Sup Sup Forums, give me some advice here
>so i meet girl at house party, get her on facebook but leave before she does so don't get to take it further than that
>she hits me up a couple weeks later saying she checked out my band and that she would love to see us play, let her know we have show a couple days later and she agrees to come down
>she turns up at the show alone and hangs out with us after, later that night we go back to my place to drink some more and she ends up in my bed with me, fooling around and making out, try to push it further but she says that she likes me and wants to see more of me so we shouldn't
>she hits me up the next day to say she had a great time and that i should send her a list of bands she should check out (we were talking about it the night before), i send her the list and suddenly no response for 2 days
>today i send her a message asking if she wants to come to the cinema with me tonight to catch a flick and she has not responded
She has seen both messages. The most awkward part is that we both go to the same college, so i'm going to bump into her.
What the fuck do I do in this situation? I hate being ghosted. I'd literally prefer her to tell me she's not interested.
>pic unrelated