when the fuck are people going to stop breeding like idiots
and when they do how will they fix the economy
when the fuck are people going to stop breeding like idiots
and when they do how will they fix the economy
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You really need to direct your questions to India and Africa, my dude. Perhaps Sup Forums is not the best avenue to do so.
Polan is dying man. Expected 12 mln in 2100
still to many, huh?
I pray every day that poland will start accepting more people in need.
The fertility rate of native Europeans is lower than 2.
It's India, Nigeria ect. that have 6+ those are the ones with unsustainable agriculture.
Why doesn't your Government recall Polish workers who went abroad?
so if Europe wouldn't let any refugees in they would just die out?
No; France managed to increase it's birth rate through the Code de la famile in 1939; it's since been repealed bit by birth.
Europeans have booms and falls in Birthrates but the issue could be fixed with simply pronatalist policies encouraging breeding.
Also forgot to link picture
Also we have a massively aging population as life expectancy increases which is a problem because the Younger generation has to pay the pensions; due to Government mismanagement of the Public pensions scheme here, it will dry up by 2045.
>that pic
Let me tell you something. I have a PhD in STEM, visited UK, I am pretty old, guess how much do I earn?
Those guys cleaning toilets, driving taxi and bus, building shit and taking care of elders are better of than me.
Why do you think they repeat "Poland is based"? It is to please us because we got cucked to smithereens. There is no Poland in fact.
We are already shit. Also pushing on us an "unlimited" number was mistake. Also church is not that important. People went full satanic egoistic way. They are egoists. People are always egoists. But there is a spectrum. We went full throttle. Or got pushed, I dunno 2bh.
Also, do you REALLY think they will work for you? They will make ghettos and complain on everything.
And what kind of solution is that? Move all Poles to Germany? This is ridiculous and you know it.
>People went full satanic egoistic way. They are egoists. People are always egoists. But there is a spectrum. We went full throttle. Or got pushed, I dunno 2bh.
Polish youth is pretty chill the last time I visited gdanzk.
People in the poor places that overbreed don't have access to proper sexual education and contraceptives
I love when people bring up overpopulation. They always preach to the west to stop breeding and adopt african or chinese kids instead. Then they will tell you that you are some sort of supremacist because you think your genes are superior if you want your own kids. Yes, ive actually been told that its racist to want your own kids when you can adopt africans. Tell these fucking idiots in Africa and Asia to stop having kids with diseases when they cant even shelter or feed them.
It is easy to be cool until you are not looking for a job. And if you believe the propaganda you are chill as fuck.
>France managed to increase it's birth rate through the Code de la famile in 1939
only that the fastest breeding scum are all the shitskins and niggers, native french woman are not better than all other European countries, with something like 1.6 range.
Most families I came in contact with are somewhat dysfunctional due to alcoholism and clashing but I still see them having strong bonds with each family member. I don't get what you mean with the growing egocentrism. Care to elaborate? I am genuinely curious as my personal experience is pretty limited.
No one will help you anymore. It was different in old old times. For free of course. Families are strong and dysfunctional because poverty is keeping them together.
Not really, the French managed to have a massive increase in birthrate after the Code de la familie, it managed to almost entirely replenish their wartime losses in a generation; it began being repealed in 1960's and only a few incentives are left.
oh shit pls somebody post that pic where goebbels talks to some guy about their children at some nazi party, and the guy says to him "actually that man over there has 32 children."
nazis were extremely good at breeding, but then capitalism took over, and when you measure everything with money, you often see kids just as a net loss
kill yourself
When the Christians and Muslims stop preventing any attempt at controled family planning and sensible, long term bio-policy while lobbying day and night against contraception.
And how will they fix their economies? Most wont. Because Arabs and Black Africans, that's why.
also if some dark forces wanted to kill our culture to incorporate us easier to the EU they fuckin did it
you have won, badasses
Donald T. could say: from today we anal probe you, this will increase GDP and they would say ok. all right,
it is the end
I still cannot really comprehend your sentiment towards your country fully, but I see that the world as a whole appears to adopt this opinion.
>blah blah fuck whites, chinks, niggers, pajeet's can reproduce all they like
There is no "overpopoulation".
There is an issue of dependence. Fixing population numbers only requires that first world countries stop taking in third world babies. Stop sending food and supplies to them. Cut off all support. Leave the Africans to die on Africa. It sounds harsh, but it's the only solution. Decades of trying to help these people has done nothing but cause more problems. Just let nature take its course.
thanks mate
We are worse than Germans. Not that organized. Chaotic, erratic. We will never become you, no matter how hard you push it, by economy, by warfare, even if we try hard by yourselves. We are Slavs.
Cross the border with Germany and you will see neat house while here is a mess. Poland should not be let into the EU probably. We do not fit in. Also we cannot compete.
Young Poles are cocky but when it comes to serious matters they see all our "basedness" is just an illusion.
They have to fundamentally change and curb their reproduction rates if their conditions are to improve, but people now think it evil to go there in force and try to better them
Just spread atheism, modern economy system, welfare state, hedonism and consumerism to those countries and observe how birthrate plummets.
You are importing the shitskins because your monetary system requires perpetual growth, and with those birthrates, you are not going to get growth. If you want to google around, you can find articles from the mid to early 2000s where people were talking about immigration as a solution to Europe's low birth rates. Of course, using MENA shitskins for this is like putting bleach in your fucking gas tank, but your (and mine) leaders are fucking retarded.
>Implying this is imediate post war France
>Implying the majority of the legislation wasn't repealed in the 60's as I've stated
Stop being intellectually dishonest Norbert.
Couldn't agree more; the US has always relied on mass immigration as a source of population growth.
it sucks best genes form all over the world
it is a wise strategy
but in Europe they want to let literally everyone
Western nations are barely breeding.
It is the muslims and especially Africans who are breeding like rabbits.
Indians don't have a lot of children anymore.
Dude, they still have shittons
Way above replacement rates
2.3 is not way above replacement.
Yes, it is not sufficient in a developing country. But it should be above the replacement rate for most 1st world countries.
Why do people need to stop breeding?
What overpopulation?
We've created buildings taller than mountains and enhanced food creation techniques to the point that farming is a minority profession.
If more people exist then we simply create more places for them to live and create more food.
What's even more retarded is that the average population for native Europeans is decreasing.
If you're going to bitch about people having kids show why it's a bad thing ya baseless bint
I guess a lot of muslims is the cause of the fertlity rate here in Sweden.
However speaking for myself, I have 3 sisters and 3 brothers, all white as myself.
Some families here in Sweden are more traditional, therefor lot's of families that are white here in Sweden keep giving birth to huge numbers of white children!
I have no idea where you lived, but based on your overwhelming pessimism i quess Łódź. Things are not as bad as you present here. I do not want to accuse you of anything, but just because you have been to UK doesn't mean you should adapt their standards and want their stuff here in Poland. While people cleaning toilets in UK may obtain more shekels, I will never agree that they are living better life than doing their job in Poland.