This kills the Sup Forums

>this kills the Sup Forums

tanned lolis desu

Meet with them? Ha! I'd be happy to stay away from a degenerate for 1 minute.

Sure, kid.

Most """"nationalists""""" on here are kids who just finished taking high school US history anyway. The initial nationalism high goes away after a year, If anyone older than 18 seriously identifies as a nationalist, I wouldn't be able to take them seriously.

>c-cuck! s-shill!

People took Hitler pretty seriously

Nice try faggot, Poles hate you and you should hate them back.

>not being tribalist
It's basically nationalism where you take pride in shit you have done and people you have met.

Nationalism does neither of those things.

No one in your life takes you seriously, either.

(You) xD

Go suck nigger dicks, nemez. My grandpa shoulda killed yall in 1945.

I think you are referring to communism. High school students and college freshmen are notorious for loving communism, naom chomsky, and che guevara.

Yes goy you are basically disconnected from your ancestors and race.

How did that end for him and Germany?

This is a fedora'd 15-year-old's conception of nationalism.

Proper nationalism has nothing to do with hatred of other nations. In fact, it's neutral to other groups. Healthy nations hope to make allies with other healthy nations.

As for taking pride in "shit you haven't done"... It isn't about unwarranted pride. It's about responsibility. In a healthy nation, you become a steward of all the cultural, economic, political, and historical riches passed down to you by your ancestors. It isn't an inducement to gloat and engage in pointless jingoism. It's a call to duty, to service, to carefully maintaining the nation and leaving it better than you found it.

These glib little memes totally miss the mark because they attack a strawman.

I could just as easily create one that said, "Globalism teaches you to hate the people around you and take pride in cultures/people you've never met."

It's easy to poo-poo an entire ideology when you're attacking a cartoon caricature of it. And that's all shitlibs and cucks ever do.

>tw pol has devolved into shitposters shitposting in shitposter threads and the occasional newkin who mistakenly thinks it isn't all bait
I wouldn't change a thing, searching for a salon article to start a thread of my own right now

Nationalism teaches you that progress is a work for generations of people

You are your ancestors you idiot

Why the fuck do you think people have children?


This is kind of a strawman. Nationalism doesn't necessarily involve pride or hate. The most basic form of it is simply acknowledging that you have a moral obligation to your own countrymen first.

>having children


Nationalism teaches you to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Fucking spot on

you fucking have liberal party, stop falling for the american 'liberalism = Progressive Socialism' meme



Hmm, Greeks and Armenians in a nutshell

>18 year old high school students are nationalist conservatives

Holy moly dude no

People took, Franco, Pinochet, De Gaulle, Trump, Putin seriously

Everyone hates you.

>hurr durrr i too stupid for sociobiology hurrr what is ingroup durrr evolution don't real huurrr

And? They're all wildly unpopular.
Most didn't even improve their countries.

too much hitlerfappers
and binar thinking western monkeys with 1900x shit in their heads.

>Nationalism teaches you that what you inherited from the previous generation does not belong to you. It is merely borrowed from your children, and it is not yours to pawn away for some ivory tower moral principles.
>It teaches you that if someone is willing to forsake their home and abandon it to its problems (which they may or may not be capable of combating), they will do it to their new home as well. Any resources or training you give them will not be there in your time of need, or in your children's time of need.

Boomers, X'ers, and the politicians that they elected do not realize the grievous wound they've inflicted on this country. You think of these young, fatherless, jobless men who are sitting in their rooms all day and playing videogames as driveless and scrawny virgins, but that's now. Right now, they're eating, there's someone or something that enables them, in spite of them not actually having any place in society (aside from, perhaps, a backbreaking, body-ruining labor position...if they're lucky, naturally).
We've raised a generation of, bluntly, murder hobos, and their enablers will not be there forever to keep them docile. Tumultuous times are ahead, for our country.

I guess it depends on where you live. My high school was in a rich, white area and most kids were already conservatives. Nationalism became cool from late junior to early senior year since that's around the WW2/Cold War part of the curriculum, and then no one gave a shit anymore afterwards.


Some hate us more than others.

Spotted the refugee.

What a meme

>Cold War
Should be remembered as a shameful part of US history, all we and the Soviets did was cause chimpouts all around the globe.
Internet and rockets were made though.

American involvement in WW2 is largely a meme, besides muh D-Day it was all the Soviets.

>De Gaulle
>widely impopular
>didn't improve the country
Well memed my friend

>We've raised a generation of, bluntly, murder hobos

Just look at all the media that's been fed to them since their childhood.
Once that group of people flips we won't need eyes to see the horrors they'll inflict.

Okay. Here's my two cents.
So the argument is that you can't have pride for something you didn't work to achieve. For example, under this logic, someone born an American citizen can't be proud of being American. But what about someone who goes through the arduous process of legal immigration, learning English, and assimilating? They, by this logic, can be proud to be an American. This means only immigrants are able to be proud to be an American, and natural born citizens would have to leave, denounce citizenship, and return via legal immigration.
That's my issue with this line of thinking, it sounds rational in it's simplicity, but once applied to the real world it quickly falls apart.

Nationalism is about thinking that other people that speak other languages/have their own culture should have their own country to live in.

The Cold War was one of the most peaceful time periods of the last 2 centuries.

And anyone who thinks the Soviets zerg rushing Germans without Lend-Lease could've won the war and beaten Japan is retarded.


Flee your country rather than trying to fix it & depend on others for your existence.

It's not about pride or hate, it's about preservation of culture and rejection of globalism.

How are any of those unpopular and how did they fail to improve their countries? Well except Trump

Wow looks like I'm a #cruzmissile now .

Yes, hence why socialism is better than liberalism. They have nothing in common. Identity politics is a cancer of liberal/neoliberal capitalism used to divide the working class.

Class warfare is just Jew hogwash, buddy. Wake up.

Genetics should be a mandatory fucking class and these people should be forced to get an a on every test before they can graduate.

I'm so sick of all these liberals spouting this nuture bullshit that we are all a blank slate.

I have pride in my country because I know I share similar values and share similar genetics. I am genetically closer to Americans then I am to some Africans. That's what I take pride it.

Trump isn't elected yet you inadequate farm tool.

Internationalism teaches you to hate what your forefathers did for you and to love people who hate you and want to wipe you out.

Why are you even in germany you sub-human muslim dog?

Hitlerquads of truth.

Probably 14 yo edgy ANTIFAggot.

There isn't anything wrong about rooting for your team.

taking pride in something is useful for a populace. it doesnt really matter if its factual or not. you want happy, productive members. besides, theres nothing saying that i have to believe i did something to be part of nationalism. i can firmly believe it was my ancestors that did it all and be proud of them. i dont really see the point in knocking this down.

and, i dont have to hate people to understand the statistics of their kin. i dont have to hate niggers to understand that year after year, data comes in showing blacks kill each other all day. to say this is a fallacy, senpai. hopefully you understand that, right? you cant just say "well you hate things!" and then youve won the argument. you need to give me a reason that both shows what im doing is wrong on a factual level, and THEN you need to show me why it matters. that is how its done in debate class, even. have you ever taken a debate class? im going to guess not.

>taking pride in shit you've never done
You're missing the point. An American nationalist isn't just supposed to be like "suck it bitch, some other Americans landed on the moon, therefore I am personally better than you non-American". You're supposed to look at the accomplishments of Americans, but above all understand and appreciate the culture and unity it took to achieve such things, and internalize it as part of your national identity so that some day you can be a part of something great as well. You're supposed to say to yourself "hard work, the pursuit of excellence, curiosity, fierce competitiveness, independence, freedom and liberty are at the heart of the American spirit and I should follow the same recipe to perpetuate our greatness."