Alright Sup Forums. Trump has terrorized this country for months on end. We need to get him impeached. We need Hilary. How can we make this happen?
Alright Sup Forums. Trump has terrorized this country for months on end. We need to get him impeached. We need Hilary...
You cant. Even if you somehow impeach Trump, you would get a President Pence... Go through 5 people and we get President Matis. Then President Sessions. 15 people and its President DeVos
You would need to go through more than 20 people to even come to a Democrat
You've been terrorized by your own ignorance. How did you make that happen?
Ok so first. Go get a shotgun. Put it in your mouth.
Second pull the trigger.
That should take care of the problem.
Why can’t people just accept him and wish him to do well. He’s our president get over it
Not Hillary, but how do you feel about Paul Ryan? If it turns out that the VP gets implicated in this Russia mess then we could get President Ryan.
To back to your containment board
Like how they accepted Obama?