Why do Nazis always lose?

Why do Nazis always lose?

Fair fight i doubt he would

3 versus 1 first of all.

they didn't alway lose. They did some effective shit with gas chambers and other methods of mass executions.

There isn't such a thing as fair fight. In fight all means are good.

You dont come up and sucker punch someone trying to have a civil conversation with you.
Unless you're a pussy white bitch claiming to be anti fascist

So it would have bee fair if the nazi pulled out an AK and shot the dude in the forehead? Thats a fair fight to you?

They even didn't manage to get rid of all those Jews and Slavs as they had planned.

because he's talking to an ape, and apes aren't rational

what this guy said

thank God they didnt. But it was just a matter of time...


because the other dude was taller and fitter

This video is fake as shit.

You're telling me a guy that is so indoctrinated in the nazi ideology that he wears a nazi armband on the street is just going to forget he put it on the wrong arm?

You assume these people are coherent enough to even draw swastikas properly

Because the nigger had 3 other guys backing him up.

Well that particular one lost because he did nazi that punch coming


will pol ever recover?

Nazis lose because they are losers by nature.

Nazi detected

lmao hes retarded for going outside like that

The world would probably have been better off if Hitler at least got all the Jews.

There is a reason they have been kicked out of every country they have tried going into in the past.

Damn, I should put on an arm band like that and get laid out.
I'd love to have all of that law suit money.
Never have to work again.

>civil conversation with someone wearing a swastika armband

Lmao like the people that hit you would have any money to their name.

because you cant have a dumb idea and expect everyone to go along with it, even if you try and kill the entire competition to your idea

you dont wear a nazi arm band around your arm unless you wanna get ktfo

lets be real fam, rights go out the window when you do some dumb shit like that

When did the other two jump in?

/threading your post = faggotastic
ps culture theft is narrative

This. And if your so bitch made you go down from one hit you have no business cosplaying your little faggoty autistic rage genocide fantasies in public. Don't a play like you're tough if you aren't.

I hope he kicked him repeatedly after he went down.

Are you blind or just retarded?

Tough talking there fag. You try walking down a street and have some nigger and his 2 chimp homeboys square off against you. I'd love to watch you shit yourself and beg them not to hurt you, because that's what little cucks like you always do.

That's pretty much what everybody does when they're outnumbered, including the type of fellows you've just mentioned.


>you go down from one hit
fight much?
Hey i've been fighting since i could stand, allow me to gift you with this bit of detail: anyone, anyone can be hit with one lucky shot and disabled or knocked out. That guy was decked by someone much bigger with one good shot, doesn't mean he was in the wrong or anything other than dropped. Armbands and ethics are all details and arguments after the violence has been done.
The worry is that so many idiots are adopting this as some kind of guiding principle in life.
Sup Forums didn't used to be so full of angry scared racists, the racism was always ironic and funny.

>comparing these retards to actual nazis

Oh boy

Someone stealing your culture is the highest compliment it can get.

>trying to have a civil conversation with you.
The wearing of nazi regalia is announcing that reason and civility are over with, only might will decide every issue.

You are pretty stupid or just uneducated.

The reason is they have always been rich and people are jealous of rich people.
Besides, it was the Christians who borrowed money from them.

>Usury was banned and only Jews were allowed to do it.
>Jews get rich
>poors start blaming rich outsiders for their fail
yeah pretty solid pattern over centuries there.
since the resentment of poors is utterly untouchable there has to be massive violence, right?
fuck offfffff

Yeah, or you could try to make your point by NOT posting a video that proves that the one who is anti-Nazi is douchebag sucker-puncher.

Nice job being an advocate for Nazis, dipshit.

Of course, the fact that you even posted this and proved the opposite of what you intended to show, and didn't even realize it until my post, is pretty much conclusive evidence that you are too fucking dumb to even be on Sup Forums.

Uhm, I think you are trying to say the same thing I did but in a fucking stupid way.

If you're not, why should the Jews be blamed if usury was banned in Christianism, it's their fucking fault if they banned it and then cried because the Jews got richer and richer

Heroes can't always win, that's why OP

Your heroes never won

Why does every guy feel the need to imply they have some special insight on fighting or know how to fight to anonyous people on the Internet?

Protip: weak ego.

this op may be the most retarded fuckwit to ever come on Sup Forums
what a dumbass

Pointless to reason with Antifa. By definition, they are retarded. But you're right. This thread only proves how retarded they are.

"Antifa Sucker Punches it's own at Free Speech Boston Rally"


Yup, they're literally this dumb.

"Black Trump Supporter Sucker-Punched By Antifa"


>swastika armband

Hale Hortler

Agreed. I've even been in a few fights and I can't say I learned anything from them or improved in my ability to fight.

>proves that the one who is anti-Nazi is douchebag sucker-puncher.
Yeah he should have sent his friends away and squared up waiting for the nazi to get ready right?
No. Lie down and have a sleep with piss in your pants, idiot larper.
>weak ego
maybe it's being in my 40s, actually having a clue and seeing the exact same stupid crap bleated day-in-day-out? Feel threatened by any of that? No? Then shut up.

Oh you could have just said you're in a mid-life crisis

op=too dumb to even realize what he did


>a few fights
See those Worldstar clips of toddlers fighting while their idiot parents cackle?
By the time that kid's 20 he's really, really going to have an edge over any suburban marshmallow who's 'been in a few fights'.
That's if he isn't dead or seriously damaged by the abuse, neglect and accidents that claim more poor shitbags than any other type of person.
TLDR: fighting in the street is not your strong suit, it belongs to low-end critters and achieves nothing. Good troll, thanks.

You're tough bro. We get it .

Pls don't leap on bait so fast and hard.

You're wearing gang colors on the street,
Whatever comes your way is fair game,
He had WAY more than a heads-up

"Hey let's be reasonable."
[Points to Nazi armband]

You have no idea how many white inventions you used to post that reply

I don't even know what a "larper" is, but thanks for confirming your retardation in your admission that you do.
FYI, I am a decorated, ranking Marine and did four tours in the arena. I am literally 4th generation Corps. I assure you, keyboard fagboy, that neither you, nor any of the street faggots in your video would last 30 seconds in a fight with me.

By the way, you are welcome for your right to be able to talk freely about your backward agenda in this country. I've been to several where you would be beheaded before breakfast for far less.

You are one clueless motherfucker, aren't you?

Got your muh intellectual property now, sucker.

punch looks real, nazi armband might be shooped in, would explain wrong arm


I bet you're also trained in gorilla warfare too

Not him, but thank you for your service. You're also right about op being dumb. The video only proves that the guy who hit the nazi is a lowlife. If anything, I now have newfound hatred for anti-nazis based on this thread with all the links to antifas sucker-punching nazis.

I'm not suburban, but the only thing fighting results in, at least from where I'm from, is either a jail sentence or getting gang beat, which I think is what you're pretty much saying as well. If you're not in a gang like me, it really makes no sense to be fighting people.

>literally 4th generation Corp
>calls someone a douchebag sucker puncher
i didn't post any clips and i'm a vegan.
Serious question, if someone was in the military and a vegan, which one would they mention first in a conversation? Would have to be a titanic internal conflict going on there.

>anti-nazis don't fight fair
>wtf i hate anti-nazis now

LOL. That armband is so obviously photoshopped in that this is actually funny. Op is doubly retarded.

>sucker punch

I may only be a pussy ass whiteboi, but even I know that when an African superhuman gives you a chance to put your hands up and defend yourself, you should take it

It probably is either photoshopped or completely fake, but the point remains.

Niggers are notorious COWARDS that can only win by suckerpunching. Everybody knows this. Thread proves Niggers are low lifes. Nothing more.

And we wonder why so many niggers are in jail.

i'm not him, but nobody here has any clue wtf you're talking about, dipshit!
you're shits all retarded

That was never the plan idiot. Who tattoos and keep detailed records of someone you shipped on limited trains, during a desperate war, to simply kill????

I find it disturbing that you don't see the right to freedom of expression as a matter of principle.

i'm a vegan

sucker punch?

He moved in and they stared right at each other.

can I just go on the record by saying you pieces of shit always say "buh dat one black mang dun represent all afrikanz" when it comes to a high profile killing, but suddenly all whites are Nazis or support Nazism or fascism? can you not see the blatant hypocrisy you spew on a daily basis?

sage goes in all fields

Inability to make friends. It comes from the hate.

Stock management. A small part of the dehumanisation and contempt that was wastefully accelerated as the war was being lost.
The numbers correspond to punch cards used in Hollerith machines provided and supported by IBM right up until the end.
Extermination was the plan, nobody bothers with flatearthers and holocaust deniers anymore.

Nigger was wearing gang colors on his face, fair to shoot on sight

>probably fake

>point remains
What point is that? Umm, that anti-nazis are liars that make things up then claim what they made up is somehow a proven point? Or that niggers are cowardly monkeys?

There are whole websites out there dedicated to Niggers being cheaters with sucker punches. Bottom line: NEVER TRUST A NIGGER!

This >i'm a vegan
Not him, but seems like neither he, I, nor anybody else understands your jibberish. Maybe school more and come back when you are 12?

No the Nazis lost and got fucked up. Europe and the US are under full Zionist control and only the Arabs, Iran, NK and parts of South America are resisting.

What you call niggers are actually miles ahead of your comfy ass by knowing that winning and victory are for the one firstest with the mostest.
The idea of a fair fight is a social control mechanism that folds in the face of barbarism, do not get into fights with tigers, gorillas, or athletic poor people. You will lose.
Do not get into a tug-of-war with a cow, you will lose. You will lose a dick comparison contest with a donkey and you will lose a shitting contest against an elephant.
There's reasons why humans run this shit and the humans that run the humans are disciplined and organised, not savage.

>i'm a vegan
no, you are retarded
nothing more

Fam? Shitskin detected.

Why do ppl from Sup Forums cum here

>im a vegan
retard confirmed

Honestly, there is no fair fighting in a street fight or any fight. Are you naive enough to think white people fight fair? And the remaining point that I was referring to is that the OP shows what should be done to all neo-nazis. America didn't defeat the Nazis to be taken over by even more retarded versions of them.


that blanco is a fucking shame lol

>fight much?
>Hey i've been fighting since i could stand, allow me to gift you with this bit of detail: anyone, anyone can be hit with one lucky shot and disabled or knocked out
HAHHA you stupid fucking nigger. Perhaps you should talk to your boy who had his hands down and away from his face...He relaxed so terrible Nazi should be hung.

>being taken over by alt right nazi weebs
Turn off CNN bro, your mind has most definitely been messed with if you think that nazis are taking over America. Kek. You're pathetic.

Oh hi 12 yr olds