Don't get married to gf after 7 years

>don't get married to gf after 7 years
>gf cheats on you with your best friend and because of common law marriage is entitled to half your shit plus alimony
>lives in your house, while you pay 800 a month, while she fucks your best friend

based canada.

A few states in america also have common law marriage. Why wouldn't you marry your girlfriend after 7 years. Kinda your fault. Also just get a divorce.

This is why I'm either not getting married, or going to try and marry a woman who makes slightly more money than me

Not Sup Forums related


sell your house
quit your job
crash at a friends place til the legal shit is over

half of nothing is nothing
you can get that shit back easily later on
treat this like a vacation

thats sexist , i stand for equal rights , as a transgender mtf like myself accepting alimony is saying that we need the patriarchy to survive . i can pay my own bills thank you very much

Who's the girl OP?

she is also post op mtf

Wouldn't they just take half of the money from the house sale?

Veronica Rodriguez
Venezuelan hewa

Fuck off with your relationship nonsense. This isn't a gossip circle. You know where r9k is.

>paying their own bills

top shekel

wats mtf ?... mutilated tranny fag?

male to female you ignorant cis

Well...i usually am against women ..but dude you waited 7 years for what?
You can "smell" if the person is the "chosen" one or not in the first 1-2 years.
You are a cheapfuck or a fucking pussy if you didn't commit to something serious in fucking 7 years.

I would murder her my best friend and then off myself.

Not politics or news.

>best friend
>fucks your gf
Nice friend you've got there

easy there Oscar.

Fuck that shit. Fuck that legalized cuck shit.

*based anglo-Canada
Glad to live in Quebec. Here, common law is applied only if the couple have children.

>Veronica Rodriguez

What did OP expect dating a porn star?

should have hidden your money/moved it offshore while you still had it. always have a source of backup money

Surprised no one does this with a room mate especially now gay marriage is legal.
>live in guy for years as room mate during college
>when he gets his doctorate complain about common law marriage and how he needs to support you for life now

you mean 'kinda your fault', if she had left him. fucking his best friend and taking half his shit + alimony is not his fault, right?

I poached my ex from a previous 6 year long relationship. He was an acquaintance at best, but he slept on the couch while I slept in their bed and fucked her for a year.

Then I dumped her. It was hilarious.

why would you date someone for that long and not marry them?

she shouldn't be entitled to any of your shit, but come on now