What went wrong?

what went wrong?

jake paul broke him

Stinky smelly Jew

Never meet your heroes

h3h3's fan base saw him as a fucking god. But you know, people are people. No one is flawless.

When he exposed his flaws, his fan base lost their minds.

How can this guy that we adore and venerate be a little flawed?

Nothing went wrong with him. h3h3's fans are just dumb stupid people that can't understand that everyone can have different opinions.

They complained SO much about the "Jake Paulers", but look at them. They are not any better.
Honestly, Ethan can have whatever opinion he wants. He's not my fucking friend or anything. He's just a guy on the internet. His dumb fan base should realize that.

why do people worship this guy

with what i don't understand can somebody explain

He's wasn't racist enough.Should be dropping n-bombs 24/7. Piss off them libtarded cucks.

Just to sum it up -
Pewdiepie says nigger on a livestream, the world hates him for it.
Ethan, known for his podcast and his channel H3H3, who has even had pewdiepie on his podcast and seemed to be well acquainted, tells the world how hes just disappointed in him for it.
The hypocrisy here is that Ethan has said nigger on multiple accounts in a joking manner, his defense being context. I think its a little bit of a stretch to bash on him.

he backstabbed pewdiepie by attacking him on his podcast for saying the n word
then next podcast episode he gets drunk and nicotine buzzed and starts screaming at all the people who disliked the video

I'd say when he said pewdiepie was "too comfortable" saying the word nigger but he said it way before him. Now he's saying that Keemstar and Scarce are calling him a hypocrite when they literally just reported on the criticism from the audience of the video they didn't give their personal criticism just the audience's