didn't knew that stefan is a manchild plaing videogames?
didn't knew that stefan is a manchild plaing videogames?
Other urls found in this thread:
get out of my vidya stefan
I didn't know that Stefan is a Sup Forumstard but then I remembered that this is not an argument.
Liberal russia trying to shame people who loves playing video games more than cucking for wife and gfs.
Knew it.
based stefan
Of course he was DOOM fan 20 years ago just like many of the other guys in his age at that time.
Not a game
Hope this doesn't become a new "thing" of his though....
I'm almost 40 years old and I play Fallout 4. I grew up with computer games and it is a part life.
Is it childish to play chess, poker or pool table games????
>Is it childish to play chess, poker or pool table games????
>Is it childish to play chess, poker or pool table games????
No, but playing Fallout 4 is.
>I want a wider audience - Stefan Molyneux
Cant wait for the dubstep intros
don't listen to any faggot retard who says you're too old to enjoy certain activities.
thank god there are video games for every age group and individual.
>Stefan Molyneux plays Dark Souls III
Would you watch it?
god if I'm still shitposting on Sup Forums and playing vidya when I'm 40... I just pray to god someone will have the mercy to blow my brains out
Wow he managed to make Doom sound boring.
Having fun and playing vidya is childish, goyim. Now go back to work like a good adult.
Sup Forums average is 45
not a philosopher
>believing the census
yeah sure
Is it really good? I played Dead Space and had to take a break between missions because the atmosphere was too intense.
>not a blessing
>not a monster
>not a death screen
>This game is bad because it uses computers
Says the guy behind a computer screen shitposting
my god, top lad
I'm not sure what the problem is?
If this is the first time you've known he plays video games, then he probably plays in moderation.
Don't see the problem with that. He's a grown man and can make his own decisions about what he wants to enjoy.
What's the age limit on shitposting??
No, this game is bad because it's a shallow low effort sequel with reused assets, broken gameplay and laughable writing.
>"I'm almost 40 years old..."
>still browses Sup Forums
This is like reading one of those customer based testimonials from an infomercial, except only this time, it's about how horribly wrong your life turned out.
Well, my brother is 45 years old and he also plays computer games.
He lives in saudi arabia and he has a well paying job and a family.
>Implying I don't shitpost in my own office making good $$ in my 30's
>Implying I don't still occasionally (I admit far less now) play PC games of various types
I don't see this changing by 40. I could see not browsing Sup Forums if it turns into some sort of shit fest or isn't in existence.
if you're over 25 and you aren't a millionaire fucking Hollywood starlets and instead of that you're just shitposting on Sup Forums, you might as well just kill yourself
>mfw Stefan becomes the next pewdiepie
New Doom is pretty good.
Minimal story, no SJW faggotry
Just stomping demons and shooting guns
Also only woman in the game is a power-hungry, deceptive cunt who tries to unleash Hell
It'a consolized shit.
> hurr durr videogames aren't real entertainment or art, u shuld feel bad cuz manchild
> fiction will never be real art!
> photography will never be real art!
> film will never be real art!
fags. read some tolstoy. mediums change.
I actually have over $ 2 million in my bank account.
...and a house and a nice BMW car
>expecting lelbertarians to be anything but manchildren
it's implied
>Stefan likes Doom
Oh, cool
I wonder if he'd like to play MP with us
>Playing Doom
Does he want to be shot?!?
I know many men at my job ages 28+ one even at 50 that still play video games
Honestly here at least where I live you kill boredom and most of problem through sports and video games
no hollywood sluts though... and that was kind of the point of getting money
you're a failure.
I don't know why I have such a hardon for this man.
Of course he is Sup Forumstard all he does is bitch about how woman date alphas.
Time to shill his channel 24/7 on Sup Forums, after all its video game related now.
But seriously, what the fuck.
Just when I think he drops the ultimate redpill he makes a weird video like this.
v isn't r9k
He probably played doom 95 when he was a kid
>cyber demons
Not an argument.
>rip and tear
Not an argument.
I'm 35 and can confirm.
Is being huge = having huge guts a valid argument?
>He wants human interection on DOOM.
Really nigga
I'm 33 I post here and only here. I feel like Sup Forums isn't weird to have people of all ages on but if you post on the anime boards or Sup Forums or /r9k/ then yea you suck at life. I despise all the other boards on this site and wish Sup Forums was it's own thing.
My dad is pushing 60 years old and even he was into Doom/Quake/UT back in the day. They're all acceptable old guy franchises. I've actually been playing the OG UT for the past couple of weeks here and there. Not a lot of players but fun and fast paced.
Not an argument, goyim
whats wrong with enjoying some casual vidya? as long as your life doesn't revolve around it I don't see the issue with some brainless fun for a few hours
At the end when he says "Twitch twitch twitch" is he implying he is going to open up a twitch account and play games? I....I would actually like to see that especially if we watch him play games like the Metal Gear Solid series and he rants how mickey mouse tier the philosophical message is in the game.
WTF is this faggot?
Fucking hell pol, he should burn.
Seriously, someone tell him to play brutal doom instead...
Maybe if the Croatian shitposter claiming that his wife is secretly a feminist and about to divorce him is right and he finds himself with a lot of free time.
Good thing I'll never grow up :^)
>Sup Forums triggered because they think they are le mature gentlemen who don't play video games
said the serbian shitposter
He is getting desperate for more cult followers,this faggot will now make any kind of videos for attention.
But I also have to inform you that he is officially beta-cuck provider for his wife. This is his wife statement after her badboy phase:
>Christina had dated around a lot. She talks about one such partner who couldn’t even pronounce the word “psychology”. Stefan was a welcome change. Christina made it clear to Stef that she wasn’t looking for a player. She was looking to settle down and possibly have kids. Stefan respected this honesty, and they haven’t spent a day apart since.
Guy is also extremely frustrated with women probably because his wife is cucking him
He's turning into a NEET
>Memelyneux now trying to appeal to vidya tards
Oh boy
the average age of gamers is like over 30.
Get out.
>finally realizing what your userbase is mostly composed of
Finally the shills are shilling the right stuff. Too bad this should go to Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums
Isn't it logical? He just has to look at what Milo has done to increase his stature.
1. Anti-feminism
2. Trump pandering
3. 'Gaymer' gaters
not an argument
Maybe someone paid Stefan Molyneux to promote this new Doom video game?
overhyped mess, honestly.
Let's get this straight. Playing video games is not degenerate. The problem is when you forget there is a life outside gaming.
>Doom with reloading
For what purpose?
Yeah cause Fallout 4 is SHIT
How many Arguments would an argument argue if an argument could argue arguments?
New DOOM is [spoiler] fun [\spoiler] as fuck m8
Is it worth the $60 though? I probably wont touch multiplayer
You can always buy it used senpai/
I know you are autogenerated, but since #spambotlivesmatter: Here is your (you).
If you're not going to bother with the multiplayer then it is really not worth the $60.
The campaign on ultra-violence took me around 8 hours and that was only because I was fucking about and trying to collect everything.
30 bucks on cdkeys
I'd pay for him to review Bioshock.
I play on consoles senpai
it's 47 on green man gaming (Canadian). I'm not even a big DOOM fan, but the combat and gameplay is pretty fun, and it allows you take advantage of the arenas to handle the hordes of enemies however you want. You can climb most objects and so can the enemies.
weird platform of choice for a game like doom
>implying all games aren't designed fore console first today
Hell, I had 5 people over 60 in my City of Heroes private chat channel.