Getting married in 8 months to a female much more wealthy and educated then I am.
I am 24.
What am I in for? I'd like to hear from other married anons from Sup Forums.
Getting married in 8 months to a female much more wealthy and educated then I am.
I am 24.
What am I in for? I'd like to hear from other married anons from Sup Forums.
She's going to cheat on you if she hasnt already.
I'm serious
>marrying at 24
I mean that depends on how sure you are she won't get bored of you. It she's just marrying you for looks how long will it last user?
what the fuck
that looks like a dude in a hat in a body bag
what the fuck is wrong with you man
I am prepared for this. I have expected this is what all females will be doing or attempting at this age.
I am preparing for this and I have told her what will happen if she does.
Nah shes not marrying me just for looks. We have been together for 4 years.
I am not a jerk believe it or not.
Don't make fun of my cock. No more picture then.
That's not a healthy penis. A penis is just a fleshy tube that gets pumped with fluid. Fluid should accumulate most at the ends and therefore should create an expansion of size that is equal to, if not bigger, than the rest of the tube. What that penis is showing is that there's not enough blood going to the tip and that clearly there's some abnormal pooling that is occurring in the shaft. See a doctor before you end up with compartment syndrome and your dick falls off.
Depends on the woman have you completely redpilled her?
Never marry a women who is better than you. (either at money or at education).
>I am preparing for this and I have told her what will happen if she does.
Oh yeah? What did you tell her tough guy?
Move to a pro-male Alimony state ASAP. I's recommend Florida.
You will be pleased with the long-term results.
get that disgusting shit out of here
*tips foreskin*
>injecting silicon in your penis
you deserve death
They sell Steam Whistle in Australia? Good beer.
Visited their bottling factory in Toronto - I thought they were more of a regional thing.
Funniest cock i've ever seen-
Taking our children and everything in the house including our cars and moving.
Also told her I will most likely kill her and myself if we don't have any children. inb4 edgy.
I am an American citizen as well as Australian, so I expect to move back and take everything with me after selling everything.
You're a big guy.
>cutfags will defend this
It could have been truly glorious too
Educate me guys?
what the fuck is that thing?
is that real or some peepee enalrgement?
Disgusting cock
I am not circumcised you idiot.
I would jump on your cock OP desu
I'm drooling a bit
Knock her up and be a stay at home Dad. Live the dream.
>marring a richer woman
well done
this is the way
no one makes money through hard work, that's a jew meme
I fully approve
What the fuck is wrong with your foreskin?
>those fucking proportions
holy shit user i'm fucking DYING
>ridiculous choad
>mutilated end
>sparse pubic hair
the fuck is wrong with you?
But i'm a girl so how does that make a fag?
An attention whore sure but a fag?
O.O thats a benis :D
This. You've lost ~10 of the best child-bearing years of your wife's life. It's like buying a 10 year old car.
this gets posted on Sup Forums daily
It's like it went out of juice half the way up.
Her family has millions back in China. They bought her a 4 million AUD pent house in Sydney for us to live as well as invested $2mill aud in a business for us to run over in Australia which we are starting up in 6 months.
Stop talking about my cock. No more questions or pictures. It was just for an attention bringer to thread.
Holy fuck. That looks deformed. And why did you shave your pubes?
That shit literally looks like the shrunken head guy from Beetlejuice. Disgusting. Don't mess with penis pumps kids.
Christ. Glad my dick is only 5.5 inches around.
You're literally figuratively the woman in this relationship
Why the fuck are you getting married to someone you don't appear to know very well? You'd know exactly what you are in for if you did know here and her family well. Good luck, you're going to need it.
>He doesn't shave his pubes
I am the only one employed currently between the both of us and I do all the work.
She cooks and cleans.
Insecure Indian with 3 inch cock detected. OP has a fat dick, but his head is all screwed up and it's short. How can a dick be that fat and short?
Honestly the weirdest looking cock I've seen, including micropenises. mirin' the girth doe.
Hey man, how do I apply for a job in your company?
Not being married until 25 is degenerate.
Found the newfag
oh she's a chink
forget about it
you'll never see a penny, your children will all be supreme gentlemen and she'll quickly turn into a terrible shrew
may as well just end it now
but first tell us how it goes squeezing your absurd aubergine of a penis into her tight asian snatch
was it a botched circumcision?
Can I see a pic of your future wife?
>ching chong
Oh wow just kill yourself
>I will most likely kill her and myself if we don't have any children.
Oh this marriage is going the distance, I can tell already.