At last I truly see, this man was a genious

At last I truly see, this man was a genious.
Black lives matter is completely justified and everyone should be equal in this world and get equal chances to work

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i dont see what marx has to do with black lives matter

They have an equal chance to work, in fact they get special quota boxes to be hired over an equally qualified white person, so they have more chances.
The problem is finding one who wants to work.

"genious" indeed

Lazy unemployed kike who called for a revolution, sure does remind me of someone else.

>Everyone should be equal in this world
>Everyone should get equal chance to work

isn't this self contradicting.



no, violent revolution

Marx was right about Capitalism.

Wether people like to say it or not.

if getting better world means getting bloody hands, then there is nothing wrong with killing people

He wasn't

I never said that wasn't the case


Jesus did promote taking from the rich and giving to the poor. I think both Marx and Jesus would have wanted it to be voluntary.

jesus did not promote taking to the rich. he just suggested donating to those less fortunate - voluntarily. note the difference between redistributing money from a higher class to a lower class, and asking individuals to perform charity on their own, and not ask their governments (Rome) to do so.

Also, Marx advocated for violent revolution. I don't know you know enough about this subject if you don't know that.

Because there is no such thing as equality, wether it be social, political, fiscal, etc. one will always triumph and rule over another.

Not true.


Welp... That settles it... I'm a #CruzMissile now!

Because human nature promotes competition.
He who does not work, does not eat.

Your picture sure showed me. Mind sourcing it from the bible?

People don't deserve the same opportunities if they work hard at it?
That's what Marx was fighting for.

>I don't know you know enough about this subject if you don't know that.
wew.. what a sentence

>you shouldn't talk about things you don't know about

there, fixed. im high

every one suposed to be equal or brothers on gods eye. Also there were that situation were jesus went crazy on some jewing dudes selling stuff on the temple doors. he literally kicked the ass of the capitalists. So for me marx and jesus are the same material. Thats why being crhistian or commie is a mistake. Because you can use both logics and moral values to back the SJWism that is spreading globally.

Marxism is an outdated theory that has proven time and again it fails and causes misery. It's 2016 not the 1890's Comrad. If communism worked the world would be running in a socialist paradise as he claimed. Instead we get a huge body count and a long series of examples to use against the the outdated ideas. There's no more Tzars to kill give up. If you love socialism so much consider moveing to venisuala and hunt dogs and cats in the streets to feed yourself. Just don't get killed over stealing a roll of toilet paper by the hordes of looters

You are paid for the work you do based on the profession you hold.
A neurosurgeon will make more based on his experience and knowledge and the demand for his work, unlike someone who works as a store clerk, who is easily replaced and has no real characteristics to set him apart from the common man.

I can't find anything towards jesus advocating redistribution from a government, rome at the time. Mind pointing me towards specific ones?

The world is an anarchic system, everyone's chance is already equal.

jesus divided the bread dude. he didnt make more bread. thats communism, you say you will divide stuff and then everyone belives money is being created magicly, and that you are entitled to get this magical money because some crazy reason.

Communism is not voluntary dumbass. I don't know why you're basing your argument around this false point.

Communism is voluntary, Marxism isn't the only form of Communism.

i dont get it. but lets get another exemple:
the state says : im getting all the bread. and then sharing to all the peolpe. the rich go crazy becuse "all this work, now i have to share" and the poor goes beliving in anything because "muh efortless bread!". Also, i dont belive in anything that shows people eating for free. Because who financed jesus on his walks ?

He said sell all your worldly goods and give to the poor. Basicly asking that everyone sell all their stuff and give to church and they can decide who to help. Also look up Romans: give unto Cesar what is his. Basicly shilling for submission to the state as preordained by God. The people in power are doing gods work babysitting you and you should treat them as god as they are doing god's work for him on earth. It's very disturbing when you read it

Leafs delivers again. thanks leafs for educating your bigger and more powerfull brother. mabe it was a mistake for them to rule.

You raise a point. I can see how ""voluntary communism"" and Christianity are alike philosophically.

by those arguments we can get to the conclusion that christianism was a proto comunism. Jesus sharing bread was the state.

Have you not read anything on any communist state that has existed? Compliance at the end of a gun is a more accurate discription

In Communism there is no State.

i cant recall voluntary stuff on communist states also. mabe it should be voluntary in theory. but i dont dominate the commie texts. mabe i should read it since every capitalist say marx gives you a huge insight on how capitalism works.

hurr durr derp derp durr im retarded durra durrr


Kill yourself

I'm a way. The commits will use it as ammunition for their arguement cherrypicking. It's about convincing people to put faith in a system that will run your life for you. Christianity is based in faith and the threat of eternal damnation and socialism try's to get people to be atheists and put their faith in the state

>everyone should be equal
If someone succeeds, then everyone succeeds, so those who tried hard have to try harder, and those who were doing nothing have to continue dragging the former down.
If someone fails, then those who were doing their best are going to be punished just as severely as those who did nothing at all, prompting hate and disparity among the inner groups.

Do you see how retarded that system is?
I do.

he is right in part. in theory the communism suposed not to have a state. but the Real communism that is what counts the figure of the leader (or the dictator) is the state, and that is what im talking about, and seems like that what we are talking about too.

Yes bit Marxism makes things objectively worse and significantly so.

All of his "criticisms" of capitalism are both based on false premises (namely "muh stolen labor retardation which has been debunked for 100+ years) and ironically more adequately describe his "solution".
>B B B but what if muh perfectly moral people will make it work
No it is quite literally impossible due to the calculation problem something socialist faggots haven't been able to address for 90 years.
>B B but read Marx nd Engles
The most thorough and BTFO arguments against Socialism are from people well versed in their works and have step by step falsified all of thw retarded shit they wrote. Telling people to go back and read them is like telling a physicist to go back and read papers from the middle ages arguing for flat earth.
>B B but muh third way Scandinavian Socialism
No it has already been proven to make shit worse even before"muh shitskins ruined it"

I am white. Black lives don't matter to me.
When the funding dries up the group will disappear into obscurity.

Show me one time in history where a communist country hasn't had a state. It's always manifested into the biggest states just by the nature of it. Also when have you heard of someone escaping a horrible oppressive capitalist state to their freedom in a communist state? Never. Why do you think all the South Americans are jumping your border to enter the USA? The shit tier conditions in their socialist states compels them to flee to the evil capitalist state

yes but the similarities end there. its known that in communism we have other moral values. In my oppinion both are mechanisms of control of the plebe.

well there were some places if im not mistaken it happened in germany for a short period of time. but the marxists here can explain better. some teorical stuff like anarcocaptalism and maxism use actual specific moments in time to back the theories. im not even trying to say its possible to make it happen again. but it happend once.

Yes absolutely. I think they would try and get two classes of people. The ones employed by the state and who in a way it would be their religion. The workers who may be very unhappy in the conditions but will end up living in fear of being a victim of the state for acting out. The state pits the workers and it's own members against each other in a way to keep everyone distracted from actually removing the system put on them.

The East German DDR? That was the mother of all police states... Don't speak up or the Stasi will come get you for re education

American and Canadian socialists


What Marx has to do with black lol matter, you dumbass?
Also dude's pretty based, it was Lenin and co. who went full retarded.