Be honest, Amerifats - how many of you pictured the Court of the Crimson King as a legal court with a judge, lawyers...

Be honest, Amerifats - how many of you pictured the Court of the Crimson King as a legal court with a judge, lawyers, etc?

i always thought of a tennis or badketball court

i was pretty confused when the court jester came up. like why would a jester come up in court and play a flute? maybe for comic relief and entertainment during intermissions or water breaks, like in kangaroo courts

then I thought the "crimson king" was referring to satan, but then I realized that was fucking retarded and felt ashamed for thinking that

i always thought of a food court at a big shopping mall, tbqh.

probably very few. the whole "Americans sue people constantly" is essentially a myth.

not me

ohhh I always thought it was the quart of the crimson king

literal pseud-core

truly ersatz shit

I thought it was Caught of the Crimson King, thought it was a something about scarlet fever.

as an american, i pictured a racquetball court. and the Crimson King is the health club gym/spa where it's located.

and the album is about the spring intramural league and one guy is really paranoid that he might not take home the fun little trophy this year.

it's the only logical way to think about anything, ever.

I did, like how people fates are sealed

like the man screaming on the cover is a man who has faced the wrath of the crimson king

I never listen to Sup Forums-core garbage so I have no idea what its about I could give less of a shit. I got a feeling its just some shitty prog rock that hipster listen to while sniffing their own farts and going "Now thats real music"

I didn't think of it at all cause I haven't listen to that faggy album yet, cause I can't find it anywhere.

Google it pleblord

I did. Still kinda do.

1. blogspot
2. torrent
3. if all else fails buy a used cd for i dont know maybe like 2 dollars plus shipping

fucking underage idiot

It's figuratively a legal court, it's only a kings court if you take it literally. It's like saying Kafka actually transformed into a cockroach in the Metamorphosis.

I'm sorry.
But what in the fuck are you guys talking about?

what does this have to do with being american?

nice dribbles though

op is trying to b8 merifats because we are known to sue people for sneezing in our direction and are generally insecure.

are y'all retarded or something

I was listening to this album when I was like 6 or 7 years old and I knew what it meant

King's courts were legal courts, hence the name, they had lawyers and the king acted as judge.

>Kafka actually transformed into a cockroach
Gregor Samsa, you clearly think shitposting on /lit/ makes you an authority.
