>Oh, how beauteous mankind is! All-female cast perform NUDE version of Shakespeare's Tempest in Central Park
>Members of Outdoor Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society put on production of Shakespeare's Tempest
>Play was designed to highlight the restrictions that society places on people's bodies, according to the group
>All-female cast performed show over two day on Summit Rock in Central Park as part of the outdoor theater season
>Toplessness is legal everywhere in New York, and while full nudity is usually banned, it is allowed in the name of art
Oh, how beauteous mankind is! All-female cast perform NUDE version of Shakespeare's Tempest in Central Park
>Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society
a club to appreciate 1 film doing something completely unrelated to the film?
>Play was designed to highlight the restrictions that society places on people's bodies, according to the group
Nature =l= society.
Why didn't they perform it all the same 6 months ago?
Hypothermia is just a restriction that society places into your lungs in the form of asphyxiating fluid build-up.
Oh well, if they made money with it, they are actually pretty smart. How much does an average stripper earn? With such a "play" you can make a serious buck for basically offering some alternative kind of strip-tease and get a big audience of thirsty low-lifes AND people who are interessted in "art".
It was in a fucking park dude.
I don't think they made any money from it.
Did you look at those pictures too? They're the female equivalents of beta cucks. All ugly or butterfaces. FYI stripping = disempowering objectification of women, nude performance in public = liberating and body-positive.
>Play was designed to highlight the restrictions that society places on people's bodies, according to the group
they are allowed to do this.
>is there a part in the tempest were they bend over and hold there butt cheeks open?
Shakespeare must be REALLY proud of you
why do females always get nude and call it art
This is so obviously another case of:
"The guys at my college weren't giving me enough attention! I need a way to whore out to as many people as possible!"
because jews tell them to and white men allow it
Why are Americans so afraid of breasts and vaginas?
can the audience members be nude as well? what about masturbation, is that allowed? We wouldn't want to be restrictive here, you know. For art.
Maybe they're referring to the literary sub genre known as pulp fiction?
>All-female Shakespeare
>No spears to shake
wow, that is actually disgusting, threw up a bit
It's PC culture. That sound backward, but it's a monster and it manifests in bizarre ways. Then you get shows like this that are trying to "comment" on society while completely missing the mark.
I think they are preaching to the choir. I think they should take this nude all female act to the middle east. A place where they can really make a difference.
>because jews tell them to and white men allow it
I don't know if you've noticed, but most people are pretty fucking ugly.
I didnt just blame it on the jews
I also blamed white men
Because they are vacuous whores
forgot pic
We're not a country of turkroaches looking for a handful of ficki ficki every time we leave our squalid, soviet-era tenements.
Yes, that makes you a feminist.
Additionally you portrayed women as the victims. You are the filth of Sup Forums: Feminist stormfag cunt defender.
You're such a good goy.
you say that like its a bad thing
And they still have the gall to say that their valuable for their brains as well
>free admission
>they whore for free
>Yes, that makes you a feminist.
How does not thinking women are capable of making their own decisions make me a feminist?
by the way, do you know this old joke?
- why wymyn use perfumes and put make-up on?
- because they are ugly and stink
Because you attacked white men which is what feminists do.
>put make-up on?
The nude female body is not degeneracy.
Fucking Americans... Low test
for different reasons
feminists attack them for "oppressing" women
I am attacking them for not doing their duty and protecting them
Yeah, you attack them, blame them and shame them like a feminist.
Also you want them to become cucks, only cucks protect their own enemy.
Women protecting scum like you is exactly the reason why the west is collapsing.
How are women our enemy?
I'm afraid of the sociopaths attached to them
Are you completely retarded? Women are men's enemy everywhere.
Besides, it doesn't matter whether they are or not, you are arguing like a feminist, you ignore misandry like a feminist and you want men to whiteknight for women like a feminist.
Welcome to Sup Forums, newfag.
Learned a new word today.
They're only the enemies of neckbeards who can't get laid.
So Sup Forums
You got it the other way around. Real men know that women are shit, it's neckbeards and virgins that want to help women.
Holy shit...I fucked some girl who was working on this. A Jew.
What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason,
how infinite in faculties, in form and moving,
how express and admirable in action, how like an angel in apprehension,
how like a god!
Where are the uncensored photos of this event?
So where are the uncensored pictures if this is about accepting nudity?
>women are shit
all people can be shit, surround yourself with shitheads and that's what you get. i know plenty of non-whore, non-retard women.
On The Independent.
They're all fat Amerisauruses though.
I agree they never should have been allowed to vote
Because it's the only way for them to get attention:
I see zero problem w chicks getn their tits out to perform shakespeare for me, free of charge, without need for a $1 tip or shitty house music
>Verily, methinks OP a fag might be
> i know plenty of non-whore, non-retard women.
Cunt detected.
I actually agree, but you're not looking at the whole picture.
They put on a godawful half-assed version of the Tempest, not for arts sake, but simply to circumvent the law and show their naked bodies publicly.
They clearly don't appreciate the art. They JUST want to be allowed to use their pussy power promiscuously without limit or accountability. And that IS degeneracy.
Pick one.
I call bullshit. what dumb fucking woman hitting asshole thought this shit up.
>I call bullshit
And yet you have no argument against it.
Will shakesman would be like:
If they're going to get their tits out in public, they've got my attention.
bretty gud bodies. I assume they were all molested as children
Kikes try to separate what nature made to be together.
Saying that women are men's enemy is the ultimate jewry because it causes conflict in the basis of the species propagation.
I prefer when they pay them to dress up as nazis with dildos lmfao they are smoking hot too it's like hahahh fuck I am dying
>loads up the video
I got upset actually. Why isn't anyone saying how shit she is as an artist?
english isn't your first language.
My point is very subtle. The picture was made by someone who has certain point of view (hitting women is fine) and is creating false evidence to justify hitting women.
is it spelt out enough for you. I think google translate will help you on this one.
Nice try, Satan. You can't lead me to sin through women. I learned the lesson of Adam and Eve well.
>The picture was made by someone who has certain point of view (hitting women is fine)
Nowhere does it say so in that image, confirmed cunt.
>hmm no one ever comes to see our plays
>well let's just get bunch of naked college girls on the stage..for ..uh..feminism!
>justify hitting women.
Hitting women is always OK. No need to justify it.
i can see you can't understand the subtleties of any language so i will spell it out once again.
"you can treat me like a REAL WOMAN SHOULD BE TREATED. I am not one of these short haired recalcitrant dykes. I WON'T BAWL WHEN CORPORALLY REMINDED."
>women need protection from men
Sooo...they're weaker ? I don't get it. I thought everyone was equal and anything a man could do a woman could do.
And? Where does it advocate violence?
A real woman should be treated like a sex object who can make sandwiches. Make up tries to stimulate the brain response that she is a sex object who doesn't like to be treated anyway the man wishes.
Nowhere does it advocate violence against women, cuntanon. And if it were, that would be fine, too. After all we're at Sup Forums.
>who doesn't like to be treated
*who doesn't mind
they are referiing to actual fictional pulp, you know, fruit bits in juice
you fat useless inbred
She's rather cute though. Shame she's such a degenerate plebeian.
>Why isn't anyone saying how shit she is as an artist?
I will assume that nobody says anything because "we're so progressive now" rhetoric, her art it's not amazing but at least she's not using her period blood or poop to make paintings.
>And? Where does it advocate violence?
I just told you.
"you can treat me like a REAL WOMAN SHOULD BE TREATED. I am not one of these short haired recalcitrant dykes. I WON'T BAWL WHEN CORPORALLY REMINDED."
REAL WOMEN should be fine with (not BAWLING when) getting CORPORALLY (physical) REMINDED (reminded of their place).
>And if it were, that would be fine, too. After all we're at Sup Forums.
It's fine for you to think women are sex objects or it is fine to slap a bitch. My point is that your picture is historically and factually wrong.
women wear makeup because it simulates and accentuates lust in the female face.
long hair was worn by everyone. men cut there hair.
>cant do the play like a normal person
>gotta attention whore to the max and do it naked because muh art
feminism is such bullshit
it doesn't even make sense, ivan. like, not at all. the syntax is off
if you dont understand my point by now then i give up ruskie brother.
who allowed them to vote? men
women are not the enemy, but we must control them, for their own good and ours
>"you attack someone for X reason"
>"this group attacks someone for Y reason"
>you are one of them, even though the motivations for your actions are entirely different
forgetting that the most basic tenant of feminism is that men and women are equal, and his statement is a direct contradiction of that. This board is so shit at argumentation.
>I just told you.
No, you didn't. You just exposed you lack of reading comprehension.
>historically and factually wrong
Haha, prove it that it's not how evolution work and that make up isn't supposed to trigger exactly this response.
>who allowed them to vote? men
No, governments. Big difference.
>Play was designed to highlight the restrictions that society places on people's bodies, according to the group
I mean...really? The restriction that society places on people's bodies? We're still doing this? This is still the cause? I mean, it's 2016, people. We're passed this.
You know what would be shocking? Do Shakespeare in the park but have actual sex during the performance or something. Have Lady give Macbeth a blowjob and take it up the ass after he kills the King. Like Shakespeare intended it.
I mean, come on. It's 2016. We're passed the "society" thing.
Let's go all out here. Show us real degeneracy.
If we just got rid of the niggers we'd eliminate about 80% of our problems
ok i officially give up friend. I even broke down the sentence for you.
take care bud.
deal with it fatty, at least she's not fat.
>by the way, do you know this old joke?
hello Poland friend I see your joke and raise you another!
Want to hear a joke?
>womens rights
is there a better pick of that naked chick? She's surprisingly hot.
I feel like this was done with nudity to cover up poor acting skills. After all, who is paying attention to what they're saying when they could focus on tits and ass instead?
Yeah, it's the darkies causing all the problems.
There's no bush and nipple shot of the hot one, this is the best one we got. Such a shame.
Her name is Marisa Roper
>There's no bush and nipple shot of the hot one
Why? You know why.