What the fuck is happening in Sweden?

What the fuck is happening in Sweden?

>2 telecommunication towers suddenly collapsed in a week
>cars burning every night in multiple cities
>islamists sit in government like it´s normal day (maybe it is in Sweden?)

Are you going to do something?

Other urls found in this thread:


Wait what?

No, Sweden did this to themselves.

Yes, another one today

>do something
praise allah?

I forgot to mention fligh chaos in Stockholm because of "network maintenance" and problems in train system.

I will get drunk and watch animu :3

Honestly, what can I do?

Nordiska Motståndsrörelsen are seriously fucking autistic. My local kampgrupp put up police tape with their logo on the main entrance to my town's city hall, and sticked decals on lamp posts. They wrote a description of it being a "jolly day" or something, like a scout group. AFA is better at their activism than NMR, and you better believe that AFA are retarded.

I couldn't vote in the last election, but if the rest of the parties don't get their shit together by 2018, I'm voting for Sverigedemokraterna even though only the top of the pyramid isn't retarded.

Our Minister of Housing was a Turkshit empathizer, the guy Miljöpartiet shat out as a replacement didn't want to shake hands with a woman.

At least 75% of this country are either completely sheltered to it all or just flat out deny that muslims are a problem.

No. Not yet anyway. I got work to go to and chores at home man. As long as I got my income and shit I couldn't give a fuck if Russia wants to sabotage our telecommunication towers.

That was just Telia being a shit-tier ISP tho.

Just blame it on Russia man