Brittany Venti Stream raid? Anyone bored? Shes doing GTA RP
Brittany Venti Stream raid? Anyone bored? Shes doing GTA RP
Hunter Parker
Lincoln Ward
Link? I'm too fuckin lazy
Nathan Cox
Jacob Flores
why is Venti so fucking bangable looking?
Evan Morales
I have always heard of these infamous raids but alas, I have never participated in them. I say LETS DO IT. She's a troll so she doesn't care. Well unless she gets banned, than shit.
Luke Jones
b for bitch
Parker Ward
She's a free spirit. She give off those drifter vibes. Just look at her eyes, they're drifting further apart every year.
Thomas Young
Isaiah Turner
Ryder Miller
OP didn't request for anyone to do it, he ASKED if people WANTED to. Kill yourself mr. No fun allowed