Do you think that Men & Women can be "Just Friends" in the purely platonic sense...

Do you think that Men & Women can be "Just Friends" in the purely platonic sense? How about when one or both are already in a committed relationship?

have you never had any friends OP? Seriously, I have 10+ friends and half of them are in a relationship

No with a maybe, but bordering on inappropriate if either of them are in a relationship with someone else.

In my opinion you cannot fully commit to your spouse/partner if you are giving anything to someone else. Emotional confiding and time prioritizing is cheating.

way to be a 3rd wheel you fucking faggot

Yah, my wife and I are just friends... have been for years.


No, it is always one sided with someone wanting more.

Only women are native or ignorant to believe it is possible. Any guy who says so is lying and covering his intentions.

Married but don't make love?

"make love"
sure, sometimes she gets drunk on wine and wants me to get on top, but usually she passes out on the couch before that.

Hate to break it to ya bro, but after a while, shit sucks.

But, what is anyone to do? I'm in my mid 30s, we have a kid, we don't fight. I'm cool with being married to my roommate.

i fucked a girl who is now one of my best friends. literally have no desire to have sex with her again. shes a 6/10 at best and used her as reboud from ex. moving on to better pussy. shes a great person tho

As long as she isn't being physical, intimate, or emotionally involved with anyone else I do not see the issue.

fuck off

Once you've had sex with someone, they are no longer a platonic friend.

im not that dude but it sounds like she will be eventually

Two of my best friends are female.
One of them I dated in high school, but we've long since come to terms with the fact that we will never be compatible, and she's asexual, so there isn't any tension.

The other, we refer to each other as cousins. She's married, and I've become good friends with her husband as well.

It's totally possible.

I said half of them you fucking moron

If either of us decide that life isn't working, we're both reasonable adults, and we'll split. No big deal.
I'll prolly buy an IROC or something, and try to be a cool dad. She'll prolly lose custody because she's an alcoholic.

Do you happen to live in FL? Because I know someone in a VERY similar situation.

If she is a lesbian it's all cool

very rare. 99% of dudes just wanna fuck the girl, and when they deny them they act like retards and dont speak to them again, on the womens side they just use dudes as friends to get shit out of them. there arent many real friendships between the opposite sex

No, I live in Iowa.

My wife and I are both in a committed relationship - with each other in fact. Based on the sex, I'm pretty sure we're just friends.



Do you guys seriously not have any female friends? What the fuck.

so you think it's cool to be a 3rd wheel to 5 couples? I'm sure their boyfriends absolutely adore you, stay away you're causing tension.


lol just lol

Op, I'm gonna say it like this with a heartfelt firsthand experience:
I have a friend (we'll call her Phoebe)that I have known for 3 years now, and she is somebody who I definitely have feelings for. We are polyamorous so that in itself complicates things, but I will get to that later. I met her in my junior year of high school, and I happened to be in a pretty abusive relationship with another person I was already dating. Lo and behold she helped me get out of it after we started talking for a few months. Fast forward to senior year and we started dating. In fact I also had a crush on one of my friends who me and Phoebe decide to include in our relationship. We both were in love with him vice versa. Little did I know I got super moist, and (knowing she was abused by a family member as a kid) I think she is comfortable seeing my magnum dong. She did say she was ok right?.right???
This is where things go wrong.Well, I came on too strong and she breaks up with me. We still love each other like crazy, even now, and are super used to being friends, fwb, idk... As far as the guy is concerned he apparently still likes me, but is dating someone and he's like "want some fucc?" and I know this is fUCked but I say "sure" and we plan on doing that when he moves back to NY, because even he himself has told me his relationship with his gf is not really doing so hot.

TLDR: yes, strictly platonic friends are possible op

Yeah if the girl is ugly

Yes I have fat and ugly friends. Also I'm ugly. Platonic out the ass.


Why would I need any? I have a GF, I won't waste time or attention on a woman that I am not interested in.

is this Copy Pasta?

Would you if any where down to fuck?

At this point, i've seen enough shit from women, i would rather just be friends and not close ones at that, bitches are crazy.