
Is Serbia the best country for a regular person to live in today?

>no niggers
>no SJWs
>no faggots
>no immigrants
>no leftists
>no liberals
>traditional society
>low living standard makes everything cheap, but if you've got enough money you'll live a great life (middle class in US is upper class here)
>police is very easy to bribe (e.g. you drive over the speed limit, just give him around 10 dollars and he'll let you go)
>nobody cares if you don't pay taxes
>nobody cares if you owe the government money
>people are friendly
>crime rates very low despite the low living standard
>small population

Why haven't you moved to Serbia yet?

Other urls found in this thread:



>Why haven't you moved to Serbia yet?
Because it's a post-communist armpit and it's filled with Serbs

remove kebab

croatia is a jew country right?

I prefer to stay where i was born :^)

Ottoman rape babies just like the rest of the Balkans. Avoid it if you're white...

Because Bulgaria is the same thing and I already live there.

Bulgaria is better

And how would you know,amerifat?

I forgot the questionmark

Not anymore.


>tfw born in Hungary and reading this post

You sound like a liberal. Serbia is a shithole. Don't think your dreams are the reality burger


>I've never been outside Kansas - the post
I know this is probably lol so randumb xD satirical shitpostin.

But what if it isn't?

The praise you are giving to Hungary and Poland combined with this kind of shit and spelling mistakes or their/they're... I wouldn't be surprised if you confused the punchline with reality.

Please come and visit, and be glad you weren't born here. We are very nice to Americans.

You mean the only country not conquered in entire balkans ;))

Any English-speaking community over there?

>make a thread
>mention Serbia
>condescending Croatians arrive
>Bosniaks chime in as well
>bantz starts when anally aggrieved Albanians, usually posting under another flag, start to reply
>Add FYROM, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Hungary for the shitfest to become complete

it's cool if you have the means to support yourself, otherwise
>no future
>shithole tier income
>cuck gov't
>kosovo lost
>NATO's bitch
>corruption errywhere

Average Balkanpol thread.

Serbia is the shit. Wish I could go there

no it's shit and it's mostly your fault

STOP making this thread you piece of shit, WE are a shithole do not come here we hate every single one of you.

Because I like my country. I like Serbia as well, but not in the same way.

>no faggots
ocigledno nisi iz Srbije

Can you please stop making this same exact thread every day you dumb fuck?

Are you the guy from ?


Also have some fresh OC, so not everything in this thread is cancer.

Stop with this thread.

You don't even have the correct alphabet.

Yes it is, cheap bills and you have every commodity and service top EU countries have. Add on beautiful white women and handsome white men and you have a bingo

No i am not.


I don't think it actually exists, Serbiabro.

Samo nastavite da ih zovete mamicu vam jebem poganu bolesnu, Sve cemo vas pobiti zajedno sa njima. MRS U PICKU MATERINU IZDAJNICI SMRDLJIVI

Japan is better option except that it is not Christian, has large population, and is expensive. Still, it's def a first world country and Americans are worshipped there

Bulgaria is better tho

I went to school for IT so how well would I do in Serbia and how easy is it to make a business there?

Because my country is in many ways better than Serbia. Though i admit Serbia is pretty cool and has some pros.

I agree with you Serb-bro. Serbia should be Serbian and should not be filled with migrants even if they are white. Having mixed population will reduce nationalism and make the state weak to Jew funded anti nationalism

all this shit X3

>police is very easy to bribe (e.g. you drive over the speed limit, just give him around 10 dollars and he'll let you go)

We killed most of our jews in WW2.

Only Lika and parts of Slavonia were under Ottoman rule and only for 150 years. Entire Serbia was under Ottoman rule for over 400 years.

>Is Serbia the best country for a regular person to live in today?

move to Serbia asap fatburger

>when Montenegro is much nicer and next door with beautiful beaches and forests.


>went to Belgrad last year
>grey, grey errywhere
>great History and Nightlife though
>Men are tracksuit wearing plebs
>Women were QT.314

Gotta admit it was nice being among Whites, but you Subhumans dont deserve your Women.


And you cucks deserve your women? 1.4 million fresh 3rd worlders and you did nothing. Dozens of rapes all over your country, hundreds if not thousands of sexual assaults.

A large part of your country is under the Ottoman empire here. Mine isn˙t . And yet i am not shaming you or Serbs. We are brother Slavs with very similar language.

says the subhuman from a country that is making everyone in Europe take in shitskins and turning it into white massacre grounds. Fuck you crout piece of shit, you should've been eradicated from existence after WW2.

slavs are not white and orthodoxy is false christianity.

good, stay away from us then.

The part i live in isn't, and i agree we are brother slavs. Yugonostalgic here


The southern parts were barely even populated. The roaches had to bring Vlachs to populate it because almost no one lived there. Raped Slavonians/easterners fled to Bosnia and Serbia.

>The part i live in isn't

sure thing roach

How does a Burger even know if he is not part Slav or part Italian or Greek? And yet you retards are always the first to call someone non white. Are all white Americans Anglo, Nordic and Germanic?

By your silly standards US would be 20% white.

>And you cucks deserve your women?

Well they're shit tier, so maybe. These cunts and the Sandnigs really do deserve each other though.

impotent rage, the post.

ID llgBl4Zc

Koj ti je kurac

Come on Serb you and Croatia both had similar issues with Turks. They even went as far as the northeren part of my country several times.

>no faggots

What's funny is if you ask a Serb they will actually claim there are no gays in Serbia, even though I know the owners of a gay club in Belgrade.

What about children? Are you not shit tier men for not protecting your youth? Do children deserve to be beaten by Turks in school and molested by shitskins?

Yeah but there are hardly any fag parades in Serbia and if their fags did what yours do they would be killed. Several pride parades were cancelled in Serbia.

Your country breeds degeneracy and sells it overseas man. You Britain and Canada are the most messed up countries in the world.

Sta zoves strance u Srbiju koji kurac magarcino jedna, dosta imamo svojih problema jos nam fale debili spolja je li? Treba da bude sto vise srba po Srbiji a ne jos da nam uvozis strance. Prestani da pravis ove bolesne tredove, zovi ih u ameriku lepo pa nek tamo orgijaju

That map is false. All maps focused on the Balkan region show that only Lika and Slavonia were under Ottoman rule while your entire pathetic meme country was under Ottoman rule until WW1. Explains why you're so swarthy. Very sad.

These Children can only blame Themselves and their Cuck Parents for being weak, emasculated faggots.

Molesting is another thing thought. I think the Shitskins would be hanged in my Village, if that happened.

Scientific research clearly show that serbs are sexually aroused by war and death. Serbian people are constantly crazed about stealing land in Europe which leads them to never shut up about the war they lost. Serbia had no known written history until the early 20th century, except what other countries, such as ancient Rome, said about them. No one in Serbia could read or write, and indeed, even today literacy is less than one percent. Serbia also did the phenomenal achievement of starting 4 wars in 8 years and losing them all. Serbia went into the wars owning a lot of land, and came out owning nothing but dead Serbs.

Serbia bears complete responsibility for causing World War I and World War II as well as Communism. Serbian fag shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and this immediately caused WWI to begin. Because pre-Communist Russia was busy with the war they couldn't prevent the 1917 Russian Revolution. Then, the border rearrangements after WWI got half of Europe completely pissed off, especially the Germans, so WWII began a little while later. Thus, Serbia should be held accountable for hundreds of millions of deaths, including the few hundred of the so-called "holocaust."

Inb4 somebody shows up claiming Kosovo is a country


Stop lying Karamarko

We hate everybody including ourselves, we are all crazy this is not a meme. If you come here it better be on a bomber with nukes.

Also fuck the ustashits and the albozerg. Special s/o to the mountain niggers because I hate them so much. Please god guide my artillery may it obliterate the muslims. Please god guide my AA may it kill NATO.


maximum kek. Filthy faggot ustasha thinks he can wipe away his holocaust crimes by denying it. Sucks you cant right? And yes we are aroused by war and death which is why i cant wait to come visit you fags again. See you soon shitface

Izvinjavam se brate, necu opet

I bet all my saving that your village would do nothing.

>Also blaming children

I bet you also blame government while you did nothing to stop this. Stay true to cuckdom and stay out of my country. I can˙t believe my great grandfather fought for your country,.

I went to Serbia several times and i am just fine. Never had any isssues ther or in Croatia. You˙re both cool. Bosnia is pretty fucked though.

I had to beat up 2 bosnian kids with the handle of my knife-

>wipe away his holocaust crimes by denying it.
We are proud of it.

>i cant wait to come visit you fags again.
Your tractor will be ready.

Come on Croat. Why do you fags even fight each other? The whole thing is retarded.

Serbia (also known as Sergaya or Gayistan) is a nation of people with small dicks, beautiful men and friendly people butthurt gay power nazis (because only in Lukavackowoaxizski over 5000000000000000000000000 Kosovans were killed by Serbs). It is also the only country to have an exclusively gay population. Serbs believe themselves to be a "celestial nation" or Jew. Their name is derived from "servus" which is Latin for slave or servant. Serbia also did the phenomenal achievement of starting 4 wars in 8 years and losing them all. Serbia went into the wars owning a lot of land, and came out owning nothing but dead Serbs. Serbia is the gay capital of Europe and enjoys gay visitors from all across the world. Serbia's main exports are dead Shqiptars(Albanians), pedophiles, and shit-eating champions. The most famous Serb, after the Slobodan Milosevic, nicknamed "the great butcher" among Serbs, is Boris Malagurski, the notorious Wikipedia sockpuppeteer.

Dirty croat nigger butthurt is always entertaining ayyyyyyyyy

we had like 50k jews before ww2 now we have about 500

What happend to them? :O

croatia has more fags desu, I like going there to fuck cute twinks, since you are EU state population of twinks has expanded like wildfire :D

How does fucking "twinks" does not make you a twink you retarded faggot?

Oh yes he is


because im muscle bear

Twink implies faggotry dude. You fuck guys, you˙re a fag. No fag can be called a real man. You have feminine mind and crave cock.

so what?


These Balkan threads make me sad
everytime i see them i realize that all flags speak Serbian