Dox your local Nazis here.
Dox your local Nazis here
>implying a dude who posts "niggers" on his facebook with a pic of his face and a nigger festival would give two squirts of piss about incels on Sup Forums
Top kek OP
He is already posting it on Facebook. Do you know what dox means or are you retarded?
Antifa Gay, be off.
no one cares
hes antifa user, hes most likely clinically retarded and feels like a big man doing this sort of shit instead of the loser he is
fuck off you communist faggot
don't dox nazis
dox your local nigger criminals
I guess so. I don't know what he was expecting. "Hey lets send that pic to everyone he knows on Facebook" Oh wait... That he he doesn't look like he has the type of job where they would give a shit about that post.
You are a faggot.
You know what you are.
>not system of a downs