You will never be a Muslim refugee in Germany, and therefore you will never show German bitches who the BOSS is
Why even live...
You will never be a Muslim refugee in Germany, and therefore you will never show German bitches who the BOSS is
Why even live...
>You will help Anton Lundin-Petterson kill immigrants with swords while looking awesome
Why even live...
Try enriching Swedes and you'll get your stomach cut right open little Chile ass bitch average heigh 160 cm manlet
The height average of Chilean men is 173 cm, nigga
>get your stomach cut right open
I'm black and got some white pussy two years ago in Sweden when I was traveling Europe. Your men are incredibly beta
Yo, it isn't a great height but it is the truth. Enriching Swedish girls is easier than enriching German girls, this is also true
Yea, muthafucka...
Thanks for proving my point, user
White women love it when blacks and arabs flirt with them in the streets. They never get approached like this by white guys so when these guys do it they feel special and wanted. White women can't resist the confidence, masculinity and exoticness of these men. This is proven by the fact that white women almost never vote for anti-immigrant parties, and generally support a generous immigration of blacks and arabs.
HOLY SHIT A black in Sup Forums
Yo, are you a redpilled black? or just another nigga? You cucked the Swedes eh...
what has happend to Sup Forums
I wish they'd hit on me like that :^)
Hey nigger, Israeli born Kike here.
You are 100% right about Swedish men being fucking beta.
Most men are beta.
Ive been fucking a Lebanese qt 3.14 and she said the biggest turn on is when I said I'm glad the Phelangists slaughtered Palestinians in Shatilla.
Don't mind. It's a Chilean shitposting nigger, who never leaves his basement and creates muh-BBC and muh-cuced whites threads. He's also most likely a virgin. That's it.
Not sure about this cunt
German girls like black&brown dick.
haha Achmed....
The Day of the Rope can't come soon enough...
Jesus Christ, Sweden, stop being a meme.
Yo, German grill?
Is it true that Swedish boys are kinda beta? DAMN Swedish girls love shitskins?
Are you blaming Israelis for not letting this filth into our country?
By the way. I also noticed that in his threads there are anons like and Every fucking thread from Chilean nig has those.
Imagine that there are people over here who shitpost together on purpose. That must be one pathetic life...
>Yo, German grill?
Why the fuck are mapuches allowed to post on this site.
Dude, same here
These 2 bitches literally could not wait to take their tops off at the club when they first saw me
That ass was fat though!
I was thinking the same thing about Mexicans.
No I am german and I know my place.
I was being serious tho. I really do want a group of cute Arabs hitting on me :^)
>Le ebin Hebrew shitpost
At least try to make it sound more realistic.
The fuck out of my thread, Mexifat
>Know my place
Eurofaggots are so goddamn weak.
Welcome to Sup Forums, I guess...
Le weed
Nothing posted behind your flag is realistic.
Of course. You also decided to share that on Sup Forums out of all places. Riiiight...
You guys are not even trying. Fucking newfags. If only you were here 2-3 years ago... Those fucking Aussies knew how to shitpost...
You are really bad compared to them.
Yep. That's why I visit it only once per week or so. Just to visit Trump/ISIS General
sudaca butthurt detected.
tell me did Mèxicans rape you and slave you while you walked thru Mexico. get fucked sudaca.
Let me guess, you also fucked a Palestinian Muslim Arab girl in Mecca who came buckets when you told her Black September was the greatest day of your life while smacking her in the back of the head with a Quran?
I still like this better than cripple-chan turbo-autism of racism and conspiracy theories Sup Forums
>Muslim manlets are so ugly that the only way they can ever get laid is rape
Jokes and meme's aside.
Doesnt anyone wish they were in the immigrants position? Endless excuses, endless freedom, do whatever you want.
Imagine going to japan after some war, and all japanese women empathize with us whites, and we can grab their asses openly without repercussion, sleep with as many as we want, and even conservative japanese broads who dont like white men for whatever reason, we just call them racist, and then get to fuck them.
The immigrants in germany must feel like roach-kings.
im black too. Sup Forums is mostly black these days.
>2-3 years
Come on, user
Yeah. I thought something strange was going on when almost everyone in a Sup Forums thread was into brown dick and shit, they are retard shills, i hope they die
No, but I fucked several Saudi women.
Why the idea of polar opposites is something that throws Arab women into my Ashkenazi arms is unbelievable to you is laughable.
I have never fucked a Palestinian. I do however bow hunt with one from gaza.
Because outside of the internet, humans are human.
>walk through city with sister
>she is good looking so arabs notice
>they keep catcalling her even tho I'm right next to her
>3 of them walk up to us while she looks at a store window
>she tells me to get to McDonalds or whatever and pick her up few hours later at the store
>later calls me and tells me to pick her up at the train station
Rule #15 you fucking autist.
jävla cuck
>Why the idea of polar opposites is something that throws Arab women into my Ashkenazi arms is unbelievable to you is laughable.
Probably because personal experience tells me that Arabs, and especially Palestinians and Lebanese are turbo-antisemites who make the SS look like the JDL?
>implying Sup Forums has mods
no, i just find you rape children to be irreconcilable to normal people.
You're literally a nation built on rape. Every one of you outside of Quaxca is a rape baby
This x100. They are so pathetic lol
look pic related, average arab that 5v1 rapes girls lol and average chilean guy ni this thread
Yeah, this board is a fucking mess. Even Sup Forums is somewhat better.
Cool story. Got more?
Dude if I had a sister I would honor kill her so she doesn't get raped. Germany is totally fucked up, apocalyptic, and no place for any decent person these days.
>not getting the darkest tan you can get
>not getting as much free ficki ficki as possible
They usually are.
A saudi girl I fucked painted anti-Israel posters for a living.
However, using slow logic and teasing them they come around.
You must be a very unattractive man.
Especially meeting Arab women at university in America. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
>No, Judaism teaches to value women.
These women come from nations where they get the shit beat out of them for sneezing in the wrong direction.
Nothing turns them on more than having an Israeli tell them that their opinion matters.
It's easier than fucking drunk white girls.
Yes pajeet the proxy is working.
she was so sweet and innocent just a few years ago
And there is nothing I can do to stop it whatever is happening to her now
Cry moar bitch
Honor kill your sister. Tell the court you did it to spare her from getting raped. You can do it so that she doesn't suffer. This is Germany you won't get more than 3 years, and when you get out there will be a line of bitches beating down your door to fuck you because protecting your sister & family honor like this is the most alpha thing to do.
The way you guys talk about Swedish women. Make me want to go there and fuck some easy blonde bitch and get stab by an Arab, shame I don't have money to go
>Not having money
Wish I was a Jew. They have all the money here
kek you europe fags are bigger pussies than these white americucks
maybe immigrants are there to man you faggots the fuck up
Are you joking man?
>I'm black
We could tell by the flag Tbh
Sorry user, you have to believe that half your nation is cuck and you are in a irreversible progress spiraling downhill into chaos.
Fags like those will be the first ones to go.
>be me
>be in germany, berlin
>get caught in by an antifa rally
>get mistaken for a refugee
>dumb antifas start giving me cash and they want to hear my sob stories about how war is bad and communism is beautiful
>not sure what to do, start speaking english with a heavy arab accent
>dumb antifas too retarded to understand english but they clap nonetheless and acclaim me like we are in Morrowind and i'm Lord Nerevar himself
>qt in the crowd takes me under her arm, brings me to her place
>jumps me as soon as we are in
>stops for a second and asks me why i'm uncut since i'm muslim
>tell her islam is truly the religion of peace and there is no compulsion in circumcision
>"so wunderbar user, ja ja ja gut, panzerkampfawgen!" as i keep pounding her
>she wants me to stay, but my flight was in 6 hours
>leave, give her a fake cell number
>felt somehow bad but also happy for having received fiki fiki and relief from sexual emergency
> be me
> meet italian chick
> fuck her within 30 minutes because im not some shitalian manlet
> mfw probably had more italian qts than your average shitalian man.
And what should I do?
Its her body her choice, I can't do anything to stop her.
stay mad, germanicuck
>be me
>be Croatian
>fuck german/austrian girls when they come on vacation
>go to study to Austria
>the state gives me social dosh and pays for most of my apartment
>notice most of the german/austrian girls have foreign boyfriends
>ask them about it
>"german/austrian men suck"
> he fell for the Austrian women meme
Top kek, enjoy your leftists.
I've noticed the same thing about slav girls desu. Love it when she has like 50 anal-pained slavs from back home stalking her insta and popping likes literally within minutes of every post.
>ugly women fuck foreigners: the posts
Attractive women would never fuck anyone other than the #1 of the respective country.
stay cucked fags
nah mate your the cuck
> implying I'm not the #1 wherever I go
Come on, son.
I go where i please and i please where i go
Lol at all the people of European heritage arguing over who's more cucked. Do you guys not understand how pathetic you look? Imagine if a bunch of people with african flags were arguing over whose IQ is the lowest. that's what you look like
>t. Mahmoud Al Londoni
fuck off Ahmed
I am LITERALLY fucking your women while your government is paying me
that's the definition of being cucked
sometimes it is just fair
Go and take the trash out and please your mother for once, you cucked manlet.
You know exactly who to blame.
> hurr i'm an exchange student i had some one night stands and a blowjob in a park
Your anger is palpable friendo
Believe it or not, White men would never "want" to treat a girl like this. And that isn't a "White Knight" thing, it's just not in our nature. We are more evolved.
I still recall Dr. Pierce explaining how muds and niggers don't understand why Whites take rape so seriously-- to them, it's a "macho" thing, they gang rape any unprotected female in their shitholes and get away with it.
Which is why it's such a fucking disaster, bc esp among Northern Euros, their pathological altruism blinds them to how the world really is outside their own cultures.
I think about a bunch of subhumans with their hands all over this girl and it makes me literally murderous.
Does the thought of the white race being bred out of existence give anyone else a massive erection?
I'm pretty fucking angry that we have these cucked quazimodos running around to the south of our border, yes.
Protecting your sister is no joke,Dennis!
I'm tall, muscular and tanned but without semitic/arab features. You should be honored and happy, maybe your next generation of germans will be less cucked and feminine of the current one.
you mad cuckboy?
I probably fucked more Austrian women then you lel
>Why even live...
Because you're still not a nigger, kebab, or born in indonesia
I probably fucked my first gf more times than you've even talked to women top jej
Hey bud, don't tell me about it. My opinions of Italy would drastically improve if I ever met an Italian that didn't fit into a suitcase.
Hussein, pls shut the fuck up.