ITT: We predict the next possible happenings

ITT: We predict the next possible happenings

I think the first half of the year has been pretty quiet in terms of happenings -- I think most of the happenings will be concentrated in the second half of the year.

Possible happenings:
-- Hillary indictment
-- Trump presidency
-- Terrorist attack Europe (highly likely given Ramadan -- last year's Ramadan attacks by ISIS killed 403+ people)
-- Brexit
-- Market collapse / recession
-- Big natural disaster (we haven't had one of these in a while, mother nature might be cooking up a juicy happening for us)

Anything else you guys think will possibly happening in the coming months?

- Bill dies of "natural causes"
- Hillary wins sympathy vote
- Bernie concedes and runs as Hillary's VP
- Hillary gets Bernout vote

Philippines's Duterte might do something notable, he's talked about cutting all diplomatic ties with the US, and planting a Filipino flag on the Chinese built Islands in International waters

Only happening I care about is
>tfw no gf

Hillary seems like she is sick too.

In all seriousness, those two should abandon political ambition and go relax at a resort for the rest of their lives.

- No initial Brexit, but evidence of election fraud
- FBI recommends indictment, no indictment, Comey resigns
- Bernie dies between now and the convention, but actually of natural causes
- ISIS is destroyed (mostly) before November, because Obama doesn't want Trump to have that card
- Trump visits every major world leader before November, already hashes out potential deals
- Trump/Ridge v. Clinton/Castro
- Trump elected in a nailbiter, with a super wacky electoral map


It's greece.

Hear me out anons, the kikes know they can't get their way through syria with the gas pipe, so they're going to pass it through greece and kill the russian natural gas monopoly. Greece has no saying in this, it's a zombie country and the slightest sight of a bailout will make greece suck anyone's greasy

You've been warned. I'm a russian but slowly trying to flee because shit will hit the fan soon. currently in romania but i'm still trying to flee.

You've been warned

EU is going to fall, sadly.
>Austria and Hungary building walls
>UK remains but relations are strained
>Right-wing wins in France, starts breaking up from the EU
>Russia uses Crimea as a forward base to annex parts of Turkey
>but only after Turkey shows its true colors as the country who poured immigrants into Europe to bully its way in the EU

Bonus prediction:
>Germany attempts to force muh EU by invading the neighbouring countries, or it backfires and gets invaded by its neighbours