One of my greatest wishes is to become a true psychopath. To be completely free of emotions and empathy towards others...

One of my greatest wishes is to become a true psychopath. To be completely free of emotions and empathy towards others, I would like to begin torturing small animals such as cats and dogs. The screams they make should give me satisfaction. I don't want to have any of my "human" feelings anymore. It hasn't done me anything good. I should learn some ways of how to lie and manipulate people into doing my own needs. I've never really shown my dark side to anyone else, for the fear of being institutionalised. But let's just say that I'm an evil person. I would like to fake guilt and make it seem realistic in order to fool people into trusting me, then quickly murder them and hide their bodies somewhere. I see women as sex objects to be abused by males. Okay maybe the word I'm looking for is a sociopath here, but they are both pretty similar to one another. Anons can further discuss about what should be done with me.

Another thing I would like to achieve is to lure my victims into me some way.

just kill yourself, edgelord

Thanks for the suggestion, but it's not quite what I was looking for.

You had a rough past I assume.
Would you perhaps talk about it?

First you gatta get some dubs.


Nice bait, faggass

Too bad psychopathy and sociopathy occur in primarily intelligent people.

Psychopaths and sociopaths don't "need" to want to be unempathetic. They just are. It's in their nature.

You think by losing your natural morality you will improve as a person. This will change once you're no longer immature.

You ain't gonna lure shit

You probably don't have the faintest clue about how to be manipulative

Thank god for that