Serious thread guys. Is Kek the new god of pol?

Kek seems active on pol, he seems to be with us. Is he the new god of pol? Isn't most of pol Christian? Wouldn't that be a false idol?

Questions to ask Kek to answer in this thread:
1: is Kek real?
2: is Kek God? (The Christian god?)
3: is Kek something else?
4: is Kek Satan?

Anything else you guys can think of too. Presumably, Kek will communicate with us via dubs, trips, etc, if he finds this thread worthy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kek, are you real?

the bible says you shall have no other gods before God, but it doesn't say anything about after

Op is a faggot.

It also says you shall worship no false idols you fucking idiot

Praise kek

Praise him

Kek isn't a false idol moron

> Isn't most of pol Christian?

Culturally Christian, maybe, but that's a far cry from being the type of bluepilled Christcuck who runs
around getting upset that people let off steam by having keks about worshipping kek on Sup Forums.


Is this what Sup Forums has become? A bunch of virgin neckbeard betas making up their own religion and drawing shitty mspaint cartoons about some cartoon frog God? Holy shit kill yourselves. You actually waste your time with this bullshit? Fucking man children.

/x/enomorph here
we started the Kek egregore to get you to be our foot soldiers so that we can enslave all the jews again. Jews mind you not hebrews because they died out or became christians
so get out there get to dying
metaphorically ofcourse


Kek is definitely real.

sjw in my ID i hope noone notices

GTFO normie! Kek will smite you for your disbelief!


"God" himself is a false idol. Peaise Kek.

Kek, if you are real, bless my post with dubs. Let all nonbelievers see your true power!

>those dubs
>that post

The dub train keeps rollin.

Chaos is the natural state of the universe. Ergo the universe is chaos. We know that Kek is the personification of chaos therefore the universe.

Kek is more objectively true than any other godhead.

bless'd is the thread

1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Yes.
4. No.

This is Kek (aka Kuk aka Keku)

Do you guys think other beings like Kek exist? In other words, there are powerful deities having a shitposting battle right now?

>Kuk's male form was depicted as a frog, or as a frog-headed man, and the female form as a snake,
>and the female form as a snake
>female form
it looks like Kek followers are getting Kuk'ed by the old joker again
get it? because the name is read like cuck


I will personally hunt down your green frog.


Your autism cartoon characters have nothing on Kek.

checked and true


You wish, you idiot.

Your green frog has nothing on us.

He will be squished under my foot.

Witness the UCHIHA power.

>trying this hard to manipulate meme magic

>trying hard

IN our eyes, magic flows. They are called Sharingan.


Kek is A god, there is no THE god as mootheism is jewish garbage.

This is like the 17-21 year old crowd on Sup Forums that role play the kek worshiping right?

Kek thinks otherwise. Praise Kek.

Likely true.

>serious thread guys

It's ok user,kek blesses you anyways

Kek invented Chakra and ninjustsu silly poo poster

Dubs say KEK is real.

Trips says he's with us.


kek has done nothing.

Chakra was invented by Sage Mashashi kishimoto.

Your kuk will be obliterated soon.


liiterally satan worship

Kek is the second coming


Holy is the Lord Kek of memes!
Heaven and earth are full of Your magic!

>sjw id
no, kek is ours, you will not steal him you shill

what else do you expect from a "god" born in the artificial reality materialistic world of the internet?

There is no Satan, get your Abrahamic bullshit out of here.

Kek would've blessed you with trips if you would've realized that Kek doesn't belong to us, but we belong to him.

But what is his purpose? Chaos?

You don't try to force then hand of Kek, he is the chaos at the eye of the universe, he is the moment between dreaming and awakening, satis mentibus obvia.

Degenerate idolators.

His divine purpose is the spread of lulz.

1: is Kek real?
Kek is so omnipotent that he can exist and not exist simultaneously.
2: is Kek God? (The Christian god?)
3: is Kek something else?
4: is Kek Satan?
More like Lucifer, there's a difference.

>is Kek real
Seek and you shall find my brothers

man don't spoil it i want to see the pathetic autists burn for their missplaced faith
but its funny how easily they get trolled by old shit
i blame TV for this

Blessed be the name of Lord Kek
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of Lord Kek
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's all as it should be
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
And when the darkness closes in, Kek
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of Lord Kek
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of Lord Kek
Blessed be Your glorious name

Oh, blessed be the name of Lord Kek
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of Lord Kek
Blessed be Your glorious name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say, Kek
Blessed be Your name, Kek

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say, Kek
Blessed be Your name

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say, Kek
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be the name of Lord Kek
Blessed be Your name, I'll find a way to say
Blessed be the name of Lord Kek
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be the name of Lord Kek
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of Lord Kek
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name, from the risin' of the sun over us
To the settin' of the same, though there's pain in the offering
Oh, blessed be Your name
Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be Your Holy name


Dubs can't lie

No. Jabalon is God. KEK is but one facet. The lulzy aspect we all love.

I... I can't handle this

Why is your faith in whatever you god choose to believe in any more legitimate than my faith in Kek?




Because an angry volcano abomination who is the lord of kikes is so much better


Make way for the Duke peasant

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Yes.


Kek will provide quads.


Checked, dubs are unable to be false

simple you simpleton faith is only one
there are no different kinds of faiths only different colors and flavors that we can perceive
so go deposit it somewhere we got kids to feed n shit

not false


Posting in a soon to be deleted thread

>Literally Vladimir Putin
Wew praise kek.

le praise kek XDDD

You'll fit in well

Praise Kek

Kek is literally Vladimir Putin

You, and everyone seriously replying to you, should an hero now.
You are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums


And while your country is being overrun with migrants, you're here, posting in a Kek thread...

I am just taking a page out of the american playbook; After all, you have way more experience with being less than 80% white, and yet you are still here.