How many of you Sup Forumslocks can relate to this?

How many of you Sup Forumslocks can relate to this?

How many of you don't have racist attitudes or beliefs but have racist penises in that they just don't respond to black people?

I have racist attitudes and beliefs and I simply do not find black people attractive. I do not like the skin color.

My dick responds only to virtue

Lust is an involuntary response to virtue

this desu
For me it extends to non white girls in general

Same, but I also hate the noises they make. Have you ever seen how black people laugh when they gather in large groups? They go out of their way to laugh as loudly and annoyingly as possible. It really does sound like chimps at a zoo.

there's some sexy black women i wood berry, but they're rare.

maybe 1% of black women are fuckable.

I love going to see a comedy or horror film, where there is a whole group of black women in the theatre.

Who is that man? Is he in the KKK?


>tumblr detected
thats a bad joke about destroying black poon that was cropped

John Mayer.

I'm pretty sure that guy has some mental disorder though.

What makes you say that.

My dick is an equal opportunity employer as long as its a man.

>How many of you Sup Forumslocks can relate to this?

So far my dick gets hard for every race of women, including slender black women.

>t. Self hating Russian.

Get out faggot

Your mouth says no but your boy pussy says yes judging by how moist it probably is.

Don't project :^)

Confirmed for not Milo becuuse he is black only.

>My dick is an equal opportunity employer as long as its a man.

Damnit Milo! Control yourself.

"sort of like a white supremacist"

so sort of like Sup Forums until a woman actually talks to them, then suddenly they will fuck anyone

I'm sort of like a white supremacist but my dick is a leftist.


>Confirmed for not Milo becuuse he is black only.

Ughh... if he being truthful or just trolling? If he's being honest he has shit taste.

White Men> Every other race> inanimate objects > Black Men

That's as far as race goes.

I can jerk off to chicks that don't belong to my ethnic group but I'd never consider one as my mate

I mean as far as looks go.