Does liberal logic get any worse than this?

This city fucking PAYS the very same niggers that have previously committed violent crimes to not to commit crimes. Richmond, CA is literally paying protection money and being extorted by dindus.

>Six months into the fellowships, the young men can apply for the monthly stipend, which can go up to $1,000 depending on their participation and achievements. Most earn about $300 to $750 a month. They can make money for up to nine months.
>He bristles when asked whether it's a good idea to use tax dollars to pay people to stop committing violence. "That's nothing compared to the cost of gun violence in this city," Boggan says.

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Ah yes even more nigger privilege, just what we need.

>be nigger
>commit crime
>earn $1000 a month to not do it again for 9 months.
>9 months ends

>why are you using tax funds to pay criminal blacks?
Haha. Wut.

Like paying the Mongols not to conquer you and raze your fucking city

Although it sounds crazy....

If this works and is more cost effective, then I do not see a problem with it.

I rather these basketball Americans have $1000 and not kill anyone and spread a positive message than have lawyers and country officials suck up the funds, and watch tax dollars fade away to the prison system with no return on investment.

We are going to spend the money on putting white & black niggers in containment anyway. If there is a better way to do things why not try it out?

Niggas going to nig, and the civilized man has to hold that burdden or expel the negros from our land.

One step closer to universal basic income.

>Are you suggesting that there is honor amongst thieves????

>subscribing to liberal logic
funding jail and prisons to house sentenced criminals is a legitimate function of the government, paying protection money is not.

there's literally zero guarantee these kids aren't committing crimes - in fact, another article states that they demand 'distance' from police and thus are even more protected from prosecution - while receiving the stipend. what's to stop them from using this money to buy black market firearms and commit even more crimes?

another article says that the evidence used to prove program is working is mostly anecdotal (surprise surprise, anecdotes = facts to leftists), and that some of the downward trends seen during the program's tenure were actually more likely attributable a separate police program and overall downward crime trends. even so, crime is now on the up again in that city.

Wait, isn't that the same place a community organizer was recruited to try out a plan he had based on a theory of what causes crime? I swear I remember it having that as part of it as a temp basis. The rest of it was identifying certain individuals who were always present in some way connected to crime. I think I remember them saying the point was to identify them, and isolate them from the community in some way. His theory was basically some really are more predisposed to crime and removing these Societal Agitators who could be traced back through generations would vastly lower it.

Last I heard it actually did wonders.

The proper solution is to kill them.

in madness you dwell

Or better yet you pay one of them to kill the rest of them
or pay some more than the rest so others will kill them for you

If this stops niggers from acting like niggers and becoming more white by creating a family unit and going to school then I dont see the problem.

$1,000 a month is shit.

You can't live off of that. How do they know that these nogs aren't taking the money and committing crime anyway.

Also, if you can't make more than $1,000 / month as a criminal, then you are terrible at your job.

>California Status
>Not handling it.

One day California is going to be a mess even worse than the Rust Belt. It'll be one of the domestic crises of our time.

>ayo them benjamins aint worth shiet a month cracka yous being racis n shiet gibsmedat before I clip you po mo muhdickmuhfugga.

>to prevent theft we will steal money from people and give it to the criminals

>universal basic income
Wtf is that?

California should fuck off from the US if it loves niggers, beaners, and ragheads and hates freedom so much.

Crime is a product of poor impulse control rather than 'intelligence.' People who have poor impulse control tend to be dangerous. The thing is, most societies (European/Middle Eastern/Oriental) would just kill you if you had poor impulse control. That's why crime is oddly spread out across the world. Societies that allow for poor impulse control tend to be high crime, while Japan has murdered everyone who couldn't sit in a small room for three hours.

People are predisposed to crime and the culture selects for or against criminals. Interestingly, Applachians are an impulse controlled society despite being dirt poor.

Expel Negro.

It's how they will keep the niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years

>giving niggers free money for 9 months
>on the 10 month they go and commit crimes again


>Why I'll never pay taxes in Commiefornia.

State-funded existence.

So 1k a month or 3-4k a month in a jail?

While I don't like it as a pollack, it's a pragmatic approach.

cant wait until the money runs out in cuckfornia

This, and only this.

If you mean a positive message of "we'll pay protection money", sure.

I guess California thinks they wuz kings, cause now they're paying tribute.

>im 12

Why don't they just get sterilized?

we need to just have designated towns where we exile people who commit violent crimes. force them to work together in a productive way, or just kill each other off. either way it costs way less and solves the problem long term.
If you pay people a good-boy stipend then they're just going to end up raising kids with no aspirations other than to collect their protection money and continue to be a drain on the rest of society.

Or we could, ya know, kill 'em.

I need to open a liquor store in the hood if they start a universal basic income

that place is called Australia

>Fence the town in.

>Hide weapons in random places.

>Put cameras everywhere.

>Sell it on PPV

>Last surviving nog gets a 40 and a dime bag

It's a gold mine, one of the few crippling-poverty proof businesses. Just don't work nights.

Now imagine the excuses for why government can not cancel such arrangements later on when they are trying to cut the budget.

I'm ok with it as long as there's a rule that if thet participate in this and later commit a violent crime, mandatory jail for 15 years.

that's essentially what the welfare system has come to: hair of the dog.

Then you would just have jails full of short sighted niggers.

Kind of like now

>no, guys, for real... It's the Euros that are cucked, really

Ehehehe... America is long gone.
>inb4 commifornia, the white population of my flyover shithole is more prosperous than Switzerland!1

There, there, Cletus...

>hey libnuts---bullets are much cheaper
California what the fuck

What is stopping these guys from taking the money and committing crime anyway?
>IF they get caught they lose the money
I assume they dont commit crimes assuming they will be caught.

Crime wont change but these guys will be a bit richer.

Why do niggers even travel in packs. They abandon each other so fast.

There wasn't much he could do, but fuck, he didn't even hesitate.

I doubt this is going to hard core niggers. More likely going to niggers that know the guy running the program

It is a pragmatic solution. It might be unfair, but it is cheaper than putting them in prison and leads to less crime

I wouldn't mind this, on one condition: they must be sterilized.

Or we could, well, you know...

Kill em.

Criminals think they wont get caught. Which means for them the best thing is to commit crime and take the money too.

Shit people just don't learn from history do they.

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
To puff and look important and to say: --
"Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
We will therefore pay you cash to go away."

And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we've proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.


Yea, that's an issue.

Maybe create a program where before they serve their sentence for the violent crime they have to work off the money they earned and have them fixing the pot holes around town. Make them give back to their community and improve it.

>tfw live in cali
>tfw get 1500 per month from our lovely liberal government
thank you liberals, you're truly my greatest ally.

Social welfare was already a form of protection money.

What happens when people who are less crime prone hear that their welfare is increased if they sucker punch a few people and smash a few windows?

God, richmomd is cucked. Mabye there's still hope for my city in the youth

That's my home town! how progressive!

Richmond is hell.

How much is a bullet?

>Get rid of the Dane/nigger

That's racist fampai. We want more niggers for our society.

Richmond is a literally a hellhole and a no-go zone. It's really fucking bad. It's worse than the worst parts of Oakland. Its either gimme dats or jail them all. gimme dats are probably cheaper in the long run.

But Ireland is already full of niggers. How could you possibly want more?

20-round box of Speer/CCI HP 9mm+ is about 24 dollars last I checked.

Yeah, this policy seems to be encouraging a life of crime.

this is why we need right wing authoritism

theres a time for everything, libertarianism should come after we take out the trash

You know what would be even cheaper?

>Americoons lecturing others on who is and isnt white

I agree. A (temporary) military dictatorship would do wonders for this country..

I'm just havin a giggle m8. One-quarter potatonigger on my dad's side.

Just add two rules:
>If you kill someone else on the program, you get their money
>If you commit any crime except the above, mandatory execution

And the problem will take care of itself.

can't wake up

I'm from richmond lmao the niggery there is intense. 3rd most dangerous city in the US and people don't even realize it

No dictatorship. The worst thing would be reverting California back to a Military District like Reconstruction.

Most of the American States will never get that bad. So they should be exempt from the punishment

>No dictatorship. The worst we may have to do would be reverting California back to a Military District like Reconstruction.

here's a better idea
>nig does crime
>gets shot

>cost effective
Bulk ammo is dirt cheap.

How are taxes and expenses like in California?

Does California really have the most extensive welfare programs?

i live in richmond this is true

except mongols didn't just mindlessly conquer and rape. they passed on a lot of knowledge to their subjects, their empire was thr first to use proto zip codes for example. they also protected them from muslim invasions. the slavs they ruled over barely knew how to wipe their asses at the time

your dindus are on the other hand nothing but shit-flinging apes looking for handouts

taxes aren't that bad, im in the military and they dont take state tax away from me

Lol it'd effectively double the income of someone who lives entirely off of SSI (they cap at around $750/mo). Maybe if they adjust to the new "poor as dirt" lifestyle instead of the "poor as shit" one that they're used to, they'll behave like human beings

I only hope Californians are paying with tax money for this crap and not other US states.

It utilizes one-third of all Welfare in the United States. And when the Sanders faction takes charge of the Dems, it'll press the Democratic Party into funding all its pet projects.

Nope. The problem right now isn't our welfare burden. The problem will be our welfare burden AFTER the Sander Socialists vanquish the Globalists out of the Dem Party.

faggots name is boggan and there is not a single aussie shitposter in this whole thread

i am disappoint

In a nutshell, the government pays you to exist.

It might actually become necessary one of these days when machines can do every job that requires minimum/no brain power and all the jobs that require creativity are held by a couple thousand people

We're due for a military coup.

Just move Mexicans in there & they will take care of the infestation

Cali should know this best

This is why i respect mexican drug dealers. They at least work for their dollars. Just like when italian mobsters were selling alcohol or when irish were robbing banks. Sure innocent people get in the way but at least their not NIGGERS getting free money.

The irony is that this is a condemnation of the black community, i.e. niggers are getting paid TO NOT COMMIT CRIMES.

What utterly shit culture has to get to that point? And there's still no guarantee they won't commit crimes.

>one day
Have you been to southern California lately?

I'd say they are pretty much already there.

You don't see a problem with having to bribe a portion of your population so they don't commit crimes?

Are you fucking retarded? Appeasement has never worked historically.

Not an option, PC culture has infected us so badly that cops kill whites more than dindus now. Opening the floodgates to violence will just usher in white genocide.

Won't work, society will crumble at that point.

If it gets violent, whites aren't the ones who will be wiped out. The only reason dindus are still around is because we have a leash on. As soon as it's off, good bye shitskins.

It's already headed that direction, hence why millions of them are leaving and shitting up states like Colorado, Oregon, Texas, and Washington.

I would honestly prefer that over Clinton or Trump.

In PC utopia niggers can rob whitey without even having to get off the couch.

Most of the mobsters you associate with bootlegging weren't Italians, they were actually Jews.

Hollywood pinned it on the Spaghetti niggers.

California is soon to be Detroit with palm trees and Mexicans.
