Leave Campaign Promises More Third World Immigration if Britain Leaves the EU

>Vote Leave woos British Asians with migration leaflets
>Vote Leave is hoping to secure the backing of British Asians by telling them that if Britain quits the EU, it will mean more immigration from elsewhere in the world.
>The official Out campaign is drawing up leaflets aimed at Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu speakers arguing that a British exit from the EU would help to stem the flow of Eastern Europeans into the UK — allowing more incomers from Commonwealth countries to take their place.
>The leaflets also emphasise the increasingly far-right tinge to politics in Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Germany and Denmark. “We don’t want them influencing our laws and our policies,” said Mr Bhatti.


>leave the EU
>lose European immigrants
>get an increase of Pakistani immigrants

>Far left supports Brexit

Who's jewing who here. We don't know anymore

Corbyn supported Brexit until becoming leader of Labour Party.

We don't count the Irish as indigenous now? Most of the country has at least some Irish ancestry.


for fucks sake it's not even been 100 years

Fug. I just... Fuck.

Screw this, I'm not voting. Both sides are literal cancer.

How often does the government tell the truth? I'd lie to the pakis if it meant getting their vote too

That's a vote for in, then.

They aren't British citizens, it makes sense.

>be in EU
>get shitskins

>leave EU
>get shitskins


no white western or eastern Europeans are migrating to the UK

legions of paki's and other mudslimes are getting a free pass right now to come to the UK by simply using the immigration crisis to get in other countries they have no intention to stay in and move here.

Dammed if we do dammed if we don't at least if we are out we have direct control on who and in what numbers

The leave campaign can't promise anything because they're not a political party. All they're saying is that if we leave we could take more pakis in which is the truth. Voting leave was never going to fix our government at home you know.

Britannia Biscuits

Vote Leave you idiot.

Do you think the conservatives won't do anything about immigration? They want it down to 50K a year. Better than 600K.


The EU has open borders with Africa and Muslim lands though, if we stay we're going to get swamped one day soon. The Leave camp are wooing the brown vote as they're always getting the 'racist' bullshit thrown at them, but in reality it probably means relaxed immigration laws for Australia and Canada.

Cucked either way. Damn son I feel sorry for you

Vote Leave, guys.

At least then you have the chance to influence the state of your homeland by once again voting in your homeland.

Voting IN means delegating this to the EU. And boy, do I have to tell you a story about that - check my flag.


I haven't heard shit about this, have I been living under a rock? Where the fuck do I vote?

>less unskilled Poles
>more Indian doctors
Literally nothing wrong with this

Too late to register you should have a poll card by now or postal code

>Too late to register
No it isn't.

>>The leaflets also emphasise the increasingly far-right tinge to politics in Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Germany and Denmark

Yeah right, they're beyond cucked.


Stay KEKED pooland when's your referendum? ;)

>stay in EU
>create a political eu election with an european goverment and an european prime minister
>elect anti-immigration prime minister
>no more extra-eu immigrants

What is the problem with eu immigrants? Italians ,romanians, polish and portoguese will be absorbed in a few generations ,plus they're all christian.


It's not like they just voted in a based far right christian government or anything.

At least it's still possible to buy kitchenware without a licence on the EU-mainland, you fucking retard.


>They aren't British citizens, it makes sense.
Actually, we used to get auto citizenship.

For all that indepedence was worth, we more or less kept open borders with you guys.


The highest ethnic group in this country are hindus. When outside of a few honour killings have you even been made awhere of them? I'm happy to get more Hindus/Sihks, they are basically white people with a tan.

Muslims/Africans in general can fuck off though. All the males are lazy as fuck and the women have attitudes.

first it's president, and elect? do ho ho ho, think you need to brush up on your EU parliament boi

That's because of N.I. rather then any lingering attachment, I feel.

Eh, I prefer Sikh's to Hindu's, and East Asians to any ethnic group from the Indian Subcontinent. And Europeans above all the rest. So really there is a hierarchy to this

>and elect?
Well,currently it is not possible ,but we can change that and elect a president

Well we'd have the power to vote in people sensible about immigration if we were out of the EU. Currently we can't do anything about European immigration and we can't deport some terrorists because 'muh European human rights'
Brexit doesn't make things perfect but it puts the power back in the voter's hands for better or worse

A mix, we're so intermixed we actually share a timezone when we shouldn't.

Sure. A qt British girl with enough morals to pose in front of a UKIP sign.

That's top-tier propaganda, but I don't bloody believe it.

It's funny how they're really trying to twist the immigration debate into a numbers issue as opposed to a numbers, quality and culture issue.

In my opinion though this is just the Brexit side trying to fight the 'racist' brand they have been given by many on the left.

>but we can change that

OH MAN you really don't know anything about the EU do you?

As expected. Horseshoe theory is real.

Guys, explain this shit.

Why do british nationalists like immigration from the commonwealth so much?

Sure they speak english, but you will still end up like Brazil.

good tactic.
>sway a large amount of people to vote leave
>don't actually end up doing it

Its more the case of trying to dismiss the charge that Brexitier's are 'little Englanders' by saying by leaving the EU, we can be more globalist.

When this is a lie. People lie during campaigns.

This user gets it.

Virtue signalling

And they're not really nationalists, most of them are Thatcherites and Atlanticists

Enoch Powell was the last nationalist with any respectability.


oy w mordę!

also to add onto my point, this also cancels out the accusations that leave campaigners are racist

Great shilling from the leave camp, g8 m8

I think it's just a cover to try get the heat of them, It's better to say "we like selective immigration" rather then "no fuck off we are full" the commonwealth is a nice way to dodge that heat.

Reminder that pro-immigrration parties are literally engaged in treason against the English people


>being okay with britain being less british because the non-brits happen to not riot and murder

Blatantly saying "We only white people who speak English" is a straight no-no in CY1 (Current Year + 1). That's why you say "we want immigrants from the Commonwealth", then when you make that Commonwealth reform you put preference for Canada, Australia and New Zealand over India, South Africa and Nigeria.

>leave EU
>labour gets in
>starts running up the debt like its nobodies business
>keeps flooding out country but this time with even dumber and less well educated third worlders
this is truly my worst nightmare.

>tfw forgot that there were non-shit countries in the commonwealth
>tfw BBC propaganda at it again

Vote out. We can only ever fix this if we vote out.
The far left are acting like fucking plants.
Like QT where the lefty said he would vote in the "next referendum" because he doesn't want an independent Tory government. As if we would EVER get one under a labour government.
Last chance to get out user, the left will always try to import shitskins. At least if we're out we can vote for the right.

Thanks for the obvious, kike.

There are good pakis and bad pakis, case in point, the EU are mostly responsible for the bad shits.

A points based system would stop gang rapes.

Kinda this I guess. Still it will be a disaster cuz people from the commonwealth, especially West Indies, are way more likely to interbreed than other turd-worlders.

Look at how many young mixed footballers in UK with double-barrelled names there are, it's a result of the immigration from the commonwealth.

>we can change that
good one m8
in 10? 20 years?
The longer it takes, the more get in and vote for things to remain the way they are.


Leave is done lads

How can we be so cucked?

(pic related)

Definitely would.

>that pic
>U.S. citizens
the invasion has begun

Pretty sure it's just baiting them.

explains the recent rise in cuckoldry

Is there hope?

I wish I had dual US-Aus Citizenship instead of UK-Aus Citizenship

Fucking small ass rainy isle with no forests

I just want a nice alpine forest which I can build a log cabin and live out my days in peace and neither UK or Australia has this sort of environment

I guess Tasmania or Southern Victoria comes close but I'd also appreciate the Government getting the fuck out of my life and allow me to have Guns

that's why the jews need to die

I can't see how its a democratic victory, when 40% of a voting population are against something, while 47% are for...

What a fucking joke.

Why is that artist's style so similar to Shmorky's?

Is it the same guy? Is Something Awful behind it?

I think it's because traditionally the divide in Britain has been class, not race, as it was in America or South Africa.

So they integrated with the British working class fairly quickly. Even well into the 20th century, Indian nobles were far more welcome at Eton and Cambridge than the British working class.

>what is turnout

That was why India is regarded very highly. Indians were pure white until the slave trade.

With help from the Jews, we literally blacked the Indian population.

Same thing happened with the Spanish and Portuguese in South America.

Difference being, Portugal and Spain have accepted this.

I find that hard to believe

It's like they want to lose the vote.

Actually, are you sure these leaflets aren't secretly from the stay people?

Brit/pol get in yer lads

If we are out of the EU there's at least a chance that the immigration laws can be changed later on by our own government.

aren't you guys dead?

more shit-flavoured curries :^)

They introduced the Spitzenkandidaten last election, the main problem was there is little engagement with the public so it isn't just the EU's fault there. European people aren't interested in trying to make it more democratic.

Repatriation has never been on the cards, chaps. We'll just wait-out the visa expirations, seems to be the plan.

We have always had a larger problem with paki immigration looming in the background, hidden somewhat because 66% of 'em don't work at all, so they haven't been a threat to the labour market.

This particular immigration would stop dead in its tracks if we altered the Benefits system to delay all payments for three years to newcomers. UKIP wanted five years, the Tories watered it down to three, and there's a good chance of this going through post-Brexit result, whatever the outcome.

Buck up, chaps, we'll sort this out soon enough.

It's red panels, basically a Sup Forumsak drawing a webcomic.

>Eurocunts are "right wing"
>Pakistanis and others from third world Islamic shitholes apparently aren't

>dem army bases

They vote for big government that will give them gibs, witch atm is left wing governments, they don't give a shit about the fact it's left, they will live as conservatives but still get the left wing gibs and be untouchable because PC culture, idiots have given them the cake, let them eat it and now sucking them off while they eat it.

>There are good pakis and bad pakis
This is what the Jews want us to believe.