Does anyone here know how to get into a FB account? Im pretty sure my gf is cheating on me. Pic unrelated

Does anyone here know how to get into a FB account? Im pretty sure my gf is cheating on me. Pic unrelated.

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why would she use facebook ? lol is she 45 years old?


Any tips?

Don't have a partner you don't trust

most people are idiots and use genuine answers for the "secret questions"
guess them right and you're golden

Trips of truth

If you have a suspicion, any at all, end it now. A real relationship doesn't need to have any of that.

But I actually love her... I just want to be sure.

Why do you need proof that she's cheating on you?
The fact that you don't trust her is sufficient reason to end your relationship. Relationships are built on trust, and she doesn't have your trust anymore.
It doesn't matter if that trust was lost because you are a paranoid fuckwad, it's ruining your relationship.
You don't wanna be in a relationship where you're forever forced to renew each others trust. It will just make you bitter, and will lead to one of you violating that trust.

just end it, find someone new, learn from your mistakes.
Don't be afraid to call it quits on relationships, you're gonna fuck up a lot, get over it, move on, and learn.

No, you don't. You've got an unhealthy obsession.

Then where does it end?
You'll always be suspicious

No wondee she's çheating, she probably hates being with an insecure little boy like you and wants a real man.

unhealthy relationship detected
time to man up, break up and get a better girl
the sooner the better

Confront her, end it, or decide you don't care. Don't snoop bro; shit's low if you're right and low if you're wrong.

Be fair, she could be a good girl. OP may just be an insecur whiner. Either way, relationship isn't gonna work and he should move on.


Put a keylogger on her PC, wait, check for facebook password, login, ????, profit.

Why would you even consider staying with someone you suspect has a significant likelihood to cheat on you? Think about why you're in the relationship in the first place, what you want out if it and what you value in it. You need to have enough self-respect to not let yourself be treated like that

Did you try typing the fucking password in?


What attempts have you made to get into her FB? Does she use a laptop or her phone? What kind of phone does she have?

Find where she's written the password down. My ex gf had her email, Facebook, and bank login all written in the same spot. Try the planner in her purse. Just saying...

IPhone 7. She stopped letting me use it for anything about a month ago, so thats why i think she sneaking around.

Does she have Siri activated?

Have you tried watching her PIN?

And I havent made any attempts. I want to do it from own my phone/pc, and im asking if thats possible without knowledge of her password.

We have a mainly online relationship because we live in different towns

Just dump her and if she asks why just say "you know why" and walk out without further explenation. Cut your losses man, this woman isn't worth the time anymore. The grill you loved died, this is just a stranger you're wasting your time and energy on. the sooner you move on the better. You know she's moved on already lol. instead do fb

It's technically not cheating since it's not a real relationship OP

Consider for a moment...
You lack trust in her, so you intend to violate her trust in you.
It doesn't matter what you find.
You find proof, and she violated your trust, and you violated hers, shit doesn't cancel out, still broke
You don't find proof, and she magically regains your trust, but you still violated her trust, and you're a shitty person.

> (OP)
>Just dump her and if she asks why just say "you know why" and walk out without further explenation. Cut your losses man, this woman isn't worth the time anymore. The grill you loved died, this is just a stranger you're wasting your time and energy on. the sooner you move on the better. You know she's moved on already lol.
Im gonna stop being stubborn, this is probably the best advice.

Life would be more simple if people just trusted their gut feeling instead of making these retarded brain mathematics.

Always trust your gut.

Yeah cut your losses and date local.

I agree. When I was young, I was a manipulator. Everything was a mind game. I had a friend, we played games all the fucking time. We used to sit around and discuss hypothetical situations where we manipulated each other, and we would play it out, and then just treat the results as if it actually happened. I still have pre-programmed responses and defense mechanisms that I can't dismantle.
The are a detriment to my life now. They make my relationship with my wife more difficult. I feel bad when I get what I want because I'm afraid that I got it via trickery. I can't ask for what I want, because I'm afraid I'll be manipulative.

Life would have been better had I just been honest about what I thought and how I feel. It's taken years to break down this behavior, and it's still not gone.

Oh, for fuck sake. I knew it...

Classic cheater move. Does she hide to take phone calls when you are around? If you reach for her phone, does she panic and grab for it?

People with nothing to hide, hide nothing.

She does not leave to take calls, however she will slightly slant her phone out of my view when shes texting.

just install a keylogger to whatever platform she browses facebook the most

Finally someone who knows what they are talking about.

Sounds like you need a big dose of IDGAF. Don't fret though, I'm sure your wife is at least 50% responsible for your shitty life.

Nah, my wife is pretty awesome. She happened a long time after I started fixing my head.

The problem with irrational shit is that there is no reasoning it away.

K. I'm never getting married tho. I don't want to become a bitch like my friends who got married.

It doesn't happen to everyone, just people who pick shitty partners.

It's 2017, everyone is a shitty partner now.

Oh look at this fucking hipster here, too cool for Facebook?
Oh no wait, it's because you don't have friends

Yeah she's not cheating on you, but she's definitely fucking other guys.

You're not in a relationship, she doesn't care about you.

It's probably a dude.

yeah if she's doing that, just end it. grills aren't worth it