Hillary Clinton released this tweet in response to Donald Trump's withering attack on gun control
Hillary Clinton released this tweet in response to Donald Trump's withering attack on gun control
Hillary's campaign team has been bought by Trump.
It's the only explanation of her recent performance.
I don't understand what the diagram is trying to tell me...what's the percentage for the gun control supporters?
It's supposed to tell you that Clinton doesn't understand how a vent diagram works.
Not all gun owners are Americans i guess?
*venn diagram
i dont either can you explain to a leaf ?
WTF am I looking at?
>Canadian education
This is a puzzler. Gun owners aren't American? 10% of Americans are gun owners?
A tweet from someone who apparently has never been to elementary school
>the only persuader working for Hillary is a pro-Trumper working to sabotage her
One can only hope..
So every 83% gun owning person who is 90% American is in favor of universal background checks
I don't see the issue here then hillary
Don't we already do background checks for gun ownership?
If this is real, then she and/or her PR team went full retard.
It's supposed to show 100% on both sides and the the percentage of people that overlap and agree in the middle.
her target audience has no idea how a venn diagram works, either.
the circles were a complete blunder. the text is what she wanted to convey: 90% of all americans and 83% of gun owners support universal background checks, whatever that is.
I think she's saying that Jamal should not be able to buy a gun off Tyrone without Tyrone being a licensed dealer who checks with the FBI to make sure that Jamal is not a criminal.
I'm for that too.
What the Fuck is 83% gun anyway
Like without a grip or some shit?
Pie graphs
How do they work?
It is, check her Twitter
You guys are making a big deal out of nothing. While that's not strictly how a venn diagram works, it still gets the point across just fine.
We learned how to make these in gradeschool, how does anybody not grasp the concept right away?
60% of the time it works every time
If that's what Hillary is saying, then why would anyone disagree? Seems like a reasonable approach.
>Support universal background checks 83% of gun owners
Hillary confirmed for illiterate
She got redpilled in 08 and wants to get Trump in there to cleanse our country
agree with this. it is funny though.
according the image somewhere around about 20 to 25% of people want the background checks
You obviously don't know any gun owners. They are the most hard-headed people you will ever encounter. They actually think the 2nd ammendment entitles them to carry anti-tank weapons into the bank.
That is literally how it already is
Niggers don't follow the law though
Wait wat
it isn't a true statement.
virtually no gun owners support "universal background checks," they support background checks as we currently have them.
background checks on private sales of firearms are a red line which not even king george tried to cross when he triggered the revolutionary war with a confiscation order. hillary has absolutely no chance of passing it, but it resonates great with the libfags.
a majority of gun owners want the ATF gone entirely -- no background checks. no databases. no FFL and SOT. the only faggots that like this shit are fudds who lock up their ammo and don't even own, let alone carry, a pistol.
>I think she's saying that Jamal should not be able to buy a gun off Tyrone without Tyrone being a licensed dealer who checks with the FBI to make sure that Jamal is not a criminal.
That's what the coincidentally Jewish "polling" firm basically asked when they came up with that 90% number.
The kikes then turned around and used those "yes" answers and insisted that meant those same people supported the end of private sales, full registration of all weapons, and more laws restricting the rights of Americans.
When a kike speaks, they're lying.
Why are you replying to yourself
>Not all gun owners are Americans i guess?
They're obviously Mexicans which means they-- OH.
#BuildItHigher :^)
You are full of shit and you know it. I am not going to respond further. You and your cowboy friends may have the final word. I'm off to tumblr.
I thought background checks already existed in the NICS or whatever form.
wait are beaver-ducks real things? I thought it was just a stupid thing from pokemon
what? I was arguing with that redneck.
Whoa...really makes you think, huh?
>Babby's First Troll
What's wrong with universal background checks?
>american education
So 17% of gun owners translates to the last 10% of the American population?
lol kek. She is member of all secret shadow organizations there are. If the country would be ver cleansed, she would be amongst the first to receive one way ticket to Gitmo.
Hillary is just a slime that changes her opinions according to what is trending on Twatter. Probably somebody told her this would be smart to post
Stop pretending to be dumb, it's embarrassing to watch.
the gun owners that support background checks at all mean they support jamal and tyrone having to go to an FFL to make the exchange, not tyrone being a licensed dealer. this is a minority position but "tyrone has to be a dealer" is a virtually nonexistent position.
What the fuck is going on
it's real
We have IDs here
Dumb shill, no sheckels for you
It's simple - 10% of americans and 17% of gun owners support gun grabbing.
Does she even know that in Switzerland there's also no universal background checks and that you can buy certain guns without any criminal records extract?
What would libs in the USA do if they knew that my country as less gun control than certain US states?
>wait are beaver-ducks real things? I thought it was just a stupid thing from pokemon
what's wrong is background checks achieve nothing already and we can prove it, so we're not paying for it anymore. we'll get them abolished before long.
... ah, I missed that part about Tyrone needing to be a dealer himself.
You don't know what a platypus is?
Pls b real
Speaking of which, is there gun violence in Switzerland? I don't hear about it at all
This bitch so dumb
Doesn't this diagram technically mean 83% of gun owners and 90% of Americans don't support background checks
There is but it's very rare.
Our gun homicide numbers is actually at an all time low and it's even lower than many other European countries with less guns and more gun control.
private sales are generally not regulated by the federal government. in some states, you must file transfer paperwork, even if you're just gifting a firearm to a family member. they want "universal" which means every single transaction involving firearms and ammo goes into a single central federal database, which is de facto firearms registration. under this system if a weapon was transferred to you, or someone even made it look like a weapon was transferred to you, and you don't have it, you've committed a crime.
it will not be tolerated.
To be fair, Switzerland is mostly white and has a tough-ass immigration policy last I heard.
I don't know what to make of you
....are you schizophrenic?
This NYTimes article is fucking hilarious
>Mrs. Clinton’s appearances in black churches, where she cited the grim statistics of gun violence and surrounded herself with families of victims, helped her win crucial African-American voters. She relentlessly criticized Mr. Sanders for his votes against gun control in the Senate.
>nigs can't stop shooting other nigs
>old white woman with hot sauce: "yes absolutely you are all such brilliant community leaders"
But everyone already has to do a NICS check and the "gun show loophole" is a myth.
even the ID says bad shill,
0 Pay youse are
This, or she just abuses them so badly that they want her to lose.
Yes, in other words, 7% of Americans don't own guns.
Proves again that there's a cultural aspect to the gun control thing
>Russia and China have strict gun control
>loads of gun-related violence anyway
>Japan has strict gun and swords ban
>virtually no violence
I think you're actually REQUIRED to own a gun in Switzerland. At least every household is supposed to have one. Plus everyone has to serve two years in the military (with some exceptions). When everyone owns and is trained to use a gun there is very little violence.
They want background checks for private sales.
Nah man, we are not required to own guns and not every household has one.
Serving in the army is only mandatory for males, but not many people go though.
>how i make diagram
Really? I've been lied to...
cultural aspect to peace, you mean.
the safest places are better correlated with nations featuring only one majority in:
- religion
- heritage
- language
- ethnicity
the more categories they hit, the better they do. it's why nationalism -- citizenship by nativity -- is more successful than any other method of creating a unified identity.
government can't secure these things, and in fact the immigration crisis is proof that a government's self-preservation system is to do the exact opposite, and ruin the majority culture.
Slavs are basically one step above cavemen and there are no niggers in Japan. Explains a lot.
This is what comes up when you look up Venn diagram
Waste of time and money. Closing the so-called "gun show loophole" (that is selling guns off the record) is completely unenforceable (we literally have more guns than people in the US), and it will accomplish nothing. In polls, people are usually for universal background checks because it sounds nice, but it'll accomplish nothing in practice.
The poll she is citing is pure propaganda. If you ask people if they support background checks, they will say "yes" because they assume you mean to check if the person buying a gun is a felon. If you ask people if they support the actual laws Hillary and co. propose, most say no.
The question which is usually cited for these numbers is similar to the one seen here: gallup.com
>Would you favor or oppose a law which would require universal background checks for all gun purchased in the US using a centralized database across all 50 states?
86% favor, 12% oppose
What the question doesn't tell you is that such a database already exists for felons and that all authorized gun retailers are required to check the database before completing a sell. Hillary and co. won't tell you that either. They want to pretend the law doesn't exist so that you vote for them to introduce the law, when in reality they want to introduce other laws. They do the same thing with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, for example.
Examples of polls asking specifics:
(More from gallup.com
>Do you think there should or should not be a law that would ban the possession of handguns, except by the police and other authorized persons?
27% yes, 72% no
>Which party do you think can do a better job of reflecting your views about gun control?
44% Republican, 38% Democrat
>What is your overall opinion of the National Rifle Association, also known as the NRA
58% favorable, 35% unfavorable
>Do you think having a gun in the house makes it a safer place or a more dangerous place?
63% safer, 30% more dangerous
>If you have to choose, which approach to preventing future school shootings should the president and Congress focus on?
30% change laws on guns and ammunition, 65% change school security measures and mental health system
It just basically means that.
>90% of Americans support background checks
>83% of gun owners support background checks
>Californians even pushed against shit after San Bernardino
>those numbers
yea no
Perfect example. Bravo.
Why is there a portion of the gun owners circle that isn't inside the Americans circle? Does she think non-Americans' opinions matter for deciding policy?
>but it'll accomplish nothing in practice.
the only thing that might help would be a test for crazy, which is not easy to do. while everyone who knew Holmes, Cho, Lanza, and Elliot knew they were fucked in the head, all but Lanza bought weapons legally; his mom, who apparently was fucked in the head thought it was a bright idea to take one of the most broken individuals who ever lived and buy him guns.
how would her having broken a law to do that be different from her not having broken a law to do it? lanza would have the gun either way.
it's like you're not attached to reality and you live in some sort of dream where murder doesn't happen either, because of course it's against the law.
>what's the percentage for the gun control supporters?
17% of gun owners and 1% of all Americans .
Fucking Venn Diagrams, how do they work?