Risk game here. Start once 5 players join.
Bump #1
start in flanders
Finally. Pls Gibe New York City, New Jersey, and Northeast Pennsylvania.
Yo im back
>Donetsk People's Republic
>Light Blue
>Anywhere in Eastern Europe
Mongol Empire
Read the rules you can't start in the New World jackass
Your map is kill.
Red, Berlin
Link to your risk game?
Start in Europe or Asia my man.
The new OP fucked the whole map up tho, I got no idea whats going on
> Empire of Kek
> Green
> Poo in Loo land
I mean he also removed one of the major rules in the map which is pretty shitty but he's first time OP so he's bound to be kinda shit let's be honest ;))
Does anyone want to get a game going with this map?
It looks pretty interesting
Those kind of maps suck my friend, blank maps are much better.
>any type of blue left
just drop me in persian terretory
Fuck, having some problems with paint, gonna take some time to finish this.
Whats wrong
>problems with paint,
Don't be a noob OP. Qualified shitposters should have mastered mspaint.exe
you can let kublai host, he did well prev time
My paint is probably corrupted tbqhwy, but i can pull it out.
>not being ever corrupt
pick one and only one
Hey man I don't want no funny business like the water being green or stuff
Alright, Klubai will be the host, he's the more experienced and probably has a clean paint.
Your father should have pulled out
You wanna join the game cause Im not playing AND hosting
>looks at flag
quality shitpost 'stralia
It's true.
k, i'll take your spot as the Mongols.
I really like the nation colors, they're beautiful
Annex China, march southwards to the Poo lands.
Expand to fill Germany
March onwards to take Kiev and then Vienna
added Trip
fill greece
March towards saudi arabia
fill netherlands
Added Capitals which I forgot to add last mupdate
Keep filling germany
Keep going South.
Fill saudi
Capture Budapest, and then march directly from Budapest to Dalmatia in Croatia, do these actions via the most direct routs possible
Don't subtly tell me to beeline i ain't gonna do it
take the north of france
alliance so we have a germanic europe?
fill balkans and take constantinople
Based Tartarbro.
Fill the poo lands with the might of Kek
:( sorry, is that not allowed?
Of course not it's disgusting and makes for disgusting maps
Spreading sozialismus, not imperialism. Sorry
i'm a n00b sorry
what's that
Persia open for lurkers
Two Germanic brothers split because of ideology are having border tensions
do you see that pali?
Advance into the Mainland Pooland.
Push to take Bohemia, spills go to taking Switzerland
Keep filling saudi
fill france in a south east direction
Kek shall continue to increase it's poo land territory.
[spoiler]with seed[/spoiler]
Things are about to get real shitty around here.
Australians are the only reason i'm still alive, i hope you don't get nuked when the happening happens.
Keep filling germany up to the Germanic empire, then expand south into austria
Mongols marching through India, they devastate the population by building toilets
Head towards persia
Invade the Kek Poos, occupy their designated shitting streets.
Fill poland
fill bretagne and go towards iberian peninsula
The empire of kek and the will of the loo witch mandates the mongols be purged from northern poo land
Capture Vienna and head towards Zurich
Hey, could I join on Eastern South America as like a brown color or some shit? If so I'd like to be Trumpinian Reich.
You can't join in the New World read the rules dickhead
You can take over Persia he's inactive
Read the rules, you can't start in New World
You can play as Persia though
Can we set up new cities or only capture them from our opponents?
Oh yea, sorry slav. Il take the shit skin empire then, that sounds good.
Ok roll
Only capture, this map isn't that complex
Head north east
Now it's officially war in Poo land
Persia completely fucks off from Persia itself
Go towards russia
Continue slinging shit at the mongols
Wave towards the Kek Poos and occupy their desifganted streets.
Head due north, let's make Siberia great again.
Fill in Romania and rest of Balkans, then head north towards Minsk
Exoand into Denmark, Norway
take untake lands east of switzerland and use the strait to head into northern italy
Dude, what is happening.
Dude, Mongols and citizens of Kek should create a bigger, better empire and remove kebabs
We should merge.
Greece is open for lurkers
History repeats itself and Mongols still can't conquer India
take the iberian peninsula
Merger granted with the conditions of Kek being the official religion of state and green map colour. Mongols capital shall take control. What say you?
Let's head north and then start going west. Persian Siberia wishes for no conflict
Merge not allowed fuck off
Fucking slavs.
In that case Empire of kek will fill in south pooland.
I'd rather poo in a designated shitting street than convert to Kek.
Continue the campaign against the Indian Poo in Loos.