Okay science fags, explain this:

Okay science fags, explain this:
They say it's impossible to travel faster than the speed of light. Well then, explain cars. Cars have headlights. A car driving at 60 mph with its headlights on will have the light traveling at 60mph faster than the speed of light.
Checkmate atheists.

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Never even. Thought of this. But checkmate atheists? Nah, unlike religions, science doesn't claim to be the absolute truth

Second postulate of special relativity tells us that the speed of light is constant in all inertial reference frames

False. Light travels at a constant speed, it has no mass, therefore it cannot be affected by inertia.

I don't know why I'm bothering to explain this, but the idea that a car somehow pushes light down the road is too absurd to not immediately correct.

*blinks twice* The light still only goes at around 3.00x10^8 m/s. That's the reason why it's a constant. No matter what you do, that light will still be travelling at it's own speed

It's own speed +60mph




in relation to you and your speed, the light slows with the speed of the car, in the opposite direction of that which it is traveling. Similarly, the closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time will go for you in relation to that around you.