Why are metal fans like this?

why are metal fans like this?

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Metalfags love to circlejerk about their """""niche""""" genre, because nobody else will

bc metal music and metalhead aesthetics have been broadly socially acceptable for decades now but they still think they're edgy and subversive for listening to anything with a blast beat

Cringe, metal is for 10 years old.

Those aren't real metalheads. Those are "false". People who have more than a surface level knowledge of metal and know that shit like Slipknot or A7X isn't metal usually don't listen to classical and don't give a fuck


I doubt that people who listen to Slipknot think they're metalheads.

why is anyone at all bragging about listening to dead white composers???

you think people who listen to trve shit like these give a fuck about "muh sophisticated music"?

they do, believe me


Depends, I'm a huge fan of metal but I don't stay close minded to other genres. I get your point tho.

you can listen to whatever you want, that's cool, but everyone who feels the need to embody some sort of "omg im trve kvlt metalhead" lifestyle is either a regular dude who think's he's hardcore for wearing a slayer shirt and not shaving or the kind of person who castrates people

i like jazz but jazzfags are the same way.
why are you questioning basic human behaviors, are you trying to feel superior or are you legitimately autistic.

You'd be surprised

Because they are children

Can confirm. I've tried many genres and went back to metal because it has everything I'll ever want from music and I am also often told to grow up.

>the music genre that's closest to metal is classical
do these guys forget hard rock and heavy psych exist?

why are metal fans like this?

Serious question: do you ever get tired of it?

For what its worth, metal does some some similarities to some forms of art music.

Structurally it is more familiar to the sonata form or at least inspired by it that was practiced in the common practice period than all pop genres besides prog rock (usually in its more extreme forms.) That is in order to be able to fit in a ton of riffs in a single song. Often due to the intensity of the music, it can also be more structurally interesting than prog, the only other genre that does this due to its ability to fit a larger general variation in riffs. That allows metal to get more creative with it akin to classical.

It also most of the time approaches its dynamics similar to Baroque music as well where there isn't immediate variation, but the kind of dynamics more based on how loud the music can get when certain type of notes played by the various parts in an arrangement are played together or separately. This is useful in metal to ensure that the music always feels powerful and relentless no matter what.

Lastly the genre's approach to having a variety of riffs comes from phrase development which kinda ties into the structural thing as well, which exists in some way/shape/form in all forms of pop music as well, but not taken to the limits where metal takes it. Metal actually takes the most advantage of this because of again the amount of riffs it can have.

This is far more closer to classical compared to prog's need for constantly repetitive wanks that add nothing to the music, or anything that's considered alternative/post-punk/"indie"'s propensity to creating overtly simple and repetitive music. Lets not even bring embarrassments like hip hop into the fray.

I have seen people that think they outgrew metal just because they used to listen to Linkin Park. I mean, I don't care about the genre but it's more annoying than those who think they are too good for pop music just because they don't like top 40 shit.

>metal is for angsty teen-

Metal fans are pretty insecure for the most part, both when it comes to their physical and mental abilities, that's why they force themselves to like "strong" music and "intelligent" music (they obviously never listen to the real thing of course).

>initial post is about guy who does listen to classical
>listening to music that helps people go through hard times to become better is a bad thing
What the fuck?

>force themselves to like
>if I don't like something other people are forcing themselves to like that thing
Stopped reading right there.

haHAA everything is cringe
12 btw

user, I'm gonna break something to you, 90% of those retards using the comment box are children

this is actual a decent post, ty


Lol they think for some reason Metal isn't a subgenre of Rock. They think it has nothing to do with Rock.

Rock has nothing to do with rock.
Rock is the musical manifestation of buzzword.
Labeling something as rock gives the listener absolutely no clue about what to expect.
It's the final umbrella to rule them all.

metal is much closer to classical than most styles of popular music.


different user, but i used to be an edgy metalhead in high school and would more or less force myself to like the most generic of black metal and i would refuse to listen to anything else

i dont really think posting 4 metal songs does anything to support that comparison

Thanks for more proof, though unnecessary at this point, that people who "grew out of metal" never actually liked metal

That's simply not true. Rock music while a very broad genre does have several standard conventions. When someone calls something Rock of some variety I can almost always expect to hear a Guitar, drums,bass and typically vocals of some sort (though not necessary to be Rock).

Metal isn't niche you retard

well i specified generic black metal there. i listen to any genre now but still enjoy various forms of doom and death metal

the entire genre of power metal is based on neoclassical music. and pretty much any type of "technical" metal is technical because they're using classical compositional techniques. i can give you plenty more examples if you want

>This is far more closer to classical compared to prog's need for constantly repetitive wanks that add nothing to the music, or anything that's considered alternative/post-punk/"indie"'s propensity to creating overtly simple and repetitive music. Lets not even bring embarrassments like hip hop into the fray.

I was taking you seriously until this last paragraph...

Not that guy, but yes. It's nice to take a break once in a while and listen to something different.

rather than examples i think citations that back up your assertions on power and technical metal would be better for your argument

also full disclosure i dont give a shit either way, but you're not going to convince people with some song links

From what I noticed that is common behaviour for those who are "indulged" in a genre, even though they only know the most popular works.
People who actually go beyond flavour of the month and the most know albums of a genre hardly act holier and mightier than thou.

I've been listening to metal for most of my life, but I stopped identifying with the "metalhead subculture" years ago.
Most of them are a bunch of pretentious, insecure and insufferable cunts who will never shut up about their supposed superior musical taste, and god forbid anyone listen to non-metal or bands/subgenres that don't have their Seal of Approvalâ„¢

>i dont give a shit either way
then i'm not gonna waste my time trying to convince you.

but this user provided some good comparisons . anyone who is well-versed in theory would be able to recognize the compositional similarities.

>then i'm not gonna waste my time trying to convince you.
fair deal

Perhaps you are unable to see the source of elitism. That's what matters. Especially in the case on non-metal because it is often because a metal listener listens to non-metal that they would rather not waste time on certain things in metal (probably the most common examples of this would be Opeth or Pan.Thy.Monium or Sigh or really any band that tries to shoehorn non-metal sections into their music, a lot of metal fans find that shit tacky and some find it horrid because they are often experienced enough in those other genres as well to be unimpressed by those as well.) Sure there are the younger fans that do needlessly bitch about certain music in the genre, but like any genre, the younger fans often don't know/understand why they would feel a certain way.

>Perhaps you are unable to see the source of elitism
So if I saw the source of elitism I'd give them a free pass to act like faggots? I don't think so.

No, I meant that generalizing everyone's approach to taste doesn't really help, and most of the obnoxious elitism isn't even their among the older fans of the genre (the ones you more commonly see at shows as well unless you only go to the local metalcore/djent spot that doesn't attract many of the older audience.)

It is when you browse r3ddit and your best friend is ryan renolds