Pics you want shared 2

pics you want shared 2






Get off discord, faggot.



know her then?







what discord?


gf any interest



Anyone know her/ want more


Ads bent over


No. Fuck off.







Just join this vola and share like normal, this dude aint gonna stop spamming threads








Don't post any more. Fuck off lying shitdick.


Want more ?


No. Get outta here.


dont post anymore you spamsack


snapchat name: heyitslilihere

You got it.



Got kik?

Yes. Doggy style no panties


he isn't going to stop.
just lucky he hasn't spammed every 30 secs like before

kik trading threads are CP traders. Police have been notified.

His name is Robert Paulsen.


same girl?

>What would you do?
>Pics you're not supposed to share
>girlfriend/wife/ex (bullshit fakes)
>Cock/cum tribute
>Umad white boi?
>Generic cuckold threads
>Digits and I post the nudes (usually a datamining scam)
>Incest threads (fake scenarios and pics)

These are spam threads. They are militantly posted over and over by the same group of faggots with a discord to push a cuckold narrative/normalization. Every one of those threads are related to cuckoldry one way or another.

Spam Sup Forums with cuck shit and we'll spam back in defense.

More pls




1 thread at a time isnt spam. 10 threads at the same time about andy six shit is spam


There's typically three of each on that list, and every time one dies, it's remade immediately 24 hours a day. That's spam, if not a raid. Besides, none of the wives/exes/girlfriends posted are real. They're all screenshots of camwhores and amateur porn taken with iPhones and apple computers if you look at the filenames.


Fuck she makes me rock hard instantly



there wold be one if desu wasnt in all of them. all this does is make people have to make more threads


The desu thing is new as of a couple days ago. This cuckold shit has been spammed in a raid for the last year and a half by the SAME person.

show her to us


Saw her a while back. More if want


same person is 25 posters? in this thread alone? dedication to having spare devices.

No thanks. Don't post any more.


She's amazing


I've found plenty of real dudes that like seeing their girl tributed. It's kind of like bragging about what you have and then getting off on other guys being turned on by her. I'm sure they start as spam, and they may be gathering pics for there own uses, but there's real dudes with real girls they know in there.

nice , got any mre?

Legit ex, same tattoo as from earlier post





word. it's hot to hear lol

Wife showing off

I have a ton


Second this. I like sharing my wife and I know other guys do too. Probably 75% of the stuff posted is bullshit, but there are guys actually posting their wives/gfs here.

bor i lost your kik when my phone was formated , hit me up in there and we can play some more(garret)

More of her?

Do u have kik to dump them because im fapping hard already

