

In theory it's infinite, in actuality it's unlikely we could cause surrounding chunks of space to load faster than our creator could expand the memory we have available to our simulation.

Increased rate of expansion is due to increased observation.

>our creator
>our simulation

Reddit has been better than this place for years.

most trees are blue

Griffith did nothing wrong

One common thing I see discussed on 4 chan is like "simulation" and shit. What is the actual belief that surrounds this

Elon Musk says so

Thanks baby, what do you think about it

This is the afterlife and we're trying to wake you up.

bush didn't do 9/11

I'm a 25 year old former heroin addict community college student with a 4.0. I was accepted into a top 30 college as a transfer student.

No.141969653 made thread at Sup Forums with your words

wouldnt going past the event horizon of a black hole turn you into a human noodles?

youd just get stretched until you lose your 3rd dimension, then possibly the second, all the matter that makes will exist as a 1 dimensional string in a 3 dimensional world

before you reach the centre, with a 99% chance of death

>Say something mind blowing.
allright, something mind blowing.

"something mind blowing"

nice save using the word expand instead if grow lol faggots

its finite but unbounded idiot

Lol what do y'all think of life

Traps aren't gay

fcking homo

I doubt you'll respond but what was the heroin like

I've placed a tiny micro explosive in your frontal cortex. It has just enough power to reduce your brain to mush. Mind=blown

I have to reconsider my existence

Saying infinite is like saying "we don't have a fucking clue how big it is".

Not sure what you're talking about.

For a quick second you were once the youngest person on Earth.

Implants are happening right now. People will basically become a barcode and be even more tracable than before. That said, this tech will probably be hacked and copied. Anyone saying this is not dangerous and that it's not a way for humans to be consumer slaves is an idiot.

If you go back in time and kill your parents, do you cease to exist? If so, who killed your parents?

My favourite so far


the universe isn't expanding. OUR known universe is expanding. As in the solar systems and galaxies are expanding from a single point.(Big Bang)

>"Hey dad, can you tell me a BEDTIME PARADOX?"

from the moment of our conception we start to die

Basically we're in a simulation like in matrix or maybe we're just part of a simulation made specifically for someone. Maybe you're real, maybe you're not.

And the advances in technology teends to sgow that this is very likely to happen.

But anyway, in the end we don't know and we can't know and this dosen't change anything. We're just experiencing a simulation of reality made by our brain assuming what we call reality is real...

So ye that is as dumb as believing in round earth or appollo missions...

We share only 2% of our DNA with chimpanzees so take this into high account ok. Now think about what the highest form of education we can honestly grant them is. stacking blocks doing simple tasks and MAYBE some sign language.

Our toddlers do that...

Now look at us as an adult let's say an decently educated adult at that. That is only 2%. 2% away from being a fucking monkey what the fuck is 4%.

Go watch The Matrix and come back



o fug




how does it end if its finite hehexd

Do you understand what you typed?

We are made of star sweat

I was always wondering this.
I mean, what's beyond the expanding universe, what is exactly "nothing"


If you make a hole into a net, there will be fewer holes in it afterwards.



Well people and tomatoes share about 60% of the same genes, so oversimplifying how genes work like that isn't really productive thinking

we're an equal distance from bonobos and chimpanzees. Bonobos are bit more cognitively inclined.

finite but unbounded

There was more time between the Stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus Rex than between Tyrannosaurus Rex and you.

Retirement village minibus seats are the shit after an outing on a humid day

infinity is unquantifiable, it's possible that something can expand or "grow" whilst still being unquantifiable. Like the question "how long is a piece of string?"

Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams

Just based on our observable universe (a limited area of what could possibly be an infinitely large universe), there are billions of stars. The likelihood that there is intelligent life elsewhere is surely a likely possibility, since we're here.

Humans have been around for a blip in cosmic time and we have computers able to simulate a decently large world (e.g. The Witcher 3 Map). So we know with enough resources it's possible to simulate a physical universe.

It wouldn't be impossible in the history of at least our observable universe that intelligent life could have evolved culturally slightly earlier and achieved the computing power required to simulate a universe with the size and complexity of what we inhabit.

If it has happened, it would make sense many copies of this simulation could be made (e.g. millions of copies of Witcher 3 or Skyrim). So the probability that a sentient lifeform (such as ourselves) would inhabit one of the simulated universes vastly outnumbers the probability of inhabiting the one real universe.

If we could drive straight upwards with a car it would only take an hour to get into space.

Specious reasoning. You cannot use evidence of a system to prove something outside that system.

Also, cogito ergo sum.

Also, induction is impossible.

Also, probabilities are not "outnumbered."

spacetime is generally believed to be a compact 3 manifold

The world and everything you know of is a hologram created by our minds for us from hard reality.

I'm here to tell you guys that you basically don't know shit from dirt. Which basically and esscintly kinda meynes that you don't know shit. "Unlike I who knows ever thing, for the part most." Obama is and was the Messiah and the fact none realises that the American agenda for the world and war is all Christian good heaven sent. He is Jesus! We must follow the Democratic and ellect Donald J Trump the new dictator!

You can fit every planet in the solar system between Earth and the Moon.

Kurt Cobain's gun

you forgot the Sun
it doesnt fit



Zionist faggot that made up wars for the benefit of Israel
Trump: Zionist cuck faggots that only serves to Israel interests.
Yeah, they're so different... Cough.

it's the lack of time and space - absolutely no laws of physics or (some people think) even laws of mathematics

My brain is too dumb to imagine such a complex thing, but thanks for the heads up.

What is never odd or even?

Check my even numbers

number 0


If you get to the edge of the universe, you'll come back out the other side.
Like PacMan

Yeah, there are plenty of things wrong with it, it's no proof that's for sure.

Something fun to think about, though.

Your balls must get rusty disregarding every metaphysical thought experiment with pure empiricism.

Infinity divided by two equals infinity

There hasn't been a massive world war since the 1930s which means we are well overdue, and it's almost inevitable there'll be another one in your life time which you will be involved in

Some black folks mean well. Some cops do try to protect you. Some white people do like playing dominos. It shouldn't take a natural disaster to bring people together.

If the universe is infinite
Then you will experience the same life again infinitely. Fucking bolox dat is m8