I really do not know where did Sup Forums get the idea that Serbia is based, it is cucked beyond what any of you think, Serbian youth is just a bunch of ungrateful, marxist, usa hating, sex and drug obsessed pieces of smug shits. I think the rest of the region is a bit better but I doubt it since I know a lot of young people from the rest of the former YU and they still suck just as much.

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ustase detected

t. 21 year old virgin who goes by a club full of people having fun mean mugging


It's because of the remove kebab meme, which was ironically started by a Turk. They are praised as being one of the saviors of Europe despite the fact they would want nothing more to see Europe fall for their own gain.

Franjo pls leave.

nope, i am serbian.

nisam ustasa, ali ajde reci mi da nije tako

b-but serbia-san i thought we were gonna remove croats together ;-;

Nice try Mujo

that is true, i saw after paris and brussels the biggest meme was how they bombed us so they deserve it, we are no better then fucking isis, serbia hates europe and loves russia for no good reason.

look i feel bad that serbian people are like this, but they are. I am not mujo or franjo, my grandfather was a chetnik and his father was killed by commies so i am anything but a fucking mujo.

Go back to your Turk cousins you balija.

No self-hatting Serb would say that Serbs are complete shit yet "the rest of the region is better".

There's no country that isn't fucked. Not even Poland. Every country on earth is subverted by marxism sex and drugs. Only fascism can fix that, and not autocratic nonsense like in Franco's Spain and in modern Poland.

This. You can't fool anyone here with your taqqiya, Alija.

I said serbian youth is fucked.

What is the point of this thread? Are you albanian OP? Are you angry because of some hipster shits in Beograd or Novisad? I cant say anything like this about my relatives down there or any of their friends

Having a Serb buddy (who is a sane Serbian fascist) and having had spent a new year with 3 Serbian sluts once, can kinda confirm this.

Serbs are, like any non-russian slavic people totally brotier, but years of exposure to turbofolk trash culture (literary worse than hiphop nigger culture) created a great decay in Serbian society. The youth became a hybrid form of post-communist morons in a political limbo or even void, without firm belief, engulfed in a culture of whoredom, criminality and fake nationalism.

>removing anyone
San Marino could wipe you from the face of the earth, austrian-croatian inbred.

Thats what I am trying to say, but these people think that i am alija and franjo, fucking hell....

I say you should go fuck yourself and die in a fire. If you are a Serb (which I highly doubt) you're a disgrace for your own kind.

Now fuck off.

As a someone from Croatia living in Serbia I can honestly say the Serbian youth are more poisoned by the twisted version of western ideals than Croatian youth.

>hate europe for no reason
what about ww1, ww2, shitstorm in Bosnia, 99 bombing?
>love russia for no reason
how about their help during our war against Turkey, help in ww1, fighting most of the german army, help in 90s, help in 99, help during the floods and fires we had recently ?

Ayy lmao, taqqiya is shia bullshit bauštelašu and just a bad pol meme.

>Serb niggers butthurt over a based Serb telling it how it is

THANK YOU! all i want is for serbia to become a great monarchy like it once was

why are balkans so good at csgo?

self hating cuck get out of here

go out get a gun and we'll make a chetnik out of you

you fags were the one who ruined yugoslavia

SO FUCKING WHAT, europeans have fucked each other since the dawn of time but none turned their backs to each other only us and fucking belarus

Why does yugiohslavia have testicles?

For what? For cricising the horrible post war generations? Especially post millenials.

There is no difference between morons who jack off to Arkan while listening to Aca Lukas and those refugees welcome faggots in the west.

As an Azerbeijani living in Serbia, I can say that the youth is so obsessed with sex, night life, sports and having fun, it is fucking discuiating, Serbia is going to hell

so what?
you said we love russians for no reason and hate europe for no reason. I showed you we have very good reason to do so.
So what are you going to do, acknowledge that you were wrong or just jump to another argument?

Yea, do you actually think that the US or the EU is better in terms of degeneracy than Russia?

Let me tell you what the problem is, with all Eastern European countries like Serbia. They want to live like in the West and have jobs in the service sector, they don't want to make their hands dirty with real jobs in the industry or even as farmers. Well guess what, as long as we don't have a solid industry we can not have a large service sector. That's why the educated people emigrate, but the lower classes are too lazy to do real work, so they become alcoholics and degenerates.

What we need is a real government that unites its people and makes it go through the hardship of building a solid economy, not just empty promises of "ending corruption". (which never happens) BUT it would solve itself if we had a good economy going.

The problem is the EU certainly isn't interested in us becoming economically better and that goes for every country in that region. Russia at least tried to build pipelines through Serbia before the EU stalled the progress. Russians are better friends than the EU because they have a positive interest in us, contrary to the EU.

Who the fuck am I even talking to, educate yourself you stupid piece of shit.

This looks more like a joint effort than actual discussion right now to be honest
Diaspora will obviously get riled up enough to take the bait, but no word about how to change the situation, just effiminate complaining about low-education youth without values which is literally everywhere.

All that I am saying is based on personal experince, I want to tell you that serbian youth doesnt care about this country as much as they tell you, we still want socialism and serbian chinks are so shallow that it is sad. I do not want Serbia to be like this, and to call me a traitor or a non serb is insulting but I can see where you are coming from, I think that it is patriots duty to criticize his own country.


solution is pretty ez.
just increase the standard of living so that youth can spend their money on something like traveling and shit like that

you can't expect someone to be fully developed person if he left his country twice, on a summer holiday. By experiencing new cultures, and meeting new people you develop yourself.
Kids these days here don't have bright future ahead of them, they feel that, they can't go out do fun things, television is their main source of entertainment and they just keep getting more dumb every day

>Just increase the standard of living

Are you as stupid as I think you are?

The solution is to stop the idolization of degnerate celebrities that don't deserve to live let alone be paraded on every newscover.
But why would you want to do that, you want a dumb, docile population of future voters.

I doubt anyone even knows anything about politics (duh its boring).

OP you are not true. I am Serb and I am on the right side like many of our youth. Embrace our saviors.

Doesn't your actual king live in England or something?

>The solution is to stop the idolization of degnerate celebrities that don't deserve to live let alone be paraded on every newscover.
This tbqh senpai.

No! Just no! What you don't understand is that it would end automatically if people actually had something to do. (Which most do, but don't realize)


You do understand that Russia has no friends? Or at least none from their side. They only look for profit and their own asses, no one and nothing else.

You mean where the UK and France saved you
You mean where the UK wanted to return the king until Tito fucked em over real good
>Homeland War
You mean where you attacked and butchered Croat civilians, and where in the end no harm fell on Serbia itself
K, that is a bad thing

Everyone looks for their own profit. The question is which side makes us profit more?

>I think that it is patriots duty to criticize his own country.

>le sperg t*rk
Like poetry

Something I personally struggle with is trying to explain to them why all that vanity and wealth of the west isnt as great as they think. Then I turn on shit like Pink and almost force my uncle to stop letting that shit run all day and instead teach them something useful.
Croatian and Bosnian friends living here as well share similiar experiences.

>You mean where the UK and France saved you

We had some amazing shit done in WW1, don't take that away from us
In fact we lost so much during WW1 that in WW2 we had no idea what to do

Because they don't know what they have. Our people need to start farming and mining again, build an industry and go from there.

But Western Ideals hinder them because they think of themselves too highly and are not willing to sacrifice themselves for future generations.

France sent us wrong ammo caliber. possibly by intention. When we needed transportation to Corfu, they wanted us to pay them. Then russian king intervened and France sent ships. When we were fighting at solunski front they were always couple of km behind.
Uk actually installed Tito. When they saw kings army is losing strength they told him to fuck off and continue dealing with tito
yada yada yada

>mfw balkan will forever be a shitshow

You guys really think that 50 years of communism didn't leave its mark?

y ikr, good thing slovenia is barely in balkans :^)

>what are IDs

Answer this

I am about to return within the next 2-3 years. I was thinking about doing something, buy some plot, get something small started. Getting sick of being diaspora and not do something about my home.

Intermarium in the future
Free from western liberal degeneracy and Russian subhumans.


Aye, I'll give you that, you were a though bunch hardened by the Balkan wars. Quite frankly, given our size, we lacked veterans. The K.u.K. had 0 veterans but we overcame that later on.

>French sent wrong calibre on purpose
Yeah right...
>UK installed Tito
And Hitler was friends with Stalin

Do it.

And the OP is only half right. He is probably a shiptard or some proxy faggot

Well, I'm still studying Chemical Engineering but I'm thinking about doing something similar. The mountain I come from has a lot of natural ressources, that aren't used since 1992. Thinking of getting some industry started down there once I gain more experience in the field. The best part is a nice house with a lot of land costs about €25k


Honestly the problem with Serbia is that it's a western country trying to deceive itself it's eastern. It just won't work.

To add, the worst thing is dealing with our people who will try to benefit from you and crawl up your ass or kill you for it if they have to. Also getting to know who you have to bribe will be quite the challenge for us diaspora fags.

Remove Marxist like you removed kebab

Exactly the opposite

It's the other way around, Ameritard.

who wants that?
maybe as nuke proving ground or as a nuclear waste storage.

It wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for the Shqips desu Ante.


pic related. I'll rather live in Albania

Yes definitely, some contacts in advance may help I guess?
Still need to think properly what I want to do. Didnt graduate in a scientific field and I dont think a farm will have much impact.

>we wuz kings n shiet
>dem turk kebabs took our clay
>bosnia and croats wuz serbs


>living in a shithole cucked be west
>not living in real Serbia

pic very related

Wasn't Kosovo stolen from Serbia by mudslimes? How can Serbs not be based?

Vidi se da si iz Beograda cim tako seres kao neko derpe dok su Srbi ovdje ginuli vi ste jeli govna i pravili ste se kao da ste neki gangsteri a samo ste obicne seljacine.

Vise volim Hrvate neko vas Beogradjane da bog da vas NATO bombarduje opet.

Jesi izveo danas ovce na pašu i jel ti smetala kiša pri tom ?
Sarajevo, Beograd i Zagreb su svakako jedine ljudske nastambe na cijelom balkanu sve ostalo su polu-ljudi i životinje

I tip my fedora good sir

pusti budalu

puti bradu dokolenku

odjebi buraz

What's going on here?

I am wondering the same thing. Someone needs a good bombing for measure.

Yes, we need another dose of democracy

tfw has traditionalist views in downtown belgrade
tfw wants to move but too proud of being from country
tfw screams in pillow every night

Slovenia should have participated in the NATO bombings.

Strategic slovenian potato bombing

Don't worry, the feeling's mutual. The problem is that the youth of today idolizes the modern American "culture" and the hypocrisy that comes with it, while simultaneously trying to stick to their rooted nationalist beliefs. Acknowledging problems is the first step to solving them but the youth of today refuse to do so, because then you'd need to solve them, and that would actually require work and dedication. There are thousands of people What's going through the Balkans today is the same as post WW1 Germany. The political parties work for their own profit, the people refuse to see the problems and view their squalor and misery as normal.

I agree that we should participate in bombing NATO.

Vjeruj mi da je ogromna razlika kad pređeš iz FBiH u RS... jednostavno sve je propalo
Banja Luka i Bijeljina, malo i Gradiška liče na nešto, ali generalno totalni odron...
Koliko god bilo loše u Federaciji, u RS je duplo gore.

I fully agree.
Imagine the sorrow when you pass from Croatia to RS... The SNSD voters are propably the very definition of sheeple

Nakupina grmalja i seljaka, pompozne budale koje misle da su sami oni u državi. No hajde, nije Sarajevo toliko loše, ali svim ljudima tamo treba oduzeti vozačku. U zagrebu mogu preći cestu vazda znajući da će na pješačkom auta stati, u Sarajevu ni semafor nije garancija.
Ni za Beograd nisam čuo ništa bolje, ali eto nije grozno.

Split također dodaj na listu, jer je i to ugodan grad.

Srbi i srbijanci
Nitko nikom ne vjeruje
Građani i seljaci
Ko će koga da zajebe?