Global warming is a fraud, and left wing enablers are little more than short sighted parasites...

Global warming is a fraud, and left wing enablers are little more than short sighted parasites. You act like we can save the world by buying an electric car, when the truth is that the worlds population is disgusting, with millions more being born into third world cesspools every year.
Why is no one stopping this, why doesnt anyone tie aid to reduced population.
Im not some greenie hippie, I'm a right wing conservative who can't understand how liberals can allow unconstrained population growth while paying lip service to supporting the environment.
Tl;dr when the global population reaches 14 billion it wont matter if you voted for hillary, or that your car is made of solar panels, or that you eat only gluten free vegetable.
Honestly not trying to be edgy or some shit, and im not advocating some genocide, but i honestly think we need some krogan style genophage

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Hey there buddy. It looks like you just made a bunch of suppositions without offering any evidence of your claims.

"semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit"

In the mean time, try not to cut yourself on all that edge.

My supposition? Man-made climate change is real and is proven by a substantial body of evidence, such as that found here:

Wtf is wrong with your brain, i never said global warming wasnt happening, i said the movement was fraudulent because it implies we can stop it by 'becoming more green'. The reality is that there are too many humans and it has become unsustainable

That supports his point. If climate change is anthropogenic then the answer is to have fewer humans, especially in the developing world.

Going to split the difference here...
(not OP by the way)
Climate change IS real, and humans ARE a species which has GREATLY over populated its habitat. Unfortunately the primary predator of humans is humans, and that does not provide the level of population control achieved by culling of say kangaroos or deer when they overwhelm the resources of a particular area. Unfortunately, Agent Smith was the context of this planet as an "organism", humans ARE a disease.

A car might not be able to save us, a large genocide might help. We should start with jews and niggers.

Op here, again, and i apologise if my initial rant wasn't clear, i am not saying climate change isnt real. Much the opposite i think it is very real and very concerning. My point is that global warming isnt happening because we are obsessed with burning dinosaurs to power our cars, but that the root cause is too many people, and that any greenhouse gas policies will merely be treating a symptom of the disease rather than the root cause

>Hurrrr, im a smarter den al dose dumb scientist people, climate chjange is lie. al dis evidance dey haf is fake.

Go fuck yourself retard.

What evidence can be offered to support your claim that " i said the movement was fraudulent because it implies we can stop it by 'becoming more green'. The reality is that there are too many humans and it has become unsustainable"?

I don't see overpopulation as an issue considering we currently have the capability to feed and provide resources for all humans by using modern agriculture techniques and recycling practices. We just don't do this because efficient distribution of these resources is not the goal of capitalism.

In both the case of a) stopping developing countries from breeding and b) distributing resources efficiently instead of most profitably, the issue is that of liberty. Whose rights will you destroy to meet your ends?

That is the root issue at hand. Not overpopulation. Global population growth may be slowing anyways,

I'm more worried about people hoarding resources than I am people using too much resources and wasting them.


I am against a genocide on moral grounds, despite knowing that overpopulation is the single greatest threat to planet earth.
Primarily i would support a financial incentive scheme which promoted low birth rates on a global scale, this would be the optimal result in terms of human rights.
Failing this, i guess it would have to be a kind of randomised sterilisation virus which dropped birth rates to a sustainable rate (i think its around 4 billion)

Prove to me that:

Too many people are equally using too many resources.


A few people are hoarding resources and consuming a disproportionate amount of resources.

Again, the true question is "Do I have the right to hoard and waste immense amounts of resources."

You didnt read or understand my post, i believe in human induced climate change. I simply stated that the root problem is overpopulation

More than 20,000 people die every day from starvation. That is a fact.
Modern agricultural practices have devestated forests and land and have led to topsoil erosion (research this if you actually care about sustainability).
If you do your research then yes, at the moment we could probably just feed everyone (minus the 20,000 dying every day) , but what happens in 50 years when our underground aquifiers are gone and our topsoil is ash and our forests are gone

I just don't know about all this, I used to worry about it all the time.

Now I just try not to eat too much meat, pick up litter and just not be a cunt.

I've no idea how the human race will pan out... all I know is that I don't want to be a father in case it happens.

Modern agriculture is hydroponics that don't use soil. It reduces the energy cost and freshwater cost of growing high-energy foods.

Also, wastewater runoff from most modern hydroponic factories is recycled back into the system and any residual fertilizers are recovered.

The agriculture we use in large scale, today, is not "modern". Most farming practices in use today have been in use since their discovery in early Uruk 8-6000 BC.

>all I know is that I don't want to be a father in case it happens.
Good goy, we don't want white people reproducing!

See what youre doing is excusing gross population growth by inequality arguments. If the population was substantially less then there would be more resources to go around resulting in an overall higher standard of living.
How can you justify an extra 2 billion africans or asians, regardless of income equality

Yes agriculture has come a long way and it is the reason why we can 'just' sustain our 7 billion population. It has still come at the expense of irreperable damage to the environment. 200 odd species dying every day is a genocide on the earth, a decimation of genetic diversity.
Yes genetic extinctions have happened in the past (volcanoes, meteors and shit) but they recovered because the extinction events faded.
Humans wont fade, they will consume and destroy, unless serious population controls are implemented

I approve but its not good enough, of you arent part of the solution etc...

The reality is not that "There would be more resources to go around if there were less people."

Take, for example, the famine in North Korea (1994-1998). If your supposition were correct, following the deaths of millions of people you should see a more even distribution of resources between the poor and the rich.

We obviously know this not to be the case because tens of thousands of DPRK citizens are still starving.

Sandnuggets are the most fucked, pretty much all arab countries will be uninhabitable with global warming.
Again im not racist and i would love to see all races and groups survive, just with lesser and more sustainable populations.

>they recovered because the extinction events faded.
a lot of shit never recovered, do you realize how many species have gone extinct

I dont want to get into an inequality argument because it muddies the water.
Think of it this way, if everyone right now got an equal share of everything (land, water, food,money etc) then we would still be faced with exactly the same overpopulation and environmental degradation. The only difference would be that everyone got equal enjoyment out of fucking the planet

I mean diversity of genetics, not the actual fucking species. Extinctio events create a genetic bottleneck, which has historically diverged after the event ended.
My point is that the human led extinction (1000 times the background rate) is not a bottleneck that will naturally end. We will continue fucking up genetic diversity untill population is managed. Honestly i cant see a situation where genetic diveristy again flourishes whilst humans are around in force

Learn how to read, mongoloid.

So Republicans want to practice population control. But they're against birth control.
And the only reason they want to reduce the population is so that the minorities who do exist can keep the corners clean.

For group so horny over liberty they sure love stepping all over everyone else's.

Man made climate change is a lie and. It proven by science.

OP is right. Let's start by killing OP and anyone related to them.

Id cop a killing for the greater good. Honestly i would love my legacy to be the man who died making sustinable earth a thing. Id be the fucking salarian scientist who invented the genophage.

Simple fact is that some regions have more resources than others. Subsidizing African families with 8 children while American birthrates are below replacement is not a good plan. Our resources should be used for our people. "Fairly" distributing resources by transferring wealth out of my country to send it to the developing world isn't fair at all. What do I get in return?

You didn't address what I said, did you.

Looks like we got another shitty Thomas Malthus on our hands. Also you say that left wingers are short sighted by trying to adopt green technology and the like but what exactly the right wingers proposed?

Sounds like something a republican Nazi would say

>you act like we can save the world by buying an electric car
I'm sorry to have to tell you this but you give the terrible impression of someones whose never read any of the arguments against them.

It will eventually sort itself out. Famine and lack of water is going to kill a lot of people in the next 50 years, mostly in Asia and Africa.

Hopefully the rest of the world has the sense not to let them in when they come pounding on the gates.

lol trump's no longer backing out of the Paris Agreement

Weird how talks solutions always come back to genocide, instead of forcing large agricultural and industrial polluters to develop cleaner and more efficient technology, or even charging them the true cost of their year to year operation, or even making them clean their messes in a timely fashion.

>conservatives confirmed for retarded mutants

>what kind of shit store is this?

That's been debunked.

Paris is just a shitty scheme to transfer wealth to developing countries. China and India would never have abided by the restrictions anyway. It's just a bad plan.

The real comedy is that the world isn't overpopulated, nor is Food a scarce resource. Pollution and environmental degradation are entirely in the hands of large industrial and agricultural interests. You could kill ten million people in a second and this fact won't change. You could kill a billion and this fact wouldn't change. To ensure a future for our planet and our children these men and their i industries must be destroyed

he was probably watching some pageant and listened to the girls being asked about politics

I can't see famine being an issue in the next 50 years unless global warming gets drastically worse.
Water is harder to predict but with improving technology it shoudln't be either.

what you describe is plain capitalist mode of production, faggot
read lenin

To suggest a means of aggressive population reduction also means to suggest wholesale murder of essentially innocent people who were born into unlucky circumstances. Not many are willing to listen to pitches that start like that.

You have less resources to waste, meaning your overall input goes down. If you live in the west you use more resources as an individual than those 8 Africans do as a family. I doubt you farm, I doubt you build your own structures or much of anything, so maybe you should die first, since you're a net negative to resources and a definite positive towards unnecessary industrial pollution.

just keep telling yourself that champ. Don the Con will always let you down.

Americas so fucked, hahaha

It technically is a feasible idea if you simply consider the people who bring up the idea of genocide as voluntary participants.

What the fuck does that have to do with what I said, the problem in the world is extractive capitalism, typified by heavy industry (mining, forestry) and agriculture (cafo, monoculture). lenin is interesting politically, but I have little interest in reading the text of a dead man, when I'm aware of what the issue is in my country and thus worldwide.

one of Murdoch's rags says otherwise. You never doubt Murdoch's news do you?

Aquifer depletion is a real issue in much of the middle east and north africa. Desalination plants might help make up the shortfalls, but the infrastructure to get water into the interior of a place like Libya is currently nonexistant.

As for famine, much of Africa is receiving food aid as we speak. A growing population will require further aid, which will eventually become too great a burden to bear for the rest of the world.

You "might not see it", but it's happening now and will get worse.

>these men and their i industries must be destroyed

I am 100% behind you, sister.

Idk who the fuck that is

"Too many humans..." the natural conclusion of your line of reasoning is we should all kill ourselves for the good of earth?

Fuck that weenie thinking, the entire human population of the earth could easily fit within the borders of the state of TX at NYC densities.

The true answer is space, like the dandelion, earth can spread the "infection" across the universe.

Of course, we are not all export quality....

>Honestly not trying to be edgy or some shit, and im not advocating some genocide

u first pls

Well with all the food waste I see at the moment I can't really see how it'll be an issue for another while.
Especially for North America. Do you think all of Africa is gonna boat on over across the Atlantic in their over crowded dingys?

Do you really believe your own lies?

>You don't produce anything of value

I do more than some slum dweller in Liberia or India or Brazil.

Yes I use more resources than those people, because my country has them. They're ours. They don't belong to some vague global collective.

If colonialism is wrong because it extracted resources from one society to benefit another, then so is the reverse, in which poor societies leech from rich ones.

As a side note, if you want me dead, come do it yourself pussy.

t. american that consumes 10 times more than anyone else in the world

Efficient distribution of resources IS the goal of capitalism. This distribution is just not how you would like it.

Literally 20 thousand people dying of starvation every day. Literally. Also it would be crazy worse it it wasnt for food aid packages from the west. How can you say it isnt an issue

Because he's never been outside his comfortable lfetish bubble in the United States.

His whole thesis is that humans are to blame and you went pants on head retarded.

Then maybe you should let sluts get their wombs scraped. Better yet, birth control by default. Population problem solved.

I would voluntarily put myself into the sterilization lottery. Also i addressed this in

Except that's only a solution in western countries, which already have declining populations. Need to apply it to the rest of the world (read: the non white parts).

I'm saying its not an issue here. Obviously its an issue in developing countries where theres little education and infrastructure.

Also I'm not from the US but nice guess.

I would gladly turn you into compost, since your only real disagreement with me is some vague sense of nationalism. You are worth the exact same as the peasant in another country, there's a high statistical probability that you are part of the peasantry in your own country and therefore completely expendable. Resources are already distributed along global trade routes with no input from you, they are already treated as semi collective, and trust, if we as a species suddenly start losing landmass, our trade routes and ability to distribute resources will be paramount to our survival. I'm not going to give it to you two ways, I believe humans should colonize the stars, and that your petty tribal nationalism should die on this planet like so many other failed and glitched organisms and beliefs.

You will make lovely fertilizer for the farms.

Female circumcision works quite well in the mud pit. But that's a Muzzie thing therefore we hate it.

These are the countries which will add billions to our population. BILLIONS. Do you not now see why this is a problem, if already they are struggling to feed themselves

Do you think those countries don't have doctors or the capability to perform safe abortions, because neither of those things are reasonably possible in any country with even basic infrastructure. Westerners are oblivious and ignorant

Do you mean 4 billion people on the planet in total? And if so where are you pulling that number out of?

The simple fact is it is too late to prevent the negatives of climate change. Did you ever wonder why low income areas in America tend to have higher birth rates? The simple fact is the one's doing the most harm to the environment is 1st world countries. (Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions). There is no need to continue polluting and claim overpopulation is the problem. We are humans, and we learn to adapt, that is evolution. Supporting the environment is the responsible thing to do, and it is about trying to make sure we can survive until we can leave this planet.

How is life as an ameritard who doesn't understand science? You gonna pray to Jesus like a little bitch when your shitty city floods?

So... global socialism, that's your plan?

Because command economies and centrally planning of resource distribution have worked so well in the past?

Talk about archaic systems.

Don't worry though man, while you and your human hive bullshit languish here on earth and wonder why your Zimbabwean rocket scientists can't get off the ground I'll be living on an American hydroponic colony orbiting Io.

>meme with more buzzwords than you can shake a stick at

An not an ounce of proof

They still make kids though. More kids than they can feed.

Not really. We have the most people on the planet now that we've ever had in history and on avergae everyone is better off now than they were in the past.

>the past

There's your problem.

100 years of live trials show that your method doesn't work.

Ive watched and read a lot of population reports and environmental impact documentaries.
Honestly the number depends on standard of living, you can have 10 billion living off the same resources as 2 billion, but with a much lower overall resource allocation.
From my own research around 3-4 billion is the sustainable earth population. If you dont trust me then i 100% encourage you to do your own honest research on the topic

Socialism ain't working so well for Venezaula at the moment.

Keep calling it that. Still doesn't make it true.

Op here, i thought my pic was too convinient so i actually put the effort in to searching the claims. They all appear to be backed up, tbh i wish they weren't

I've done my own research. I just think your number doesn't take future technological advances well enough into account.

Okay... so you want real socialism, in which the people control the means of production.

What happens if me and my people decide we don't want to share our means with the rest of the planet?

American hydroponic farm

Staffed by Russians, Chinese, and Japanese astronauts, using Russian and Chinese rockets and modules, growing food for the fucking global society that would necessarily have to exist if there are off-world colonies.

You fucking moron, you don't even realize that space travel is a multi-country effort nowadays and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

Unless the increase of carbon in the atmosphere makes plants non-nutritive.

The problems in the world that most directly affect human species viability have nothing to do with how many humans there are, or what stupid fucking tiny minded political beliefs they hold, or transient fucking country you inhabit. Kill yourself, you're too fucking stupid to breed or be allowed to vote or work.

But its a ponzi scheme. Reap the benefits now at the expense of the future.
Like i said im a staunch right wing capitalist, i just think the system is severly shortsighted


Way to move those goalposts there.

Yeah, neither is their country being destabilized by USA-backed anti-government groups or the huge sanctions coming from the USA and other oil-producing nations. Fucking shill.

We fucking use you as compost or mortar you peasant tribalist. Your assumption that your life has meaning is facile.

Water and food are the most vital resources.
Water can be overcome with desal plants, food is tougher and accounts for huge amounts of pollution.
I can concede that eventually tech will overcome all our problems, but not soon enough. The sheer amount of land required to produce food will strip dry our ecosystem.

Also from a moral standpoint there is more at stake than mere human survival. We could devote 100% of thw earths surface to human agriculture, growing only crops and livestock, and supporting 50 billion people. But tbh that makes me feel sick, id rather die and take everyone with me before we lost the remaining wildlife that makes our planet interesting

95% of Venezuala's exports are oil. The price of oil has always been volatile. It was pretty short sighted of their government to use that money to pay for all the social programs. I don't see how thats the worlds fault.

>He says angrily from his tiny living cubicle in the global socialist hellscape that engulfed the world.
>"Fucking Americans, using all the resources", he mutters to himself, as he scoops up the corpses of starved rats to be fed into the recycler.
>"Don't they know that space travel is supposed to be a global endeavor", he laments, watching as yet more privately funded American colony ships break through the atmosphere, leaving meteor like trails of fire in the darkening sky.
>"Fucking morons, too stupid to breed" he grumbles, thinking of the extra 150 calories per day he will be allocated if he could make a baby with his bone thin wife, but she hasn't ovulated since the food shortages began and his cock has shrivelled to a tiny bump.
>"Nationalism is so barbaric" he tells himself, as he weakly waves a flag on Collectivization Day, the holiday in which the 9 billion workers of the Human Hive celebrate breaking free from the shackles of capitalism.

Shortly after, Worker Drone Number 745537466 was executed and recycled as part of a global drive to reduce wasted food. He died with a smile on his face, knowing that this is truly what was best for everyone.

Unrestrained poplatinum growth is cause people fuck. Are liberals supposed to prevent fucking?