Stefan plays video games?

Stefan plays video games?

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Based Norman heritage




not an argument

This fucker triggers me so fucking much

He's such a moderate nigger

wtf this seems so out of character
Is he just pandering to the internet audience?

Why must you spam some youtube faggot in multiple threads? Why do some people want this to be Sup Forums 2.0? Fucking post on-topic you assholes, it's not hard to follow the sticky. This board is shit because of you.

>mfw he shouts not an argument with each demon he shot

>stefan starts playing rainbow six: siege
>starts mass team killing
>says not an argument after every kill

stop shilling yourself faggot

He worked in the tech industry he is a nerd.

Which argument is stefan's waifu?
I'm thinking bandwagonchan

tfw Sup Forums of all boards does these fallacies more than anyone

He is most def. a gamer, at least before he had a familia.

It's great how it was the gamer nerds who wouldn't put up with the leftist shit since they're such spergs that they don't care about being called sexist

Looks like Sargon's back on top.

Damn I get an erection every time I see sargon. No homo

fuck off reddit

No! He'll crush manlet Stefan!


>genetic fallacy
>ad hominem

I knew he played vidya, but I assumed stef had good taste. I remember him talking about the witcher and such.

I haven't played the new doom, but it looks like a casual piece of shit. Just CoD with a doom-themed skin.

What the fuck is going on

who listens to this fat nerd? why? are you retarded?

He was the second best philosopher on youtube, that is, until it became clear Stefan plays video games.

But Sargon makes video games.

hosting ss13 doesn't make you a game dev for fuck sake

Feel free to call people out on it and not just cry all day.

>Not playing a game about an unstoppable force of directed rage. Intent on destroying the demons, unleashed by the leftist progressives, attempting to progress society.

He is literally a cuck you fucking bozo

This pretentious cunt is cringeworthy.

Why do you faggots spam him on this board so much?



Stefan is a NEET who plays video games all night


30 seconds in and I've already had enough.
I simply am not strong enough to endure him

yeah you should fuck off to your superior board them

He is Faggot is desperate for more cult followers, he will making videos on any kind of shit now.

But I also have to inform you that he is officially beta-cuck provider for his wife. This is his wife statement after her badboy phase:

>Christina had dated around a lot. She talks about one such partner who couldn’t even pronounce the word “psychology”. Stefan was a welcome change. Christina made it clear to Stef that she wasn’t looking for a player. She was looking to settle down and possibly have kids. Stefan respected this honesty, and they haven’t spent a day apart since.

Guy is also extremely frustrated with women probably because his wife is cucking him


Hahaha, did you make that website? The amount of butthurt there cannot be measured with modern instruments.

What server does he host?

t. SS13 server host

I came to this thread for arguments.
But all I see are logical fallacies.


> =

It's a butthurt cuckboy that wants revenge against Free Domain Radio that runs that site.

He is literally raising another man's child

So many kikes with that flag.

Stef has shill copypastas? Thats great.



Bjorn, I...

Stefan the type of nigga to play frost and blackbeard

Doom is a redpilled game.

reddi/tv/ermin must go and stay go

keked so hard at this started to cough.

>people listen to a man who literally looks after his wife's son while she goes out with her boyfriend.

Jesus christ.

Doom is God

He is doing it because he wants to keep his viewers.

He's a 40, 50, 100 something year old programmer.
He might have played some strategy games on PC but nothing more.

What's with the butthurt?

The slippery slope one though I don't think is actually a fallacy. It's a legitimate concern. For example the idea that if you give the government the ability to censor language the precedent it sets.

>tfw the average Sup Forumsack actually believes this