Holy crap! Evalion on Dailymail!


We mainstream now.

Other urls found in this thread:


Inb4 she gets doxed and murdered by the tolerance police

Do these rats not understand that by banning her freedom of speech they are in effect silencing themselves?

It always triggers me how the Daily Mail insist on typing one word in CAPITALS in every single fucking headline

>she wanted attention.
>Liberal keep giving her attention.
Is be BTFO part of their plan?

All those photos. Mentioning Canada. Pointing out that no one knows her real name. Posting a childhood photo. Is the Daily Mail actively trying to get her doxed?

funniest part, the word they chose is CUPCAKES and not SWASTIKAS

fuck you for sharing this OBVIOUS attention whore. sage and report

what exactly is that supposed to accomplish?

Global Rule #7
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Sup Forums.org/rules#global

Bro, she is serious business for our political agenda.

Normies love her.


fucking kek

Good point! Where could one see here videos?

>Global Rule
holy shit nigga what are you doing


................ I love her.

I think some are saved on stormfront

She just calls em like she sees em

Nigger is a nigger no matter how much education you give them.

People say she's an attention whore in the typical 'gb2reddit am i cool yet guiz' fashion but she's raked in millions of normies to see Sup Forums tier stuff which is a good thing

this girl is so ugly

i will never understand how the neckbeards and nerds find this shit attractive

i'm completely in support of her being able to say whatever bullshit she wants but god she's an ugly woman

Now I need to figure out how to draw cupcakes right?

Ban assault CUPCAKES

I meant the ***** part, not her saying the word nigger



from the way she talks it's obvious she's practically reciting a script. she doesn't convey her actual thoughts. the neckbeards are quick to accept any validation and she was on her way to making big youtube bucks because of this

She's a run of the mill camwhore. She just latched on to a more niche subject to stand out. Stop shilling this cunt.

I really hope Leafy doesn't find Murdoch Murdoch.

>meme warfare is real
What a time to be alive.

>Normies love her.
She said it was her target audience.

And yet angry hairy-legged bulldykes and 'minorities' piss and moan daily about how shit white people and men are and how they should kill themselves and wish death upon them and no one bats an eyelid.

Would wife her for citizenship if she ever wants to move to Trump's America.

>This is considered newsworthy to the daily mail


>see all the people here saying she's just an attentionwhore
>think of all the things i know about how women are deceptive selfish shallow whores who aren't to be trusted
>think about controlled opposition, shilling etc
>go to watch one of her videos with this all in mind
>fall in love anyway


>implying you wouldn't

Neighbor? I wouldn't dare call a nigger that.

I have no idea. I don't understand why they do that, just quote the fucking word. It's obfuscating and I think the news should strive for maximum clarity.

freedom of speech ain't free
tree of liberalism got to be watered with the blood of attentionwhores

I literally had a dream about her last night guys. What is happening?

So much for free speech. If fucking hate this politically correct world.

That's the hormones, lad. Don't worry you'll grow out of it.


i hope this ins't something you're proud of faggot.

Or we just memeifide warfare.

On her Twitter there's a mega link and torrent link for all her vids

Meh. A hole's a hole.

>tfw you'll never marry a cute girl like this because you're a filthy moor.
>why live...better just cry in the shower again

Those perfect droopy green eyes, pale milk skin, perfect proportions... She's an anime loli in real life...

Only thing better would be her wearing tights and have a bang.

love you evalion



Anyone got a link to the cupcake video?

Wiggy figg is a faghot!

No way, fucking CUPCAKES?!
like CUPCAKES really? Swastika CUPCAKES?!

Let's just have some classic nigger jokes.

What n-word would you never want to say to a black man? Neighbour.
What's the difference between a monkey and a nigger? A monkey doesn't need rope to hang from a tree.
What's the difference between a nigger and a bucket of shit? The bucket.

Looks like my ex desu. I definitely wouldn't, crazy one. She tried to poison my dogs and let all our chickens out in the middle of the night.




You'll never ficki ficki loli Evalion

go kill yourself faggot

whats the first letter of her first name m8


Have you guys noticed how Sinead(the pro-white whore) was jealous of Evalion,and the attention she got?

Swastika CUPCAKES?!
What a monster!

Was it worth it? Just to be a stupid fucking meme on a racist board on a cantonese basket weaving forum?

We used to call these people attentionwhores, before Sup Forums became reddit lite.

>going straight from 1777 to 1916
There were so many good wars in that time period that the US took part in
>a war of 1812 one
>a civil war one
>a Spanish-American war one
Whoever made that should hang themselves. Also
>no gulf war one

>Global rule 3 no racism outside of Sup Forums
Top kek enjoy your bans dumb faggots. Sup Forums is a board of peace and tolerance.

The movement...



oh wow.

I'll let you know that my wife's son worked hard on that.

She is not a supermodel but she is not mediocre looking either. She would be a solid 8/10 if she had bigger set of tits and a curvier body.

Report and sage this shit.

Eventually these thirsty faggots will move on to the next dumb 12 y/o looking cunt to fap to.

thats awful to be quite honest famalam

Why is Youtube banning people who admires a man that wrote history?

She's just another whore who found a niche pandering to sex starved lonely boys and men who feel they have been marginalized. She wants attention and money just like any cam whore, she just happens to have the right key to your lock.

>Eventually these thirsty faggots will move on to the next dumb 12 y/o looking cunt to fap to.
That's the problem.

This guy gets it.

which makes her a "whore" seeking for attention which is what she got

whats your point?

Global Rule #7
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Sup Forums.org/rules#global

Who the fuck cares? She was a fake attention whore who just like that mfc chick a year ago did it because she knew it would get her views.
She doesn't actually believe any of it and you're all gullible faggots if you thought she actually did.
The ONLY thing that positive out of all this is that it proves YouTube is anti-free speech and is one more reason to shut them down

Hey report faggots.

This is very relevant to the board. Just stop.

I understanding reporting trap threads and 'how can white men compete threads', but this? Are you serious? This is about the most interesting thread posted today.

Stay salty and snobbish.

t. Butt blasted grayback

in a video she said something like who the fuck is this evalion girl sounding super pissed LMAO


that doesnt mean you have to agree with her "opinions" you pussy deprived tard

Congratulations, the organized shilling effort worked I guess.
I fucking hate you OP, you and all the other faggots who brought this nonsense here and kept it going long enough to force a new meme.

Is a fair comment tbf desu. But still, I don't think I have seen any other person in our movement with views as extreme as this gaining mainstream viewership in such large numbers. A lot of people will watch her content and move to the alt right.

>swastika CUPCAKES!
Was that really the word they wanted to highlight there?

Evalion is THE BEST

And she's redpilling the FUCK out of normies.

>You are free to speak your mind, but do not attack other users. You may challenge one another, but keep it civil!
Sup Forums.org/rules#pol

We just need to hire supermodels to send out redpills and the tide will turn

Paha interesting. You would think Sinead should like Evalion, but no.

Yeah no, a camwhore who parrots your opinions for your attention is hardly relevant to politics. Stay thirsty you loser, I would not be surprised if you are also the creep who posts Natalia and calls her mummy.

How fucking idiotic must you be to STILL not realise that being racist isn't covered by teh right to free speech in a public environment. No one is stopping you being racist at home but going on a public platform and being racist is no more permissable then threatening or blackmailing someone.

Just another edgy "I like Hitler" hipster - you guys are trendy AF

jewgle being jews as usual

Ay bro, I only posted two other Evalion threads when she blew up, and now this with the dailymail article. Is a big deal, and of great interest to this board. Complain about the trap threads, not these.

probably a female competition thing bro they are all fucked lol

Reality check faggot, leafy's videos of her got millions of views, and she is gaining maisntream coverage, whilst spreading OUR talking points. This is certainly of interest to this board.

Also, no I am not that Natalia guy, he is some retarded literal autist.

Why do you think the millennial cucks on Sup Forums have started calling eachother/themselves "fashy" instead of "fascist"?

They're a bunch of contrarian millennial numales who try really hard to show they're "not like the rest of my generation" then end up doing just exactly that.

>oh shit guys
>we better donate and whiteknight this "redpill chick" because she's hotter than any girl who's talked to me IRL
>she said Hitler was right, oh fuck be still my beating heart
>I want to lick her yellow teeth and smell her greasy hair, I'm smitten by her anti-semitic diatribes

Very possible, but she was making "Holocaust denial" a fun and interesting concept amongst the millennial normies so the Jewish Youtube overseers and their SJW pets were inclined to shut her out. They would have probably raided and arrested her in Europe.

British teeth with a dash of Canada grade autism makes for the perfect angel.

Haha yeah bro. Isn't this a good sign though? We have cam whores bitching on each other over who gets to be prominent in our movement.

"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will Hate those who speak it"- George Orwell