Lets get this goin

lets get this goin.

whoever circles the least wins







well i guess i don't feel too bad all things considered. also who the fuck doesn't watch at least 30 mins of tv daily? if nothing else i watch a few shows at night to help me fall asleep.

Can't dance, otherwise gtg





Only betas use antiquated units.

Fuck that's a lot

Thanks for the confidence boost.

I won OP

As far as fb is concerned its because I only add people im friends with irl.
Got me on the rest know.

we got a bingo whoop whooop

explaining that shit
>lower income
im a student, currently working towards a new way to go into the future, maybe starting a apprentenceship
>afraid to talk to hot women
i dont know what to talk about. hate bragging n shit, i dont expect them to talk to me either kek
well cant really change that. never had to use it anyway kek
was never a partyguy so eh, tried to learn it but couldnt be bothered
dont use it
>play videogames
well its a common thing. i was doing it in an extreme amount though admittably
>dont shower daily
if i dont have to i dont. im doing sports almost daily though so i shower afterwards
>got friendzoned
i dont mind that. shes a good friend i can puke my problems at
97kg at 1,85m, its bad but not as bad as it used to be. i fit in L-size clothing

Should I kms?

>Obligatory 'Tits or GTFO'

Nah, go gay and suck dick.


hale hortler



You must be short as fuck to be both under 150 lbs and overweight.

What if I had almost all of these up until 3 years ago when I got SOO lucky and found the girl of my dreams?

Is being a beta specifically for males cos it really doesn't work the other way.

but he over 6 foot

yo! that's what happened to me too, AND she's a (real) redhead


Only 3 for me

Shit scrap that its 4 for me im only 5ft 11
