He listens to high grade masterpieces (tago mago, trout mask, bitches brew etc)

>he listens to high grade masterpieces (tago mago, trout mask, bitches brew etc)
>while playing video games

>he doesn't listen to music while playing video games

>(tago mago, trout mask, bitches brew etc)
>high grade masterpieces

What's the problem?

>considers these high grade masterpieces
the state of this board

What you should do instead is play the videogame with the music of the videogame. Not otherwise.

You ruined your perception of such great albums
You will never be able to enjoy them again because they were the soundtrack to you fighting a pixelated enemies in minecraft

tago mago and bitches brew are nowhere near trout mask's level

OP does have a point about people using music as background furniture rather thanr eally listening to it though

cs go doesn't have any music

I don't even play video games.

No I just play GTA V, NBA, and Overwatch with pandora.

That's for a reason,in those kind of games music doesn't fit cause you need to be very focused on the game, not be distracted.

Thank god

I'm gonna listen to tago mago for the first time while playing overwatch later, just to piss you off. Hopefully it teaches you to stop getting so buttblasted about how other people listen to music

>Bitches Brew
>high grade masterpiece

Maybe you're just a pussy who can't compete with the pros

I play Heavy Metal pandora while playing FPS and slay faggots.

fucking pleb piece of shit, fucking P L E B

I literally don't even know you so how could that possibly matter to me


get the FUCK out reddit

I don't evrn play videogames, kid. Also, you have to be at least 18 years old to be in this site.

Yeah, that's my point

>Also, you have to be at least 18 years old to be in this site.
You know, if people actually respected this rule, Sup Forums would lose a good portion of its userbase

>tago mago, trout mask
they are house-of-leaves tier bait for middlebrow pseuds, unironically someone who uses them as background music to playing vidya is much smarter than you

We only listen to true geniuses like Grimes and Death Grips here.

Hey Montie! Getting creative I see.

Go enjoy overwatch you manchild

Oh shit, son. I was just listening to Bitches Brew while playing Dark Souls III. Jazz is god-tier gaming music.

Dude it's a good game

>this thread having anything to do with being "smart"
>how far did being "smart" get you when everyone else was getting laid in highschool

t. middlebrow pseud
i bet you think malick is unparalleled genius of contemporary cinema as well

>nuh yr uh vurgun
holy... so this the power of le sophisticated rawk listening intelligentsia...

>video games & batman

>yelping jap and le quirky bluesman XDDD

trout mask is fantastic, tago mago is alright

it's designed for people who can't aim or move and have thousands of hours in dota, hearthstone, and WoW

>can't understand "etc"
>being this autistic

I've literally never played any of those games

house of who? this is a music board, pal.

So much
I started listening to god-tier music at work and It literally makes feel bad I can only enjoy the music to certain extent but not as much as I would if the situation was a bit distracted

>nah you dont get it le list goes on
amuse me, pseud

>muh pseud

If you don't actively listen to music you will never understand or appreciate it.

then you're even more casual than those people

I take that as a compliment



yes this is an overwatch player who watches twitch streams for sure

sorry i cant spend my entire day playing pc games like you virgin Sup Forumstard

>who watches twitch streams for sure
Nah, watching other people play games is dumb

strange that you find the time to watch facecams on twitch then

>he plays csgo while listening to music

only in casual

Interesting strawman. Let's hear it, why is Trout Mask Replica out of the three so horrible?