And yet, """""Christian""""" Americans...

>and yet, """""Christian""""" Americans, ignore the parts of the bible where god condemns and curses the jews for their wicked ways
>the bible literally calls them "the synagogue of satan"
>American """"Christians"""" instead worship the jews as "god's chosen people"

How can one nation be so cucked? all the while the kike media makes the USA more and more degenerate, and less and less Christian

Other urls found in this thread:

> he thinks revelations is canon

>if the kikes tell me to ignore something, I will

American Christian fundamentalism is a Jewish creation that fosters Zionism and rejects Christ in favour of the Jewish people.

fuck off kike-lover, the dutch guy is right. the vast majority of American 'Christians' are obsessed Israel-firsters.

Fuck even one of the Catholic priests at my church is also jew-cucked, and generally Catholics are the least jewified. Fortunately his health just went to shit, fucking jesuit liberal, muslim loving faggot he is/was. just like this faggot pope.

I am not going to lie this is true but without any semblance of unity in the numerous protestant churches that dot these united states their is no way to correct pro-Zionist pastors and their following. Hell i went to my church last Sunday and the pastor implied that Jews will be saved yet Catholics who practice "mysticism" will not which i know is a load of garbage. The american churches need to come to gather into some sort of replica of the Anglican church so that dogma is united across the states and any heresy like saying that fellow Christians who just happen to talk to priests and splash water themselves go to hell will be put down.

what is Exodus and Judges
what is 1st and 2nd Kings
what is 1st and 2nd Chronicles
what is nearly every major and minor prophet of the old testament
The whole Bible is literally one big book on how much the Jews messed up as an example to all man kind that no one, not even God's chosen people, can meet Gods standards without God helping them.

>My book is evidence of what God wants

My book is evidence of how policework is done, pic related.

St. Paul also banned circumcision, saying that you'd be a slave to jewish laws if you did that, but...

Now you guys know how one of the most staunchly anti-zionist imageboards online ended up supporting the most zionist-friendly candidate for U.S President

>inb4 "i-its all a ruse, he's j-just gotta play the game"

A ton of Catholics are Jews in the US. Catholic dad - Jew mom is a big demographic since you have all the Irish/Italians mixing with jews in the suburbs of New York.

atleast hitler had the right idea

cite your bullshit reference on Trump being the MOST pro-zionist.


Is this you?

>Clinton e-mails: Destroy Syria for Israel!
>Trump: Israel will be strong when I'm the president
I hope Israel will get six million more when Trump becomes the president.

>cite your bullshit reference on Trump being the MOST pro-zionist.

That's why based catholicism teach the kids that jews are evil.

>[Silence Intensifies]

I am not gonna argue against you, but you know there is a difference between claiming to be the most pro Israeli and actually being the most pro Israeli?


trump is in favor of a two state solution. NO other politician in the US can say that

Show me proof that he's in favor of a two state solution. I showed you mine, now show me yours :^)

Time will only tell. Just like the muslim ban was "just a suggestion", I have no doubt that he's gonna shift positions on everything else but the wall when he gets elected.


Not an argument, lad