Why didn't you save her, Sup Forums?

Why didn't you save her, Sup Forums?

Because she's a fictional Jewish character.

Couldn't find her

Because nothing happened to her.

Because I looked down and whispered, "No"

She died of typhus, if she was fictional it would have been the chambers.

I honestly had a crush on her reading her unabridged diary, the thought of discovering our sexualities together was the subject of many shameful wet dreams and fantasies. It is odd how in love with a long dead girl I was but maybe that was the appeal, her raw emotions put into a diary that was mine to read felt vouyeristic but also right. Like we were friends and this was mearly a one way exchange of our personal lives.

Because someone already saved her.

Boy oh boy that Jew propaganda did a number on you.

t. Jeff Mangum

Why didn't you save her, Sup Forums?

Do I belive in the 6 gorillion? No. Do I belive that she died of typhus in a concentration camp that was starved out by Allied bombing campaigns? Yes.

I just had an infatuation with a bright young girl who even if she lived would have been over 70 years old when I read it because I was a weird kid. Shame Jewish women are such spoiled trash most times.

She died of Typhus. Her diary is a forgery made by her father.

Why didnt you save it Mario?

It was writen by her father, it now is gay sex

oh jew! I did nazi that coming!

Man, I feel you. I sincerely think that's how the book was designed. Before I got too deep into it I came across an article saying how her dad made most of the shit up. LOL

literally what I was thinking

I don't have a time machine.

It is a shame. That their women end up like that. It is an even bigger shame that the kikes are spreading that to our women and honorary Aryan women.

Kek that caption jesus christ i love you



>tfw my high school gf looked a bit like her

Dig her up.
Gas her again.
Just to be sure.