What should the age of consent be in America, Sup Forums?

What should the age of consent be in America, Sup Forums?

Hard to say. In another time 15 year olds were fully capable of starting families and running households. In 2017 most 15 year olds are mental midgets because they are still treated like children.

16. Peak of sexual urge.


21 obviously.

16. Kids that age aren't completely retarded.

when she looks hot

30, and only after marriage

Sorry but there is nothing better in this life than a fresh, eager, teenage pussy.




If their old enough to set the table, their old enough to eat

someones loves the federal government.

It is in the hands of the states and it should stay there


IMHO, if old enough to drive and get a job, then should have every right to vote, drink, smoke, pay taxes, marry, fuck, and move out of parents house. I'm calling it 16.

This user knows. Exactly 21 to be in line with drinking age. Anything even a day younger is disgusting pedoshit and should earn the death penalty. Literal child rape.

2/3 of americans are legally retarded

Fuck off. Was already living on my own and supporting myself 100% at 16 years old. I bought my own used car, paid my own rent, bought my own insurance/groceries/etc. I had a job, went to school, and stuck my dick in any chick that would let me do so. I was anything but a fucking child and I sure as fuck wasn't being raped.
Stow your child rape baggage in the overhead you puritanical halfwit. Not all of us are afraid of this life and actually want to experience all of it, not just what you feel comfortable with.


I'm tracking ur IP right now pedo scum!

replying to a troll

'Come get my 7 year old asshole, big boy. ;)

If you unironically back this, I'm convinced you literally have downs.

I does hav de duwns

Is age of consent just about sex?

As far as I concerned voting should start from the age of ~30ish, once you are still young enough to recall and have some of the temperaments of youth, but has already encountered your first difficulties of aging and the realization of mortality, both your own and your surroundings. Not the "mortality" young wannabe intellectuals think they understand, but the mortality you gain from watching other people getting old. How the people you considered to be "adults" in your teens- are now suddenly wrinkled, leathery and white haired elders. How that whole process didn't take the eons you imagined,as a young man/women, it would take- but rather just a few blinks of an eye, during which, most of the achievements you thought you'd gain- have never actualized. Not even for the most talented and driven person in the world.

Only after gaining such humility and understanding of strength and weakness, is a person ready to decide the fate of a nation.
As for anything else in life- no age limit should be about anything. People mature individually at different rates and the same mechanisms that you are subjected to when you are 20 (mostly family) should be enough for adequate control when you are 10.
If your parent thinks that whatever you are doing is ok - then no one else has the right to say otherwise.

The way these girls dress these days I'm cool with 12 ... I've seen tits on 13year olds that are bigger than my head

One they begin menstruation they are scientifically at peak reproduction point. So once they start that then that should be it, not a completely fixed age

12. This way when a 13 year old takes nude selfies and posts them, or sends them to you, you aren't charged for cheese pizza.

When puberty happens.


You sound like a person who'd log on to tumblr and insist that he's just "pedosexual"

And a fair number of 20-30 year olds are immature useless twats as well.
We need to go back.

Not a fan of your pedophobia tbh

18, anyone who says younger is a sicko. well unless you're under 18 too i guess.

Half your age +7 until, after which it's a free for all.


Peodophobia > Being a kiddie fiddler

0% probability you are are grill because that's the only way your post could be hot

I don't really care what they decide, anything above 16 is fine. Provided they find a way of enforcing it more rigourously than now

Cunts cunty cunt cunt faggot

25 cause people brains don't finish developing till then

Meh no one's gonna actually read the whole thing

18 for everything: drinking, fucking, army, driving.

Anything that can potentially have life-altering consequences at all should be flipped to 18. Then we have better education to off-set the stupidity that is kids.

seems like the most reasonable policy to me.

12 would be nice!

15 seems fine. Can't use being stupid or retarded as an excuse as people are stupid or retarded their whole lives. It should PROBABLY be 25, but we're not talking about making functional choices. But for you pedos out there- that doesn't mean 15 can fuck 80. There should be a shifting bracket. Example: 15-19, 16-20, 17-21, 18-etc. This is already expressed in things called Romeo and Juliet laws.

Typical closet pedo way of thinking. You only look at it from the perspective of who/what you get to fuck and don't pause for a moment to consider that there is another person involved. I was 16 and involved with a woman 9 years older for almost 5 years. Later involved with a woman 6 years older.
Just because you can't stop yourself from wanting to inflict yourself on every preteen you walk within half a city block of doesn't mean there are not people in their teens that simply want the same rights as everyone else.

This. The legal threshold for all adult level decisions should be consolidated to 21. Smoking, drinking, marriage, consent etc.

I guess the tipoff was the part where I said I had a dick, hey genius?


1) voting should be from 30 and upwards because only then people experienced high and lows of youth and old age.

2) Any other decision which involves the person itself should not be about age but about personal development. People develop individually. And about family, if your family thinks its a good idea for you to do something then you should be allowed to do it.

Disgusting life choices you've made.


It should be on a gradient until 16yrs old.

Half your age plus 7yrs is a legit age old formula.

14 can fuck 14
16 can fuck 15
18 can fuck 16

Boom. Done. Those should be baselines.

If a18yo fucks a 14yo it shouldn't be an automatic charge, but a case by case basis to judge if it's statutory or legit.

After age 16 the government should gtfo of peoples sex lives.

I agree with you on voting though there should still be set age restrictions to other things as well, just because ones family thinks it's fine doesn't make it so.

>15 can fuck 80.
You do realize that the weaker side in this relationship is the 80 yo. right?

Only physically.

>15 can fuck 80.
You do realize that the weaker side in this relationship is the 80 yo. right?

Nope. mentally. MOST definitely mentally.

What sort of other way do you suggest on tracking said personal development so that authorities can act accordingly?
Also families can often be incompetent at taking decisions for their children (due to substance abuse,etc).

And courts are usually even more incompetent due to having zero familiarity with the life circumstances and capacity of the person for whom they are presuming to make decisions for. At 16 I would have had a goddamn fit and would have lied through my fucking teeth if need be in order to live my life as I wanted to live it. Not everyone wants to be tit-fed until their are in their mid-thirties before they are allowed to make their own decisions.

What about 28 and 56? Where do you people draw the line?

Sooo a body of experienced and qualified individuals is more incompetent than an alcoholic dad who beats the shit out of you every time he lays his eyes on you and a druggy whore of a mom who despises your existence?

Same. I'm ready to plow me some 13 year olds.

>experienced and qualified

By whose standards? In what regard? You're make false equivalencies by implying that these bodies of decision makers only intervene in instances of actual abuse such as you describe. But you are either being deliberately disingenuous or obtuse if you expect thinking people to disregard that these same bodies also presume to impose their puritanical morality on those not in circumstances of distress. Getting punched in the face by your parent or left to fend for yourself because your parents are gone or strung out is not the same thing as wanting and being able to make your own decisions at a young age, yet they are handled in almost the same way by your beloved overseers of the justice system. Your craven submission to authoritarianism makes me want to dry heave.

Antifa thinks three is good.

Puberty, because mother nature knows best.
Puberty is the all natural, biological sign that a female is rready for sexual reproduction.

Human mores and societal restrictions and laws are all artificial. They are nothing but just subjective ideas by people trying to control everyone elses behavior.

If there's grass on the field, play ball.
If not, go around back and play in the mud.


Follow your conscience

i like that

if they feel the world has to see their tits and ass in greatest detail while still being clothed, they're ready for sex

But it seems like the modern lifestyle has pushed puberty down in the ages. In older texts you can see that the average age of a girls first period is somewhere around fifteen.

First of all, the term "incompetent" is *extremely* patronizing.
This whole approach that in order for your and your family life choices to be legitimate you need to fit some measurement dictated by the wise and knowledgeable elders/yoga moms is very repressive. Hell, people had more freedom even in the 19th century, despite that the supposed moral outrage of the "aristocracy" was louder and more poignant, with policies like eugenics that were all the rage.

I understand the sentiment, I really do, being a middle class white boy from a highly educated family, I too have my prejudices and cultural condescension above those I consider 'trashier' and their trashy little offspring's whose, as far as I'm concerned, parents don't give a shit about.

1) In case you haven't noticed this is what's happening already, except for sex and maybe some extreme situations- those people *already* making all the decisions the deem fit (which is total lack of control) for their children which mostly grow up to be just like their useless garbage alcoholic parents.

2) Despite my personal feelings, let me assure you that those former children don't consider themselves trash. They probably consider me a neurotic weakling, a mark to be exploited, if they even give a damn about me at all.
>What sort of other way do you suggest on tracking said personal development so that authorities can act accordingly?

I agree, in some borderline cases, that is not always simple to tell, a lot of it is circumstantial. In many families I know it is very simple, those are religious families and their children are basically relegated to maintain the household and take care of the young. Usually, by the time those persons are 12 they are already far more responsible than many 20 somethings... including myself.
That's why the rule of thumb here should be the parents consent, no one knows the specifics of each groups condition than those who are involved in

n than those who are involved in it.
Even medicine is becoming personalized.

americans are retarded. Can't have them breeding like rabbits.

However old pic related was at the time of this picture.

47, please don't continue to breed over there.

18. And the pedos in britain should change it from 16 to 18.

Seems to me that a significant fraction of society has forgotten the original intent of these laws. AOC laws exist because teenagers are physically mature but not quite there yet mentally to grasp the long term ramifications of their actions. Finding a 16 year old attractive doesn't mean you're a pedophile because there's no appreciable physical difference between most 16 year olds and 18 year olds. Hell even if we took 50 25 year olds and 50 16 year olds put them in the same room. How many could pick out the 16 year olds? This is how we end up with situations like Molly whatsherface. Yeah b/ros she's 14 when this photo was taken.

Honestly 12-13.

Why, it's purely arbitrary.

Let nature decide. In females at the start of their periods. For males when he finds a willing female.

26 would be realistic
anyone below is children

not bad.

I think it's safe to assume you're under 25 then.

Who is pic related op

You all are just saying this because you wanna fuck a child.
In my studying of the topic I think 18 Is low enough. Yes there are girls who are like 14-15 and look like a 23yr high-end escort that you just want to tear apart but because the male mind does not mature as fast as female; and well yea our mindset does not really change with us wanting some good pussy most if the time, the only one who is somewhat ready for sex is female but they are not old enough to know the difference between fucking like a hooker or having sex for love and kids.
Age comes wisdom so 18 is pretty good age of consent because by then everyone is in the same mindset of fucking.

Shut up old nigga



For boys, as soon as they can stand with the aid of a coffee table. Girls, puberty.

still clinging to this myth.
retarded liberal is retarded.

The moment that, that said person starts breathing.

Depends how rich you are.


I think it should be 16. If you're old enough to drive a car then you're old enough to boink.

There shouldn't be an age of consent. It's an old fashioned concept for controlling and manipulating families into court and church sanctioned marriages. Practice free love, any age, any time.

Not quoted user, but you know that being attracted to a 16 year old right? Pedophilia is the attraction to child, not teenagers.


Forcing someone to not have sex is just as bad as forcing someone to have sex; both are violations of human rights. It is FAR more important that someone is educated on the subject rather than being some arbitrary age that is only an extreme approximation of one's abilities. Thus, the age of consent should be 16, but anyone under that age should be able to take a thorough, medically administered test that, if passed, would grant them legal sexual consent rights. This keeps those that need to be protected protected and those that want their rights to have their rights. Everybody wins.

ITT:underages asking the consent to be however old they are

*hebe lolol dumass