The results are in... and the biggest cucks are:

A month ago
posted a online portal, where you could book being raped by a refugee

Now they have posted the first results, the leading cucks in Europe at this moment are

1. Germany 312
2. Austria 309
3. Greece 38
4. Poland 10
5. Spain 5
6. Netherlands 4
6. Portugal 4

As we can see Germany and Austria are neck and neck, while one of the favorites, Sweden is not even on the list, Polan at a surprising 4th
And span and Portugal tied for 6th place.

Who will win the great cuckold race of 2016?
Who is you favorite to win ?

Whats up with sweden? I thought they would be in the running for 4th place?
Step up your game Sven

good. it would be boring not having anybody to lynch once shit hits the fan.


France is 0 rapes.
Because we all put them in the concetration camp of nord pas de calais.
Feels good man!

wtf Poland... What is this shit, why are you guys even on this list?
Are you secret cucks?
Explain pla

>that edit

G-germany only leads because it's a German initiative l-lads

>pic related, the founders

>Netherlands being less cucked than Poland

I wanted to ask ''how did that even happen'', but then I realized that Dutch girls, even when they are far-left as fuck, would never fuck a rapefugee or kebab, since they are a bunch of total manlets.

Nobody wants to date manlets here, which is why there is so much sexual frustration among the Turks and Marrocans, who have to settle for Turkish and Marrocan women, who are maybe 2/10 at best.

>Italy not on the list

5000 hours in ms paint, happy you enjoy my work

Can Euros use the to acquire QT brown bang maids and donor monies?


687 people are actually doing this... Let that sink in
Ill do monthly updates
And at the end of the year
The most cucked nation will be crowned



Your in 6th place m8

Whats up with you guys?
Slow starters? I thought you would at least rank in the top 10

Portugal below Poland


wait a minute that card

omg... I see it
Will edit the logo also when i do the next update
Good catch

>Portugal on the list
How could you, bastards? They literally conquered this shit once already. Those 4 people are the worst.

I bet they're from Lisbon. Fucking Lisbon!

They complained about pasta and rice being served everyday :(

What is it with Germans and their obsession with destroying europe

But just because the founded the games, dont mean they cant enter it