Go outside

>go outside
>mind your own business
>someone doesn't like your outfit
>punches you
>bystanders applaud

Why the fuck is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because if it wasn't for people punching nazi's we'd be living in a facist world

>wear a literal nazi armband to piss off libs and dindus
>they get pissed
>wooooooow how was I supposed to know people would react poorly

If you attention whore, don't bitch when you get attention

you must not understand what flags mean do you

It´s not allowed?

Why are you such a whining faggot?

When the fuck did we get invaded by antifa? Get the fuck out libcucks. This is a Sup Forums board.

How come naziboos are rarely good looking guys with successful careers? It's 90% neckbeards, methheads, inbreds, obese fucks, uggos, etc.

Yeah... no.

Apparently you can write but not read the text on your own picture

>It was a joke on april fools and someone scrapped the armband to a blind man
>film reactions

So if this was a man in a dress getting knocked out that would also be ok?

Wearing a patch that symbolizes the mass murder of 7+ million people, so edgy dudes.

No, it was just an edgy naziboo


>wearing something that supported genocide and hatred is the same thing as a guy trying to look like a girl

At least try to come up with something reasonable

Because its hilarious. He should have hired private security if he didn't want to get knocked the fuck out.

It's not illegal in ameriland tho

If you use violence against someone, because some of his/her clothes annoy you - you really should get some help.

>believing in (((holocaust)))

>guy in dress
>wants to suck your dick
>guy in nazi regalia
>wants to commit genocide

Apples and oranges, m8

Fucking liberal DUMBASSES.


He deserved it, welcome to the real world and next time he shouldn't be an edgy fuck wearing symbols of evil and mass murder in public

Because it's not socially acceptable. You can have it in your home, but don't display it in public if you don't want trouble. People get offended by this and other kinds of shit. A swastika for some is the same as if you called a black guy a nigger and expected to get away with it. They take it personally and will fuck you up unless you can back it up. Clearly this guy wasn't armed and couldn't do shit. It's as simple as that.

Are you retarded? You think that punching them deters them from being idiots? Try to have some empathy and see that when you attack them physically for their ideas, that they feel like martyrs instead of outcasts. Attack their ideas if you want to attack them. You Antifa act a lot more like fascists than the people you attack.

Maybe it has something to do with the armband? Ask for shit you'll be given shit.

>the Nazis didn't gas the jews...but they should have!

Makes me lol every time

Its not, the nigger got arrested afterwards.

(((They))) want you to believe!
You're everywhere dude
But you're a wise user from time to time

Tell that to the criminals user.

Passive aggressive cuck personality. Typical.

>implying they'll actually change their ideals

Nazi fucks deserve to get knocked out. "Hurrrrr why r u attackin me for wanting anyone not whtie to die???????? use ur werds!1!!"

you sound like a bitch and your shit's all retarded

it's not allowed, since we have laws about it and despite your ignorance these crimes are prosecuted when they can be

now get the fuck out shitstain

What kind of retarded edgelord would dress like a nazi in public? Faggot had it coming, just for being a faggot.

that punch was nice af, regardless of which side you cucks are on.

No I don't think they will change their ideas. But they will end up feeling less justified.

There's video of it, he was assaulting black passengers, and black people after he got off.

So he got KO'd.

it would likely happen, don't lie

Punching them does deter them for the most part. The UK we had a big skinhead problem in the 80's and 90's and so did France. Then we formed opposing groups and started fighting them. Most were stupid kids just looking for a group to belong to. They wised up and quit their shit after getting a right proper smack to the face

I still don't know what that flag is supposed to represent. Alt-right? Edgy right winger fags online? Sup Forums or just b?

I remember when America used to take credit for winning WW2.

Post the video.


> judging people based on the way they look
You're all symbolists!

looks like he has crossed over the swastika. lol

gtfo snowflake

lol we did win that war you stupid faggot

if the world was rules by nazis, Sup Forums would be the first site they would close and forbid

>A symbol of a regime responsible for murdering millions of innocents and launching Europe into a war that killed millions more. Likely reflecting that the wearer shares the beliefs of that regime.

>A dress.

Yeah, those are definitely the same thing.

Kekistan. Basically Sup Forums in real life. It's based on the Kreigsmarine (Nazi Germany's naval force) flag just green instead of red and replacing the swastika with kek. Sup Forumstards use it as plausible deniability that they're not really nazis but of course no one falls for that bullshit

Are you implying that beating people in the street is not criminal?

>Most were stupid kids just looking for a group to belong to. They wised up and quit their shit after getting a right proper smack to the face

This. This is exactly the reason why a "polite" amount of voilence works in cases like this.

These are not a bunch of intellectuals or an extremely politised or ideology based group. What they think they believe in might be, but they're not. Just some usual, marginalised or socially awkward people trying to fill an emptiness in their life. Same thing with almost all westerners who convert to islam or find peace in reiki or someshit.

>implying America killed Nazis simply because they were nazis

>being this fucking retarded

The internet hasn't been good for your cognitive abilities.

Indeed ye did and now your trying to make me feel bad about a guy wearing a nazi armband getting knocked the fuck out. Can't say it seems like the same America to me.

At this point, it was like flipping the public off by wearing what's illegal in Germany itself.
Dumbass got his karma knocked out of him.

Same for any other ideology.

not that user but please explain.

Contrary to what Sup Forums thinks, even in America you can't go instigating people with racial intimidation then cry self defense when they wreck your shit. Seriously, look up racial intimidation laws.

>creating a satire of Nazis and taking the piss out of them means your a nazi!

How much of a moron are you? Is your IQ count sub-80?

I second this user on the grounds of free speech, and that punching someone out without provocation or threat is billshit.

This could have been satire/irony, or legit. I don't know. He may have deserved it by actively attacking other people, but to assume his intent is just as wrong to assume the character of someone in a dress.

Clothing does not make the person.

Wear communist sign. Nobody punches you. Communism killed more people than any other ideology.

worst bait

>Nazi Germany declares war on America
>America obliges and pushes their shit in

What's hard to understand?

I am not. I just don't think the people who beat the shit out of that guy care for your opinion. Guy wore a nazi band out in public. What did he expect?

how many communists are burning torches, and lynching minorities in 2017 in the US

>being that out of touch

Personally, I think it's pretty hilarious posting this on Sup Forums. This board regularly gets flamed by retarded SJWs for "victim blaming", to which the usual answer is "dont go naked in detroid downtown during night" which is a sentiment I support.

But then on the other hand, if a faggot wants to provoke with his edgy nazi-bandage and gets beaten up, suddenly this sentiment is not valid anymore. Talk about doublestandards you gigantic cocksucker.

>advocate support for white supremacy
>taking the piss out of nazis


It's the legal equivalent of hate speech. You don't have the right to wear it the same way you don't have the right to make terroristic threats in public or shout fire in a crowded theater. Responding to violence WITH violence is obviously wrong, but this dude should have seen this coming a mile away. Trying to rile people up in a city large enough to have public transportation only invites attention like this.

>armband on wrong arm
>pants sagging below ass
>face hidden as much as possible by glasses and headphones

1. obviously fake
2. you have to be a total fucking moron to think there are literal nazis walking around america
3. >just because im dressed a certain way doesnt mean i am a certain way

>having fun getting raped and being forced to join an all white gang in jail.

Does that faggot know that there are white dudes in jails with swastika and white pride tattoos? That's guy not gonna see anything new which is basically nothing but a few fights every week that noone dies.

Very but very few jails are like that anymore. hollywood movies are not documentaries for fucks sake.

>Wear communist sign. Nobody punches you.

Miami here. Wear a commie or Che shirt here and see what happens. I fucking dare you

Thanks, was looking for a good video of that. Never a bad time to punch nazis.



>America gets suckered punched by Japan.

>Declares War on Japan

>Japan is like "WTF BRO I NEED HELP"

>Germany is like "fuck, I'll look like a cuck if I don't declare war on America to support my ally"

>Germany declares war on America

>America starts cucking Japan for 2 years before even setting foot in Europe

>America arrives in Europe, and starts smacking the shit out of Germany's army (whom aren't nazis, most were just conscripts)

>America uncovers Nazi death camps

>America then pushes the narrative that they were in the moral right all along and fought a 100% objectively evil force and says they "beat the Nazis" when only a small minority of people were Nazis.

History lesson of the day.

This is completely fair. If you don't think so you're a bitch made faggot. This does not constitute "minding your own business".

Milhouse correcting my own record here: the Nazi was getting into it. Black guy attacked physically. Both wrong, both dumb.

Yet people use the soviet communism symbol and it's acceptable, while more than double the people were killed in the ussr.

More people died by Stalins orders, than Hitler.

IMO kill all commies and nazis.


lol when i was in high school people wore che shirts all the time, and i lived in arkansas, where even mentioning the word communism gets you evil stares

>entire countries destroyed by US imperialism

*crickets from the right*

> one nazi gets punched


Kill all nazis.

I bet you idiots would give a Nazi a pass in Miami

SAD! they'd kill you filthy Cubans in a second.

>implying kekistanis are white supremacists

Yeah, no. But go ahead and continuously accuse everyone you don't like of being a white-supremacist, totally doesn't make you look like you don't know your enemies and allies.

This, honestly.

Actually, I'm amazed at how spot on this post is, but this is essentially the underlying reason why people are fucking retarded today. They don't understand there are causes and effects, they just react wildly and emotionally at any impulsive trigger.

Man, his armband doesn't necessarily mean that he is a Nazi. Maybe he liked the design. I know tons of people who wear hoodies with baseball teams and know shit about baseball. It's a pity people still dwell on past instead of moving on. I hope we will be living in a society where you can wear whatever outfit you want to without being judged or punched.

Critical thinking isn't something Sup Forums is known for

we will alway be there to punch nazi

>implying 100% of German population was a Nazi

Yeah, no-wonder why ANTIFA is getting ridiculed on a mass stage.

Free speech doesn't apply to you being an asshole. This misconception among children on the internet always baffles me. I bet you also believe that you don't need a driver's license if you declare yourself a naturalized sovereign citizen under the Articles of Confederation. You can't walk around calling everyone niggerfaggot. That armband basically does that without him once opening his mouth.

How many lynchings have there been in the past 5 years?

Why the fuck is this allowed?

Assaultinh people is illegal and i hope the puncher gets jailtime

>wears a symbol that says ''fuck all non whites''
>you complain he gets knocked out
>if a black person wore a shirt saying ''fuck white people'' you would be the first to cry about it

Fuck off you snowflake

Seems unlikely.

So you say my rights end when YOU don't like what I'm using my rights for?

So you want to end freedom of speech then?

What an authoritarian cuck.

Nazis are like rabid dogs.

Put them down or they'll cause harm.

I don't use Sup Forums and don't know how this is related. If someone uses nazi armbands it tells that he has some issues and it's punishment enough to be that stupid. Committing an assault against him doesn't help it but tells that you are also having problems.

Symbols are just symbols. Judge people by their actions, not by their words or garment. You must have be retarded to get offended by somebody's outfit.

>tfw people get assulted for what they're wearing
>feminists cry when a woman wearing strings gets raped

>only a small minority of people were nazis in nazi germany.

100% wrong. There were no good Germans in Germany. Most people were fine with the Jews getting carted off to the camps as long as the trains kept running, that makes them culpable. Same shit is about to happen in the states.

Its not allowd. Its illegal but that idiot had it coming.

America fought fascists and communists not just Nazis, I'm surprised you aren't punching russians or chinese people with that logic


>entire countires destroyed by Communism

*Crickets from the left*

>FREEDOM OF SPEECH rally is conducted


It's almost as if communists have a natural proclivity for violence.
