YlYl negro, nigher, neger, melanoid, melmnoid edition. GET IN fags.
YlYl negro, nigher, neger, melanoid, melmnoid edition. GET IN fags
Cp is the sweet tonic that strengthens us. For suiseiseki herself once said: "nigga that 6 yo has a pussi my cock would probably get stuck in there"
And by these holy words we purge.
So the cp never ceases, so Sup Forums does not become a 2nd 9gag, so the holy gods of potassium and spiderman that have once mated with the desu, shall return and grant the gift of our beloved tonic desu~
Can suiseiseki fuck the bunny desu?
United forever in Suiseiseki and desu,
Our mighty flamewars will ever endure.
The Great Sup Forums anarchists will live through the ages.
The dream of a people their fortress secure.
Long live our Sup Forums motherland,
Built by the Anons mighty hands.
Long live our Anons, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our flags of hate inspire,
Shining in glory for all men of Sup Forums.
Through days dark and stormy where Great Anons lead us
Our eyes saw the bright board of freedom a/b/ove
And Anonymity our leader with faith in the people,
Inspired us to build up the land that we love.
Long live our Sup Forums motherland,
Built by the Anons mighty hands.
Long live our Anons, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our flags of hate inspire,
Shining in glory for all men of Sup Forums.
We fought for the future, destroyed the invaders,
And brought to our homeland the laurels of fame.
Our glory will live in the memory of Suiseiseki.
And all generations will honour her name.
Long live our Sup Forums motherland,
Built by the Anons mighty hand.
Long live our Anons, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our flags of hate inspire,
Shining in glory for all men of Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is in trouble and Suiseiseki is going to save her desu!
Farewell my dearest maiden desu,
Farewell, farewell, farewell,
Alas, I must be parting you,
Farewell, farewell, farewell,
For I fight for Sup Forums's Gloria!
Gloria! Gloria!
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Our sight and aim are finely tuned!
Farewell, farewell, farewell,
Farewell, farewell, farewell!
For we fight for Sup Forums's Gloria!
Gloria! Gloria!
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
We never rest, Suiseiseki press on!
Farewell! Farewell! Farewell!
Until we've broke the Faggots spawn!
Farewell! Farewell! Farewell!
For we fight for 4chans's Gloria!
Gloria! Gloria!
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Give me your hand, my maiden desu!
Farewell, Farewell, Farewell,
A parting kiss, and then adieu!
Farewell, Farewell, Farewell!
For I fight for Sup Forums's Gloria!
Gloria! Gloria!
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Sieg Heil! Viktoria!
Was jacking it to a loop of suiseiseki getting fucked and my cousin was living with me at the time. Had the door open, but there's a curtain. Heard her coming so shut off the screen and force shut off the computer.
She wanted to use the computer
Every FUCKING day with these STUPID fucking DESU'S! I've had it up to HERE with stupid fucking desu's! You guys make me want to KILL MYSELF! Is that what you fucking want? For me to fucking KILL MYSELF and write on my suicide note "Cause of suicide: Couldn't handle all of the stupid fucking desu's, killed myself"? Because that's what it might as well fucking say!
You guys are literally, L I T E R A L L Y incapable of having even the SIMPLEST of fucking discussion without "DESU THIS, DESU THAT, MOTHER SUISEISEKI LOVES US, DESU DESU DESU DESU, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EBIN AMIRITE?" Fucking STOP IT you pathetic fucking FAGGOTS, you are such fucking cancer that I cannot even fathom how you fucking scumbags live your dumb gay lives. Don't you have a job to get to, schoolwork to finish or a family to attend to? Do you literally do ANYTHING productive with your lives other than post stupid fucking DESU's on the "furry porn" section of a god damn anime imageboard? You fucking people make me sick and you're damn lucky I don't have any of your fucking addresses you fucking pieces of shits. I'd spit in your faces.
Suiseiseki thread? Suiseiseki thread!