Gwen's new set preview

How's the durability on these? These are not cheap pocket pussies lol

Website conversion is broken, they're between $1200 and $1500

pretty good, but they won't last forever. I think you should expect a few years at least, more if you are really careful and take good care of them. Cheaper dolls won't last as long.

Thanks for posting pics and answering my questions, really awesome

no problem, it's fun for me to talk about things i like

aw shit your right.
but i still think that a little pricey cus lolli is not my thing.

Yeah, the more they are moved around, especially if abused of left in extreme poses, the shorter the lifespan will be. Things like the armpits will start to tear if care is not taken. That said, they are well made and should last.

they make adult models you know

they have adult looking dolls too. i want this one

yep, i pose mine a lot so there is more wear and tear than most people would have, but my Molly is still doing pretty good after almost a year

all right, the set is done, uploading it right now