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fee fi fo fum

don't falseflag with yuri

we're too old for this

our girls


what a fucking fat uggo
"pisstin visuals" everyone


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If I take the mask off, will you stop making great b-sides?

don't pretend sunny isn't atrocious and there won't be a problem


Pristin belongs in the trash

we might get actual bts teasers at the end of the month

trash is full thanks to choa

nice clubslut uggo did you remember to clean it out before posting her?

word with Lovelyz, Gugudan, DIA, Weki Meki, Blackpink, OMG, and Red Velvet



Momo is a cool human being.

he said trash, not cute

forgot cosmic uggos oh wait they aren't relevant enough to even be mentioned

imagine dedicating all of your kpg time (all day every day in some cases) to hating on other groups instead of posting the ones you like

Leave Gugudan out of this desu.

someone take wendy out of the equation

that's pretty early isn't it

the baseball christopher robin of kpop

people born after 9/11 shouldn't be allowed to kpop

no worries, it's just one guy

>take wendy out of the equation
>and put her into my heart
Word, except she's already there.


imagine being this buttmad that people shit on groups you like

All you people need to take lessons from GFriend and buddies and be nice to everyone

he has copycats now unfortunately

the idols or fans?

they've been the meanest posters lately

she's part of the cool kids for sure

memewords as per usual

the idols


yoona is freaking pretty

Can't believe the manager would let Momo physically touch male fans on stage like that

word, and Twice

same but kwon yuri

lol the madman actually did it

Yoona loves you with all her heart

what are the top three types of posting you would want to stop if you could

well they're coming back next month so i think is going to start the last week of august with the dramas

keep crying bitchmaid

they're the ones shitting on other groups because koreans keep calling their group bustedfriend

one cool cucumber

weki meki
cosmic uggos


bp, ioi groups, and meanposting

always fun watching you effectually "btfo" yourself lol

i finally learned the appeal of suzy

post suzy

1) images and webms that get spammed almost everyday

that's it

she also likes to party

>he doesn't know


what's really funny is watching you desperately think of something to post

god bless her


underrated post

why are you even dealing with that autist

seo leg tho

momo THO

show info

mina could definitely replace choa

still waiting for the L M A O and/or drum and bass meme, hwaiting!!!

So we can all agree this is the best Loona girl and song so far?


Heejin is the best

no, best girl is Heejin, best song is Let Me In

unless you mean from 2/3, then it's Kim Lip

getting filters? i once had Sup Forums x installed but removed it because i didn't really need it
i kind of want to see everything anyway, what if you miss out on something

yes but we're still pretending it's jinsoul for obvious reasons

No on both, but she's still pretty good as a member as well as her song.

singing in the rain

that's not vivi

HeeJin + whatever HaSeul's song is titled

>what if you miss out on something

word wouldn't want to Miss Outâ„¢ on all those cute Nayeon pics or anything lol

eclipse is soty and vivi is best girl

It really would be devastating.

heejin is the best girl with the best songs

i still remember when loonaposting was literally one guy shilling and everyone telling him to fuck off, now kpg won't stfu about them


its still that one guy


loona is good though

Word but only Jinsoul.

>that one guy who hates when people enjoy talking about their favorite group

clearly with psychological issues

A mass amount of anons will turn back around to hate once they debut. Like with all girl groups.

word but also ViVi

i like seeing everything that gets posted on kpg, it's interesting desu